Not only do you receive fantastic savings, deals, Cash Back Rebates, or coupons when joining Great Canadian Rebates, you also receive free shipping when shopping with some of our top merchants.
Great Canadian Rebates works in tandem with over 500 of the country's top retail outlets and services, and many of these offer free shipping to Canadian shoppers who are looking for ways to save even more money. With free shipping, you never have to leave the comfort of your house and fight the weather, traffic jams and shopping lineups. You simply search the businesses. websites and do all of your shopping online. You can also phone in your orders with many of the stores.
Once you've ordered your favourite products, you just have to sit back and wait for the goods to arrive at your door. Many of our merchants use top courier services such as United Parcel Service (UPS), and Federal Express (Fed Ex) to deliver your items. There's no need to worry about damages either as everything shipped is sure to be insured.
This means you can receive free shipping from some of Canada.s best online shopping outlets such as : Amazon, Staples, eBay, Hudson`s Bay, Dell, Sears, Expedia, Home Depot, Indigo,, Lowe`s, Groupon, MBNA, American Express and many many more. Our merchants offer savings and deals on all types of products including music, movies, electronics, jewelry, flowers, computer software, books, travel, sports equipment, clothing, footwear, cosmetics, and office equipment.
The next time looking for great savings and deals along with fast free shipping and don't feel like going down to your local mall or shopping outlet, make sure you visit Great Canadian Rebates first.