Family holding coins and credit cards with trees in background

Credit cards can be both a boon and a bane for Canadian consumers. When used wisely, they offer a host of benefits, including convenience, rewards, and protection. However, misuse can lead to spiraling debt and financial woes. Here’s how you can maximize the advantages of credit cards while saving money and maintaining financial health. In this blog we will explore how to save money while using a credit card in Canada

1. Choose the Right Card for Your Needs

The first step to how to save money while using a credit card in Canada is selecting the one that aligns with your spending habits and lifestyle. Here are a few tips to guide your choice:

2. Take Advantage of Introductory Offers

Many credit cards offer promotional introductory rates or bonuses. For example, you might find cards with 0% interest on balance transfers for the first six months or bonus points for signing up. Use these offers strategically to pay off existing debt faster or accumulate rewards points without accruing interest.

3. Maximize Rewards and Cash Back

To make the most of your credit card rewards:

  • Match Your Spending: Use your card for routine expenses such as groceries, gas, and bills. Ensure your card offers the best rewards for these categories.
  • Redeem Wisely: Redeem points or cash back strategically. Some cards offer better value when points are redeemed for travel or gift cards rather than cash.
  • Combine with Loyalty Programs: Pair your credit card with loyalty programs like Aeroplan or Air Miles for additional rewards.
  • Use Great Canadian Rebates: Using cashback rebates websites like GCR can maximize savings by earning cashback on approvals. You can compare credit card benefits by using their comparison tool.

4. Pay Your Balance in Full

To avoid interest charges, always pay your balance in full by the due date. Interest rates on credit cards can be exceedingly high, often upwards of 19%. Paying off your balance every month ensures that you benefit from the card’s perks without incurring extra costs.

5. Avoid Cash Advances

Cash advances come with immediate interest charges and higher rates. Additionally, they may attract additional fees. It’s best to avoid using your credit card for cash withdrawals unless absolutely necessary.

6. Monitor Your Spending and Credit Utilization

Keeping track of your spending helps you stay within your budget and prevents overspending. Aim to keep your credit utilization ratio—the percentage of your credit limit you’re using—below 30%. High utilization can negatively impact your credit score.

7. Set Up Alerts and Automatic Payments

Many credit cards offer features to help you manage your account effectively:

  • Payment Alerts: Set up alerts for due dates and payment confirmations to avoid late fees.
  • Automatic Payments: Consider setting up automatic payments for at least the minimum amount due to avoid missed payments. However, manually paying off the full balance is ideal.

8. Take Advantage of Cardholder Benefits

Many credit cards come with additional perks that can save you money:

  • Extended Warranties: Some cards offer extended warranties on purchases, saving you from buying separate warranty plans.
  • Purchase Protection: This covers theft or damage of new purchases.
  • Travel Insurance: Cards like the BMO World Elite Mastercard include comprehensive travel insurance, eliminating the need to buy separate travel policies.

9. Review Your Statements Regularly

Regularly reviewing your credit card statements helps you spot any unauthorized transactions and ensures that all charges are accurate. Promptly reporting any discrepancies can save you from potential losses.


Credit cards can be powerful tools for managing finances and earning rewards, but they require disciplined use. By choosing the right card, maximizing rewards, paying balances in full, and utilizing cardholder benefits, you can save money and enjoy the advantages of credit cards without falling into debt. Remember, the key to benefiting from credit cards lies in responsible and informed usage. Happy saving, Canada!

By Michelle Cowan may earn a small affiliate commission when you make a purchase or fill an application using the links on the site.