When a lender investigates your credit history before accepting you for a loan, such as a home mortgage, auto loan, or credit card you’ve applied for, this is referred to as a hard credit inquiry. A soft inquiry occurs when you receive a lender’s offer, such as a pre-approved credit card, or when you evaluate your credit.
Here’s everything you need to know about soft and hard credit inquiries.
What Is the Meaning of a Soft Credit Inquiry?
It is an assessment of a credit report inquiry performed by you or a firm, regardless of whether you have not applied for credit. It is typically utilized when screening for preapproved supporting offers or performing a background examination. This inquiry has zero effect on your credit rating, a numerical indicator of your wealth that creditors will consider when determining whether to grant credit.
What Is a Soft Credit Check?
Banks and creditors might be interested in how you handle your credit and financial history. Lenders may also inquire about pending payments or credit use, such as the amount taken on each loan or credit card.
Soft credit inquiries enable a creditor to assess your credit statement and score to establish how effectively you manage your credit. It can show them how risky you are as a lender.
A soft credit inquiry check may happen when you examine your credit report. A few everyday soft inquiries are as follows:
- A prospective employer will do a credit assessment on you.
- Financial institutions with whom you conduct business check your credit statements.
- Credit card businesses will do a credit check on you if they wish to offer you preliminary approvals.
- You qualify for a loan or pre-approval for a mortgage.

Soft Inquiry vs. Hard Credit Inquiry
A hard credit inquiry, also called a difficult draw, occurs when you seek credit formally, including by filling out an application for a credit card. Hardly inquiries are made when you sign up for a home mortgage, auto loan, or other credit-related financial instruments.
Severe withdrawals might lower your credit rating for several months and remain on your credit statement for two years.
Credit bureaus consider hard queries when determining your credit score because requesting additional credit puts you at a higher risk of failing to pay your current debts. While they aren’t considered formal credit applications, soft inquiries do not affect your credit score. As a result, they are excluded from credit score calculations by credit bureaus.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, paying credit card bills on time is important. There are seven ways to pay off your card all at once, and you choose one depending on your ability to repay debt. At Great Canadian Rebates, we provide our customers with exclusive promotions from various retailers. Approach us to learn all about paying credit cards.