You may have been using credit cards for many years, even decades. But are you making the most of your credit cards ? Knowing the ins and outs of your credit card can help you capitalize on all its benefits. If you want to reap more rewards in 2022, here are some ways to maximize your credit card.
Pay Attention to Bonuses and Rewards
Certain cards change their bonus reward categories every quarter. Pay attention to these bonuses and rewards to ensure that you take maximum advantage of them.
For example, if one of your travel credit cardsoffers2x points on flights, hotel bookings, etc., in the next three months and you’re planning to travel during that time, you should use that card to book your itinerary. You’d be able to take full advantage of the offer by earning points which can be redeemed for various purposes in the future.
Note Reward Expirations
Some credit cards do offer rewards that come with an unlimited expiry date. However, that is not the case with every card. If you have a credit card in your wallet whose rewards come with an expiry date, note them on your calendar and set reminders, so you don’t miss out. Create a habit of using your rewards early to ensure they don’t go to waste.

Sign-Up Bonuses
Many credit cards also offer attractive sign-up bonuses that award you a certain amount of cashback for specific spending after opening your account. It is worth exploring these deals, and there might be something that can be quite beneficial.
For example, you may find a card that offers a $200 cashback for spending $2,000 within the first three months of opening your account. If you normally spend $700 monthly for essential expenses, that threshold can be a relatively easy requirement.
However, you need to be careful when chasing sign-up bonuses. Don’t go for a bonus that requires you to spend $3,000 for a $200 cashback, especially if you’d only spend $2,000 during that time. It is not worth spending an extra $1,000 just to get $200 back.
Where To Find the Best Rewards Credit Cards in Canada
If you’re planning to earn top rewards, it is time to look for a card that offers amazing bonuses and cashbacks. However, it can be hard to find a card that fits the bill. Great Canadian Rebates is an online platform where you can compare various credit cards on offer, their rewards structure, and more and select the one that best suits your needs. Our online platform has some of the best Canadian cashback credit cards with minimal fees and maximum rewards. You can opt for a Scotia cashback credit card or any other online shopping cashback credit card.Visit our website for more information.