An individual using a credit card to purchase online products

Did you know seventy-two percent of Canadians have a credit card with a reward loyalty program? If you don’t have a credit card, you’re missing out on a lot.

American Express and Novascotia credit cards allow users to defer payments and get exceptional cashback.

Continue reading this blog to learn more about credit card benefits.

An individual using a credit card to purchase online products

Credit Score Improvement

If you’re looking for ways to improve your financial situation, one way to do that is by improving your credit score. A good credit score can save you money on interest rates and help you get approved for loans and lines of credit.

Using a credit card and paying your balance before the deadline can improve your credit score. Credit card companies directly report your payments to the credit bureaus, and if you pay on time, it can positively affect your credit report.

Cash Back

With a cashback credit card, you earn a percentage of your purchase back. For example, if you have a card that offers five percent cash back, you can receive five dollars whenever you spend hundred dollars.

You can find different cashback cards, and the best one for you depends on your spending habits. If you’re someone who pays off their balance every month, a card with a higher cashback rate but an annual fee may be the better choice. No matter what type of card you choose, cashback can be an excellent way to save money on your everyday purchases.

Reward Points

Reward points are one of the most popular credit card benefits. Every time you use your credit card, you earn points that you can redeem for cash back, travel, merchandise, or gift cards. You can transfer your points to airline miles or hotel loyalty programs, depending on the program.

With rising inflation in Canada, purchasing your favourite products can become a financial nightmare. Fortunately, with reward points and cashback, you can get discounts on your favourite products.

An individual using a credit card

Get Your Hands On Top-Notch Credit Cards

Looking for a cashback credit card for online shopping? You’ve come to the right place! At Great Canadian Rebates, you can find multiple rebate credit cards with exceptional monetary benefits. We’ve created an extensive online platform where you can get various travel credit cards to make your upcoming trip affordable. So, what are you waiting for? Contact our team for more details about credit card benefits.

By Sarah Benson may earn a small affiliate commission when you make a purchase or fill an application using the links on the site.