Cash Back Rebate from GCR:

Go to Scotiabank Ultimate Package Chequing Account

Note : Click to application page from GCR before filling application

Scotiabank Ultimate Package Chequing Account
Apply for a chequing account

Earn up to $500 with a Scotiabank Ultimate package and and a registered account*.

Offer valid March 4, 2025 - April 30, 2025.

  • Earn an additional 0.10% on your Momentum Plus Savings Account
  • Unlimited transactions, Interac e-transfer transactions and Scotia International Money Transfers
  • Unlimited free Global non-Scotiabank ABM withdrawals
  • Up to $150 annual fee waiver each year on select credit cards
  • Earn points on every day purchases with the Scene+™ program
  • 8 more premium perks

$01 or $30.95/mth

1 No monthly account fee by maintaining a minimum daily closing balance of $6,000 in your Ultimate Package, or a combined balance of $30,000 across your Ultimate Package and your MomentumPLUS Savings Account.

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of March 1, 2025. Subject to change.

* See Account Provider's website for complete account details, terms and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.


Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Account by the account holder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back Rebate is for first time Scotiabank bank account holders. One rebate PER person for only first Scotia bank account opened.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon account approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.

Rebate Currency Exchange :  NONE

Earn up to $500 with a Scotiabank Ultimate package and and a registered account*.
Ends : Apr 30

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