Earn up to $500 with a Scotiabank Ultimate package and and a registered account*.
Offer valid March 4, 2025 - April 30, 2025.
- Earn an additional 0.10% on your Momentum Plus Savings Account
- Unlimited transactions, Interac e-transfer transactions and Scotia International Money Transfers
- Unlimited free Global non-Scotiabank ABM withdrawals
- Up to $150 annual fee waiver each year on select credit cards
- Earn points on every day purchases with the Scene+™ program
- 8 more premium perks
$01 or $30.95/mth
1 No monthly account fee by maintaining a minimum daily closing balance of $6,000 in your Ultimate Package, or a combined balance of $30,000 across your Ultimate Package and your MomentumPLUS Savings Account.
Rates, fees and other information are effective as of March 1, 2025. Subject to change.
* See Account Provider's website for complete account details, terms and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.