Earn up to $350 when you open one or more eligible registered plans*
Offer ends March 3, 2025
Scotiabank GICs - A secure way to invest your money and earn a guaranteed return.
GIC Benefits
- Your original investment and any interest earned are 100% guaranteed.
- Eligible for your RRSP, RRIF, RESP, FHSA and TFSA.
- A range of terms and interest rate options that enable you to customize to your goals.
- GICs are eligible to be insured by CDIC (Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation).
Choose the term you want, a fixed or variable interest rate and you can even opt to lock in your money or access
it at anytime.
Personal Redeemable GICs
Access your investment partially or fully at a pre-determined rate as your financial needs arise.
Market Linked GICs
A guaranteed minimum return and the potential to earn more based on equity index performance.
Non-Redeemable GICs
Guaranteed to get your initial investment back, plus interest, at the end of your term.
Cashable GICs
Get a guaranteed rate and the flexibility to cash out.
* Full terms and conditions can be found here: https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/personal/investing/campaigns/investment-offer.html