Cash Back Rebate from GCR:

Go to Laurentian Bank High Interest Savings Account

Note : Click to application page from GCR before filling application

Laurentian Bank High Interest Savings Account
Open a Laurentian Bank High Interest Savings Account!

The Laurentian Bank of Canada High Interest Saving Account (HISA)

Earn up to 3.50%* and build your savings faster.

Earn a competitive interest every month and watch your savings grow risk-free - with no management fees.

No minimum balance. Earn interest on every dollar.

  • Earn 2.50% on all savings under $100,000
  • Earn 3.50% on all savings from $100,000 up to $5,000,000
  • Earn 1.00% on all savings over $5,000,000

  • Saving made easy with automatic deposits
  • Convenient and easy access to your money, whenever you need it
  • Banking on the go with our app
  • CDIC insured**
  • Open an account online in less than 5 minutes

About Laurentian Bank
For over 175 years, Laurentian Bank has been helping families, businesses and communities thrive. By seeing beyond numbers, we aspire to bring hopes and dreams to life for many more years to come.

Today, we have over 2,800 employees working together as one winning team across Canada and the United States. As we continue to grow, our core strength comes from diversity and equal opportunity.

We believe in making the better choice by living up to our values and incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices into our activities and operations. We are focused on ensuring that everyone feels like they belong and has the chance to thrive.

* Some terms and conditions apply. The annual interest rate is subject to change at any time. Rates in effect are: Balance of less than $100,000: 2.50%. $100,000 to $5,000,000: 3.50%. $5,000,000.01 and over: 1.00%. Simple interest is calculated on the daily minimum balance and is paid monthly based on the tiers. Laurentian Bank reserves the right to change the annual interest rate by posting a general notice in each of its branches and on the current rates page.

** This product is eligible for deposit insurance from the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), up to the maximum limit for coverage from the CDIC, and subject to applicable conditions. For more information about deposit protection, visit


• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon account approval.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

Rebate Currency Exchange :  NONE

Earn up to 3.75%* and build your savings faster with a High Interest Saving Account!

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