Cash Back Rebate from GCR:

Go to BMO Performance Account

Note : Click to application page from GCR before filling application

BMO Performance Account
Sign up for Bank of Montreal Performance Account

Get up to a $700* cash bonus! Plus, earn a 4.80% promo interest rate** when you open a Performance Chequing and a Savings Amplifier Account.

Our most popular account offers unlimited everyday banking transactions for a competitive price.

Offer ends July 2, 2025

  • Unlimited transactions*
  • Get accounts for family members without paying an additional monthly fee
  • Up to $40 rebate on the annual fee for eligible BMO credit cards*
  • OnGuard®† Identity Theft Protection at no charge

  • Cost of personalized cheque orders for personal deposit accounts will depend on quantity and type selected
  • $5/ month Overdraft Protection fee
  • Fees for non-BMO ATM withdrawals: 1 Can withdrawal/ month then $2 each in Can, & $5 each outside of Canada

Fees: $17.95 per month OR no cost with a minimum balance of $4,000

Chequing Account Offer: Get up to $450 in cash bonus

To qualify for the Chequing Account Offer, you must:
  1. Open a new Chequing Account with one of the following Eligible Bank Plans by July 2, 2025:

    Plus Plan: $100 Bonus
    Performance Plan: $450 Bonus
    Premium Plan: $450 Bonus

  2. Provide a valid email address at the time of opening a chequing account. If the Chequing Account is joint account, this requirement is met if one accountholder provides an email address;

  3. Make a deposit of any amount to the Chequing Account by July 2, 2025;

  4. Complete at least two of the following Eligible Transactions (defined below) to or from the Chequing Account and have the transaction appear in the Chequing Account by August 29, 2025:

    a. One recurring direct deposit; and/or
    b. Two bill payments to at least two different payees of at least $50 each through BMO Online Banking or BMO Mobile Banking; and/or
    c. Two pre-authorized debits from at least two different payees of at least $50 each.

Savings Account Offer: Get a $200 cash bonus

To qualify for the Savings Account Offer, you must:
  1. Qualify for the Chequing Account Offer with the Performance Plan or Premium Plan; and
  2. Open a Savings Amplifier Account by July 2, 2025; and
  3. Deposit a total $10,000 or more into the Savings Amplifier Account within the first 30 calendar days of opening the Savings Amplifier Account; and
  4. Maintain a daily closing balance of $10,000 or more at all times for an additional 90 calendar days.

Family Bundle Offer: Get a $50 cash bonus

To qualify for the Family Bundle Offer, you must:
  1. Qualify for the Chequing Account Offer with the Performance or Premium Bank Plan; and
  2. Have an eligible family member open a new Primary Chequing Account by July 2, 2025,
    and have the Primary Chequing Account added to your Performance or Premium Plan.

* Terms and Conditions apply.
* For complete offer details, please review the terms and conditions.


• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon BMO approval.

• Cash Back Rebate is for new BMO bank account holders. One rebate PER person for only first BMO bank account opened.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

Rebate Currency Exchange :  NONE

Earn up to $700* when you open a Performance Chequing and a Savings Amplifier Account! *Conditions Apply.
Ends : Jul 2

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