Credit Card Comparison Table

Carte de crédit à faible taux d'intérêt


  • Taux réduits
  • Achats garantis*
  • Achats protégés en cas de vol ou de bris*

Taux de Base: 7,20%

Taux variable: taux de base + 4% (8,90% min) (achats)
Taux variable: taux de base + 8% (12,90% min) (transferts de solde et avances de fonds)

Banque Nationale se classe au 1er rang parmi les institutions émettrices de cartes de crédit en matière d’expérience client selon l’indice CX Forrester1


Modalités de crédit
Délai de grâce : aucun intérêt n’est imputé sur les achats effectués pendant le mois si le titulaire acquitte le montant intégral de son compte dans les vingt et un (21) jours suivant la date du relevé de compte. Ce délai de grâce ne s’applique pas aux avances de fonds et aux transferts de solde. Paiement minimum : si le solde de votre compte est inférieur à 10 $, vous devez payer le solde en entier. Si vous résidez dans la province de Québec, votre paiement minimum correspond à 5 % du solde de votre compte, plus tout montant en retard ou à 10 $, soit le montant le plus élevé des deux. Si vous résidez à l'extérieur du Québec, votre paiement minimum correspond à 2,5 % du solde du compte de carte de crédit, plus tout montant en retard ou 10 $, soit le montant le plus élevé des deux. Relevé de compte : un relevé de compte est envoyé mensuellement.

Tableau d'exemples des frais de crédit calculés sur une période de 30 jours

Taux d’intérêt annuel Solde moyen
500 $ 3 000 $
22,49 % 9,24 $ 55,45 $
20,99 % 8,63 $ 51,76 $
12,9 % 5,30 $ 31,81 $
8,9 %span> 3,66 $ 21,95 $

*Taux d’intérêt variable en vigueur au 1er septembre 2021.

Les transferts de solde et avances de fonds sont sous réserve d’une approbation de crédit de la Banque Nationale. Chaque montant transféré ne peut être inférieur à 250 $.

Les taux d’intérêts
« Taux de base » signifie le taux d’intérêt annuel variable que la Banque annonce publiquement de temps à autre comme taux de référence servant à établir le taux d’intérêt sur les prêts à demande en dollars canadiens que la Banque consent au Canada.
Le taux d’intérêt de la carte SYNCRO se compose d’un taux de base variable fixé par la Banque Nationale, auquel s’ajoute un taux d’ajustement de 4 % pour les achats et de 8 % pour les transferts de soldes et avances de fonds. Veuillez noter que le taux d’intérêt annuel de la carte SYNCRO ne pourra jamais être inférieur à 8,9 % pour les achats et de 12,9 % pour les transferts de soldes et avances de fonds.

Assurance achats et garantie prolongée
Ces protections s'appliquent pourvu que les achats ou dépenses visés soient portés au compte de carte de crédit Syncro de la Banque Nationale. La prolongation de garanties s’applique sur la majorité des articles neufs achetés avec la carte, au Canada ou à l’étranger pour autant que la garantie du fabricant soit existante et valable au Canada. Certaines conditions et restrictions s’appliquent. Pour plus d’information et de détails concernant votre couverture d’assurance, veuillez consulter le certificat d’assurance lié à votre carte.
Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 35
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau depuis GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera appliquée à votre compte GCR après l'approbation de la carte.
• Remise en argent non offerte aux titulaires de carte récurrents de la même carte.

• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Rogers Red Mastercard®

Un crédit tourné vers l’avenir, pas le passé

Avec une approbation garantie¹, aucuns frais annuels² et des remises en argent illimitées, la carte Neo vous offre un moyen plus facile de commencer à utiliser du crédit.


Tous les avantages de la carte Neo sans frais annuels ni frais de dépassement de limite².

  • Obtenez une moyenne de 5 % de remises en argent illimitées⁴ auprès de milliers de partenaires Neo.
  • Gagnez jusqu’à 15 % de remises en argent⁴ sur votre premier achat auprès des partenaires participants.
  • Si le taux global de vos remises tombe en dessous de 0,5 %, nous ajouterons une remise complémentaire⁵.


  • Les vérifications approfondies du crédit ne sont pas requises pour obtenir la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé. L’approbation est garantie¹ et instantanée peu importe votre cote de crédit.
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé et la carte ordinaire n’ont pas de frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé vous récompense avec des remises en argent auprès de milliers de partenaires, le tout sans frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La limite de crédit correspond au montant de votre fonds de sécurité. La somme minimale pour le fonds de sécurité est de 50 $.
  • Si votre solde est payé, votre fonds de sécurité vous est retourné quand vous fermez votre compte et avez complètement remboursé votre solde, ou quand vous passez de la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé à la carte Neo ordinaire.

Obtenez une remise en argent avec Shell
  • Gagnez 2 % de remises en argent à la pompe ou dans les boutiques de dépannage.
  • Gagnez 4 % de remises en argent sur les opérations effectuées avec l'appli Shell.
  • Amplifiez ces offres de 50 %2 lorsque vous ajoutez l'extra Achats courant à votre carte.
Offre valable en Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta, en Saskatchewan, au Manitoba et en Ontario.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.

¹ Des conditions s’appliquent. Doit 1. avoir atteint l’âge de majorité dans votre province ou territoire; 2. résider au Canada; et 3. mettre de côté des fonds de sécurité.
² Pour le Québec : Relevés mensuels; aucuns frais mensuels ou annuels; période de grâce de 21 jours; paiement minimum de 10,00 $ ou de 5,0 % du solde total du relevé (montant le plus élevé des deux); taux sur les achats (19,99 % à 24,99 %) et taux sur les avances de fonds (22,99 % à 25,99 %).

³ Tel que déterminé le 19 octobre 2021 par les votes exprimés dans le cadre des prix Canada’s Choice awards.
⁴ Moyenne basée sur les offres actuelles auprès de certains partenaires. Les remises en argent varient selon les forfaits, les offres et les partenaires.
⁵ La remise en argent complémentaire varie selon les dépenses mensuelles et elle est limitée à 50 $ par mois.

Les cartes sont émises par ATB Financial en vertu d’une licence de Mastercard International Inc. Mastercard est une marque de commerce déposée et le concept des cercles est une marque de commerce de Mastercard International Inc.

Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 25
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed

* Le remboursement de GCR n'est pas éligible s'il est combiné avec une offre de bonus ou un code promotionnel différent lors de l'inscription à Neo

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• Financement minimum du compte de 50 $ requis
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.
• La remise en argent est valable uniquement pour les nouveaux clients Neo éligibles.
• Une remise en argent par client pour le premier produit Neo demandé et approuvé.
• Aucune remise en argent sur les produits Neo La Baie d'Hudson.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.

American Express® Cobalt Card
Earn up to 15,000 Membership Rewards® points

In your first year as a new Cobalt Cardmember, you can earn 1,250 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $750 in net purchases on your Card. This could add up to 15,000 points in a year. That’s up to $150 towards a weekend getaway or concert tickets!

  • Earn 5x the points on eligible eats and drinks in Canada, including groceries and food delivery. Spend cap applies.

  • Earn 3x the points on eligible streaming subscriptions in Canada.

  • Earn 2x the points on eligible ride shares, transit & gas in Canada.

  • Earn 1 additional point on eligible hotel and car rental bookings via American Express Travel Online.

  • Earn 1x point for every $1 in Card purchases everywhere else.

  • Enjoy access to hotel bookings, a room upgrade (when available), 12pm check-in and late check-out (when available), and up to $100 USD hotel credit to use on amenities when charged to the room for a stay of 2 or more consecutive nights through The Hotel Collection from American Express Travel.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs.

  • Cobalt Cardmembers receive regular Perks such as bonus reward offers and access to great events.

  • Access Front Of The Line® Amex Presale & Reserved Tickets to some of your favourite concerts and theatre performances and special offers and events curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 1,250 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period when you spend $750 in purchases on your Card.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 5x the points on eligible eats and drinks in Canada, including groceries and food delivery
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 2x the points on eligible ride shares, transit & gas in Canada
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
15,000 Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Cobalt Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Gold Rewards Card
Use of any promo code will void the rebate

Earn up to 60,000 Membership Rewards® points

  • New American Express® Gold Rewards Cardmembers, earn 5,000 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $1,000 in net purchases on your Card
  • This could add up to 60,000 points in a year. That’s up to $600 towards your next vacation.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases for eligible travel purchases, including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases at eligible gas stations, grocery stores and drugstores in Canada, and 1 point for every $1 in Card purchases everywhere else
  • The Card is now available in your choice of Gold or Rose Gold metal options
  • Receive a $50 CAD statement credit when a NEXUS application or renewal fee is charged to your American Express Gold Rewards Card
  • You have access to an annual $100 CAD Travel Credit, compliments of your American Express Gold Rewards Card. Use the credit once annually towards any single travel booking of $100 or more charged to your Gold Rewards Card through American Express Travel Online
  • As a Gold Rewards Cardmember, you can receive complimentary membership in Priority Pass™ – one of the world’s largest independent airport lounge programs. Escape the chaos of airports and relax in an oasis of calm and simply enjoy the fact that the travel experience has begun before your plane has even left the ground. Enrollment is required and entry fees apply
  • Enjoy four (4) complimentary visits per Calendar year to Plaza Premium Lounges across Canada. Entry fees apply once complimentary visits have been used
  • Charge any eligible purchase to your credit Card then log in to redeem your earned points for a statement credit
  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs
  • 1 Free Additional Gold Rewards Card (a $50 value) to help you earn points faster

Subject to approval. The preferred rate for purchases is 21.99% and funds advances is 21.99%. If you have Missed Payments, the applicable rates for your account will be 25.99% and/or 28.99%. See the information box included with the application for the definition of Missed Payment and which rates apply to charges on your account and other details.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 5,000 points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $1,000 in net purchases.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases for eligible travel purchases, including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases at eligible gas stations, grocery stores and drugstores in Canada, and 1 point for every $1 in Card purchases everywhere else
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
60,000 Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Gold Rewards Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
TD First Class Travel® Visa Infinite* Card
Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points and
no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points, no Annual Fee for the first year and additional travel benefits. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025
  • Earn a welcome Bonus of 20,000 TD Rewards Points when you make your first Purchase with your Card
  • Earn 115,000 TD Rewards Points when you spend $5,000 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Earn a Birthday Bonus of 10% of the TD Rewards Points you have earned over the past year, up to a maximum of 10,000 TD Rewards points
  • Get an annual TD Travel Credit of $100 when you book at Expedia® For TD
  • Get an Annual Fee Rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the Additional Cardholder(s) first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your Additional Cardholder(s) while the offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining, paying bills or booking travel. The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your travel experience or enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your Card also allows you to enjoy:
  • An extensive suite of travel insurance coverages which helps you travel prepared
  • No travel blackouts., no seat restrictions. and no expiry. for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points
    Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 8 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD
  • Earn 6 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
  • Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account
  • Earn 2 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card plus earn an annual Birthday Bonus of up to 10,000 TD Rewards Points

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 6 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to $1,000 in value
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank Passport® Visa Infinite* Card

Earn up to $1,300* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points!

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland and participating Co-ops and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on other eligible grocery stores, dining, eligible entertainment purchases and eligible daily transit options (including rideshares, buses, subways, taxis and more).

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • 6 Complimentary Airport Lounge Access
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • Visa Infinite* Concierge Services
  • Visa Infinite* Hotel Collection
  • Visa Infinite* Dining and Wine Country program

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

* Savings and reward potential in first 12 months includes welcome offer value, first year point earn potential, foreign transaction fee and airport lounge savings as of October 25, 2024:
  • $300 in travel rewards (30,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Card clients who spend $2,000 within the first 3 months;

  • $100 in travel rewards (10,000 bonus Scene+ points) when you spend $40,000 annually on your Account each year (12-months);

  • $50 supplementary card annual fee waiver on the first supplementary card for new Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Card clients;

  • $137 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee markup typically charged by other card issuers);

  • $399 in first year point earn potential (30,000 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual spend per account with an average spend of 20% in 2X accelerator categories;

  • $359 value with a complimentary Visa Airport Companion Program Membership that includes 6 lounge passes (based on ‘Preferential’ membership valued at approx. CAD$359/USD$259). Currency conversion as at October 25, 2024.

Potential First Year Value = up to $1,345

Actual offers, savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $1,300 in value and up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points in the first 12 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2 Scene+ points on every $1 you spend on eligible grocery stores, dining, entertainment purchases, and daily transit purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 1 Scene+ point on every $1 you spend on all other eligible purchases
GCR Rebate: 150
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank Gold American Express® Card
Earn up to $750* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points!*

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 6x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco, Foodland and more.

  • Earn 5x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on dining, food delivery and other eligible grocery stores. Includes popular food delivery and food subscriptions.

  • Earn 5x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend in Canada eligible entertainment purposes.Includes movies, theatre and ticket agencies stores.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* for every $1 CAD you spend in Canada on eligible gas and daily transit options.Includes rideshares, buses, subway, taxis and more.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* for every $1 CAD you spend in Canada on eligible select streaming services.

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • AMEX Offers®
  • AMEX Front of the Line®
  • American Express Invites®
  • Complimentary Concierge Services

Savings and reward potential in first 12 months includes welcome offer value, first year point earn potential and foreign transaction fee savings as of October 25, 2024:
  • $400 in travel rewards (40,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Gold American Express Card clients who spend $1,000 within the first 3 months (to earn 20,000 points) and who spend $7,500 within the first 12 months (to earn an additional 20,000 points);

  • $55 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee markup typically charged by card issuers);

  • $325 in first year point earn potential (32,500 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual first year spend per account with an average spend of 25% in 5X accelerator, 5% in 3X accelerator categories, and 70% in 1x categories.

Potential First Year Value= up to $780.
Actual Savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply*.

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $750 in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 5X Scene+ points forevery $1 you spend at eligible grocery stores, dining and entertainment
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 3X Scene+ points for every $1 you spend at eligible gas stations, daily transit, and select streaming services
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Card

New American Express® Aeroplan®* Cardmembers can earn up to 40,000 Aeroplan points:

  • Earn 30,000 Aeroplan points after spending $3,000 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 10,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in month 13.
  • That’s up to $900 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 2X the points on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada®* and Air Canada vacations®*
  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 1.5X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada
  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 1X the points on everything else

  • Enjoy your first checked bag free (up to 23kg/50lb) for up to 9 people travelling on the same reservation on Air Canada®* flights.

  • Earn 1,000 Status Qualifying Miles and 1 Status Qualifying Segment for every $10,000 in eligible net purchases charged to your Card.

  • As an American Express Aeroplan Cardmember, you can often book flight rewards for even fewer points with preferred pricing.

  • Amex ExperiencesTM: From music and movies, to specially curated dining and online shopping opportunities, stay connected with all that we have to offer from the comfort of your own home.

  • Enjoy an array of travel related insurance benefits such as Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance and up to $500,000 in Travel Accident Insurance.

  • 24/7 Customer Service and Emergency Card Replacement.

  • As part of our commitment to sustainability, the American Express® Aeroplan®* Card has been made with 70% reclaimed plastic.

  • Charge Card*. No preset spending limit on purchases gives you flexibility. Using a charge card is a great way to manage your finances as the balance must be paid in full each month*.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $900 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1.5X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Enjoy Amex ExperiencesTM: From music and movies, to specially curated dining and online shopping opportunities
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
40,000 Aeroplan points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Business Gold Rewards Card
Earn 40,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points

  • Earn a welcome bonus of 40,000 Membership Rewards® points after spending $7,500 in purchases within the first three months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 10,000 bonus points in each calendar quarter when you spend $20,000 or more. That could add up to $400 in value every year.

  • That’s $400 in statement credits that can be reinvested in your business.


Earn points that you can redeem in a variety of ways
  • Earn 1 Membership Rewards point for every dollar in purchases charged to the Card and get the most out of your business expenses.

  • Enjoy an exceptional line-up of rewards redemption options for you and your business, including travel, dining, entertainment, gift cards, merchandise, and more with Membership Rewards program.

  • Transfer points to frequent flyer and hotel programs, including one-to-one to Aeroplan®* and Avios.

Unlock business possibilities with a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere
  • Take advantage of purchasing power that grows with your business with no pre-set spending limit on purchases. With this Card, your purchasing power adjusts dynamically with your Card usage, and can grow over time, as long as you make your payments on time and maintain a good credit history.

  • Maximize your cash flow with up to 55 interest free days so you can keep more cash on hand when you need it most.

  • Pay for business expenses over time with Flexible Payment Option.

  • This charge card has both Due in Full and Flexible Payment Option balances. All Due in Full balances must be paid each month. Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full charge. This rate is effective from the day account is opened. Interest rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. This rate is effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

Access comprehensive insurance coverage for your travel needs
  • Access Travel Emergency Assistance, and up to $100,000 Travel Accident Insurance when you fully charge your tickets to your Business Gold Rewards Card.

  • Plus, access Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance, Flight Delay Insurance, and Baggage Delay Insurance when you fully charge your airline tickets to your Business Gold Rewards Card.

  • Save money when travelling with complimentary Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance.

Access coverage that can protect your business purchases when you charge the full price of eligible items to your Business Gold Rewards Card
  • Protect your eligible purchases against accidental physical damage and theft for up to 90 days with Purchase Protection® Plan.

  • Double the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year with Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan.

Access to coverage for mobile devices purchased for business use
  • Access Mobile Device Insurance of up to $1,000 in the event of theft, loss or accidental damage, anywhere in the world, when you fully charge or finance the purchase price of an eligible mobile device on your Business Gold Rewards Card.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 40,000 Membership Rewards® points plus up to 10,000 bonus points each calendar quarter.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1 point for every dollar in purchases charged to the Card
On Going Rewards 2nd: You can maximize your cash flow with up to 55 interest free days
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
40,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Business Gold Rewards Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
The Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Card

New Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Cardmembers earn 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy® points after you charge $1,500 in purchases to your Card in your first three months of Cardmembership.

Subject to change at any time.

  • Earn 5 points for every dollar in eligible Card purchases at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in all other Card purchases

  • Receive an Annual Free Night Award for up to 35,000 points at eligible hotels and resorts worldwide every year after your first anniversary

  • No annual fee on Additional Cards

  • Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates at over 7,000 of the world’s most desired hotels

  • Automatic Marriott Bonvoy Silver Elite status membership

  • Receive 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year with your Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Card. These can be used towards attaining the next level of Elite status in the Marriott Bonvoy program

  • Enjoy an automatic upgrade to Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status when you reach $30,000 in purchases on the Card each year or when you combine 10 qualifying paid nights within one calendar year with the 15 Elite Night Credits from your card

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 50,000 points after you charge $1,500 in purchases to your Card in your first three months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates at over 7,000 of the world’s most desired hotels
On Going Rewards 2nd: 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time Marriott Bonvoy™ American Express® Card
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
RBC® Avion Visa Infinite

Get up to 55,000 Avion points* (a value of up to $1,100), that’s enough to fly anywhere in North America or the Caribbean!

Apply by June 3, 2025

  • Earn 1 Avion point for every dollar you spend* and an extra 25% on eligible travel purchases.

  • Avioners can book flights with points on any airline, on any flight, at any time, early or last minute, with no blackout periods or restrictions.

  • Avioners earn points that never expire so your points will be waiting for your next adventure.

  • Redeem your points for travel and more. Use points for anything from paying bills and paying your card balance to redeeming for Gift Cards and Merchandise at top brands like Apple. The Avion Rewards program gives you the freedom of choice to use your points your way, and helps you make the most as an Avioner.

  • Eligible Avion Rewards members can also convert points to other loyalty programs including WestJet dollars, British Airways Avios points and Hudson’s Bay Rewards points.

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership to instantly save 3₵ per litre on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points and 20% more Avion points

  • Link your RBC card with a Rexall Be Well account and get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall. Redeem Be Well points faster for savings in store on eligible purchases where 25,000 Be Well points = $10

  • Get access to RBC offers which provides access to earn points faster at specified brands

  • Extensive insurance including: mobile device insurance, travel insurance (trip cancellation, interruption and emergency medical) and other eligible purchases to protect you and your family

  • Avioners get access to luxury Visa Infinite benefits including first in line for exclusive events, and hotel and dining benefits.

  • Avioners no longer need 14-days to book travel using the RBC grid

  • Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash17 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
    - Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription18 – a value of almost $120
    - Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Note: 21.99% on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances if you reside in Quebec

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get up to 55,000 Avion points*, that’s enough to fly anywhere in North America or the Caribbean
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 you spend, plus an extra 25% on eligible travel purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem points for other great stuff; Convert your points to other programs; Use points toward your credit card balance
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 55,000 bonus points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Rogers Red World Elite® Mastercard®

The Most Cash Back for Rogers Customers!

Earn 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers
  • 2% cash back if you are an eligible Rogers, Fido or Shaw customer

  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases if you have 1 qualifying service
    with Rogers, Fido or Shaw.^

  • Earn 1.5% unlimited cash back on eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases.^
  • Earn 3% unlimited cash back on all eligible purchases made in U.S. dollars.^

  • Get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers, Fido or Shaw purchases^
  • Get 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost every year for Rogers mobile plans (up to $80 value).^

Redeem without restrictions

Earn unlimited cash back rewards anywhere Mastercard is accepted and redeem them for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, big ticket items, or apply them directly to your Rogers, Fido or chatr bill.

Travel Benefits
  • Complimentary membership to Mastercard Travel Pass provided by DragonPass
  • Access to over 1,300 airport lounges worldwide
  • $32 USD per person per visit

Included Insurance Benefits
  • Extended Warranty and Purchase Protection
  • Rental Car Collision/Damage
  • Out-of-Province/Out-of-Country Emergency Medical
  • Trip Interruption
  • Trip Cancellation

Security Features
  • Transaction Monitoring & Alerts
  • Zero Liability
  • Secure and Contactless Payment
  • Mastercard Identity Check

Standard interest rate for purchases: 20.99%
Standard interest rate for cash advances: 22.99%

If you are not approved for an Account at the above rates and you reside outside Quebec, we (Rogers Bank) may still issue you an Account at our alternate interest rates, as follows:

Rate for Purchases and Fees: 25.99%
Rate for Cash Advances, Cash-like Transactions and Balance Transfers: 27.99%

Subject to credit approval PLUS minimum income requirement of $80,000 annual personal income or $150,000 annual household income.

^ Terms and conditions apply. For full and up-to-date product information and applicable terms and conditions, visit Rogers Bank is not responsible for maintaining or controlling the accuracy of the information published on this website.

®/TM Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under license. TM Rogers and Mobius Design, Rogers Bank and related marks, logos and brand names are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc., or an affiliate, used under license. © 2025 Rogers Bank.

Rogers Bank is the issuer of this credit card.
Please refer to to read full card details.

Initial Rewards: Get a 1.5x redemption bonus on eligible Rogers, Fido and Shaw purchases
On Going Rewards 1st: 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost with an eligible Rogers mobile plan
On Going Rewards 2nd: No annual fee
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Rogers Red Mastercard®

Get $60 cash back!

Get $60 cash back when you make a mobile wallet purchase within the first 90 days and 6 automatic payments within the first 8 months for your Rogers, Fido or Shaw postpaid service^

PLUS get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers purchases!

  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases if you have 1 qualifying service
    with Rogers, Fido or Shaw.^

  • Earn 1% unlimited cash back on eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases.^
  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible purchases made in U.S. dollars.^

  • Get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers, Fido or Shaw purchases.^
  • Get 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost every year for Rogers mobile plans (up to $80 value).^

Redeem without restrictions

Earn unlimited cash back rewards anywhere Mastercard is accepted and redeem them for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, big ticket items, or apply them directly to your Rogers, Fido, or chatr bill.

Security Features
  • Transaction Monitoring & Alerts
  • Zero Liability
  • Secure and Contactless Payment
  • Mastercard Identity Check

Standard interest rate for purchases: 20.99%
Standard interest rate for cash advances: 22.99%

If you are not approved for an Account at the above rates and you reside outside Quebec, we (Rogers Bank) may still issue you an Account at our alternate interest rates, as follows:

Rate for Purchases and Fees: 25.99%
Rate for Cash Advances, Cash-like Transactions and Balance Transfers: 27.99%

^ Terms and conditions apply. For full and up-to-date product information and applicable terms and conditions, visit Rogers Bank is not responsible for maintaining or controlling the accuracy of the information published on this website.

®/TM Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under license. TM Rogers and Mobius Design, Rogers Bank and related marks, logos and brand names are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc., or an affiliate, used under license. © 2025 Rogers Bank.

Rogers Bank is the issuer of this credit card.

Subject to credit approval.
Please refer to to read full card details.

Initial Rewards: 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases if you have 1 qualifying service with Rogers, Fido or Shaw
On Going Rewards 2nd: 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost with an eligible Rogers mobile plan
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
$60 cash back
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotia Momentum® Visa Infinite* Card

Earn 10% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months (up to $2,000 in total purchases). No annual fee in the first year, including on supplementary cards.

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 4% for every $1 you spend on grocery store purchases, recurring bill payments and subscription purchases.

  • Earn 2% for every $1 you spend on gas purchases and daily transit purchases.

  • Earn 1% cash back on all other purchases with no cash back limit.

  • Visa Infinite* Concierge Services
  • Visa Infinite* Hotel Collection
  • Visa Infinite* Dining and Wine Country program
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance & New Mobile Device Insurance coverage

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: 10% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months and no annual fee in the first year.
On Going Rewards 1st: 4% for every $1 you spend on grocery store purchases, recurring bill payments, and subscription purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2% for every $1 you spend on gas purchases and daily transit purchases
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
10% cash back
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
The Platinum Card® by American Express
Unlock special experiences with the Platinum Card®

Earn up to 100,000 Membership Rewards® points - that’s up to $1,000 towards a weekend away.
  • New Platinum® Cardmembers, earn 70,000 Welcome Bonus points after you charge $10,000 in net purchases
    to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 30,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months of Cardmembership.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases on eligible dining and food delivery in Canada, 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases on eligible travel, and 1 point for every $1 in all other Card purchases.

  • Access a $200 Annual Travel Credit through American Express Travel Online or Platinum Card® Travel Service.

  • Enjoy a $200 Annual Dining Credit at some of Canada’s best restaurants.

  • Unlock $200 or more in additional value with Member extras. You can earn statement credits for qualifying purchases with participating brands.

  • Take full advantage of The American Express Global Lounge CollectionTM which unlocks access to over 1400 airport lounges worldwide. This includes The Centurion® Lounge network, Plaza Premium Lounges, and hundreds of other domestic and international lounges designed to enhance your travel experience.

  • Enjoy flexible ways to use your points such as statement credits for any eligible purchase charged to your Card, new travel purchases booked on American Express Travel Online through the Flexible Points Travel Program, and eligible flights through the Fixed Points Travel Program.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs..

  • Enjoy complimentary benefits that offer an average value of $600 USD at over 1,500 extraordinary properties worldwide when you book Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Platinum Cardmembers can enjoy access to special events and unique opportunities.

  • Enjoy premium benefits at the Toronto Pearson Airport.

  • You will also have access to many leading hotel and car rental companies’ loyalty programs. Our partners include Marriott International, Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Hertz and Avis.

Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full charge. The Preferred rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. If you have 2 separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate for your account will be 25.99%. If you have 3 or more separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate will be 28.99%. These rates are effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

Interest applies in accordance with your Cardmember Agreement, Information Box, and Disclosure statement if the total New Balance is not paid by the Payment Due Date each month. All payments must be received by the Payment Due Date shown on the monthly statement.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 70,000 Welcome Bonus points after you charge $10,000 in your first 3 months of Cardmembership. Plus, earn 30,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: $200 Annual Dining Credit at some of Canada’s best restaurants
On Going Rewards 2nd: Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs
GCR Rebate: 150
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
100,000 Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time The Platinum Card by American Express Cardmembers

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Card

New American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Cardmembers can earn up to
85,000 Aeroplan points.

  • Earn 60,000 Aeroplan points after spending $7,500 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 25,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $2,500 in purchases in month 13.
  • That’s up to $2,600 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

  • Cardmembers can now get an extra night free for every 3 hotel nights redeemed with Aeroplan points. Enjoy even more at over 300,000 hotel properties worldwide.

  • Receive up to $100 CAD in statement credits every four years when a NEXUS application or renewal fee is charged to your American Express Aeroplan Reserve Card.

  • Highest Air Canada earn rate on an Aeroplan payment card in Canada: Earn 3X the points on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada®* and Air Canada Vacations®*.

  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 2X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada and earn 1.25X the points on everything else.

  • Get through the airport quicker with Air Canada Priority Check-In, Air Canada Priority Boarding and Air Canada Priority Baggage Handling.

  • Enjoy access to select Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges™* and Air Canada Café™ in North America for you and a guest, with a same day ticket on a departing Air Canada or Star Alliance flight.

  • Enjoy your eligible first checked bag free for up to 9 people travelling on the same reservation on Air Canada flights.

  • Roll over any unallocated Aeroplan Elite™* Status Qualifying Miles and unused eUpgrade Credits to the following year to enjoy during your travels.

  • Get access to more than 1,200 Priority Pass™ airport lounges and enjoy an oasis of comfort before your flight, regardless of your airline or cabin class.

  • Amex ExperiencesTM opens doors for you to access a number of special events, including special dining experiences, VIP parties, advance film screenings and more.

  • Get more from your travel experience at Toronto Pearson International Airport with:
    • Access to Pearson Priority Security Lane
    • Complimentary valet service at the Express Park and Daily Park
    • 15% discount on parking rates at the Express Park and Daily Park
    • 15% discount on Car Care Services

  • Insurance Coverage: whether you’re shopping nearby or travelling abroad, you can feel confident knowing you can be taken care of.

  • American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Card is made from precision cut and engraved 13g metal – it’s the perfect companion on your next exceptional journey.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $2,600 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Get an extra night free for every 3 consecutive hotel nights redeemed with Aeroplan points
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 85,000 Aeroplan points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Cardmembers

NOTE : You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
TD Cash Back Visa Infinite* Card
Earn up to $600 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases up to a total spend of $3,500.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $600 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases up to a total spend of $3,500. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Bonus Eligible Purchases are Gas Purchases, Grocery Purchases & Pre-authorized payments, until a total collective spend of $3,500 of such purchases have been made
  • 24/7 Emergency Roadside Assistance with Deluxe TD Auto Club membership, included at no additional cost.
  • Get an annual fee rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the first Additional Cardholder first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your first Additional Cardholder while the offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Cash Back Dollars on every eligible Purchase
  • Emergency Road Services with Deluxe TD Auto Club Membership
  • Complimentary Visa Infinite* Concierge service available 24/7
  • Mobile Device Insurance

Earning Cash Back
  • Earn 3% in Cash Back Dollars on eligible grocery Purchases and gas Purchases, and on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your account
  • Earn 1% Cash Back Dollars on all other Purchases made with your Card
  • Redeem your Cash Back Dollars to help pay down your Account balance whenever you please - the choice is yours!
  • Your Cash Back Dollars never expire as long as your account is open and in good standing

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $580 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases .
On Going Rewards 1st: Annual fee rebate for the first year
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn Cash Back Dollars on every eligible purchase
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to $580 in value
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Rewards World Elite® Mastercard®
Earn up to 30,000 bonus MBNA Rewards Points

20,000 bonus points†† (approximately $165 in cash back value) after you make $2,000 or more in eligible purchases within the first 90 days of your account opening.

10,000 bonus points††(approximately $80 in cash back value) once enrolled for paperless e-statements within the first 90 days of account opening.


  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on eligible restaurant, grocery, digital media, membership, and household utility purchases until $50,000 is spent annually in the applicable category. 1 point for every $1 on all other eligible purchases.

  • Each year, you will receive Birthday Bonus Points‡ equal to 10% of the total number of Points the Account earned in the 12 months before the month of your birthday, to a maximum Birthday Bonus each year of 15,000 Points.

  • Redeem points for cash back, brand-name merchandise, gift cards from participating retailers, charitable donations, and travel.

  • Mobile Device Insurance***
    With Mobile Device Insurance, you’ve got up to $1,000 in coverage for eligible mobile devices in the event of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical breakdown

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

††, ‡, ✪, ***, ††††, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: 20,000 points after $2,000 in eligible purchases and 10,000 points once enrolled for e-statements.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on eligible restaurant, grocery, digital media, membership, and household utility purchases until $50,000 is spent annually in the applicable category
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1 point for every $1 on all other eligible purchases
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 30,000 bonus points
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
Scotiabank Platinum American Express® Card
Earn up to $2,500* in value in the first 14 months, including up to 80,000* bonus Scene+ points.

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2X Scene+ points for every $1 spent on all your eligible purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • Mobile Device Insurance coverage
  • 10 complimentary Airport Lounge Passes per year
  • Platinum VIP Offers+
  • American Express Invites®
  • Premium Complimentary Concierge Services

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Savings and reward potential in first 14 months based on the following card usage and offers:
  • $800 in travel rewards (80,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Platinum American Express Card clients who spend $3,000 within the first 3 months (to earn 60,000 points) and who spend $10,000 within the first 14 months (to earn an additional 20,000 points);

  • $205 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee typically charged by card issuers);

  • $792 in travel rewards (74,188 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual first year spend per account;

  • $788 value of a complimentary Priority Pass membership and free lounge passes per year for the primary cardholder (annual membership fee package of CAD$456/USD$329, which includes 10 lounge passes) and for one supplementary cardholder (basic annual membership fee of CAD$137/USD$99 plus 4 lounge passes at CAD$49/USD$35 each). Currency conversion as at October 25, 2024.

Potential 14-Month Value = up to $2,585

Actual savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply*.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $2,500 in value in your first 14 months, including up to 80,000 bonus Scene+ points.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2X Scene+ points for every $1 spent on all your eligible purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: No Foreign Transaction Fees
GCR Rebate: 175
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 80,000 Scene+ points
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Business Platinum Card® from American Express®
Redefine what you’ll experience and discover with Platinum

Earn up to 120,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points.
  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points after you charge $15,000 in net purchases to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 40,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months of Cardmembership.

  • That’s up to $1,200 in statement credit that can be reinvested in your business.


Earn points that you can redeem in a variety of ways
  • Earn 1.25 Membership Rewards points for virtually every $1 in purchases and get the most out of your business expenses.

  • Enjoy an exceptional line-up of rewards redemption options for you and your business, including travel, dining, entertainment, gift cards, merchandise, and more with Membership Rewards program.

  • Transfer points to frequent flyer and hotel programs, including one-to-one to Aeroplan®* and Avios.

  • Bolster your business with up to $820 in annual business and travel statement credits.

  • Enroll your eligible Card and earn up to $500 in business statement credits on qualifying purchases with Dell and Indeed.

  • Enroll and earn up to $120 in eligible Wireless Credits each year.

  • Access a $200 Annual Travel Credit each year of your Cardmembership.

Unlock spending power and payment flexibility with a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere
  • Enjoy financial flexibility with no pre-set spending limit on purchases. With this Card, your purchasing power adjusts dynamically with your Card usage, and can grow over time, as long as you make your payments on time and maintain a good credit history.

  • Maximize your cash flow with up to 55 interest free days so you can keep more cash on hand when you need it most.

  • Pay for business expenses over time with Flexible Payment Option.

  • This charge Card has both Due in Full and Flexible Payment Option balances. All Due in Full balances must be paid each month. Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full Charge. This rate is effective from the day the account is opened. The Preferred rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. If you have 2 separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate for your account will be 25.99%. If you have 3 or more separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate will be 28.99%. These rates are effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

  • Extend payment solutions with Supplementary Cards for your employees.

Enjoy special benefits for you and your business

  • Take full advantage of the American Express Global Lounge CollectionTM which unlocks access to over 1400 airport lounges worldwide. This includes The Centurion® Lounge network, Plaza Premium Lounges, and hundreds of other domestic and international lounges designed to enhance your travel experience.

  • Enjoy premium benefits at the Toronto Pearson Airport, including access to the Pearson Priority Security Lane and discount on parking.

  • Get access to discounted base fares for you and your travel companions when you book through the International Airline Program.

  • Enjoy complimentary benefits that offer an average total value of $600 USD* at over 1,500 extraordinary properties worldwide when you book Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Upgrade your stay with premium status at leading hotel brands like Hilton Honors and Marriott Bonvoy.

  • Enjoy access to specialty services and events, preferential treatment, and a dedicated Concierge team.

  • Access a $100 CAD credit for NEXUS every 4 years with your Cardmembership.

Access comprehensive insurance coverage for your travel needs

  • Access Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance (for under age 65), even if you don’t charge your tickets and travel arrangements to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Access Trip Cancellation Insurance, Trip Interruption Insurance, Travel Emergency Assistance, and up to $500,000 Travel Accident Insurance when you fully charge your tickets and travel arrangements to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Plus, access Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance, Flight Delay Insurance, and Baggage Delay Insurance when you fully charge your airline tickets to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Save money when travelling with complimentary Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance.

Access coverage that can protect your business purchases when you charge the full price of eligible items to your Business Platinum Card

  • Protect your eligible purchases against accidental physical damage and theft for up to 90 days with Purchase Protection® Plan.

  • Double the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year with Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan.

  • Equip your business with Mobile Device Insurance.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points after you charge $15,000 to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership. Earn 40,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Up to $820 in annual business and travel statement credits
On Going Rewards 2nd: Transfer points to frequent flyer and hotel programs
GCR Rebate: 150
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
120,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Business Platinum Cardmembers

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
SimplyCash® Preferred Card from American Express
Earn up to $250 in bonus value.

Earn a bonus 10% cash back on all purchases for your first 3 months (up to $2,000 in purchases). Plus, earn a $50 statement credit when you make a purchase in month 13. This could add up to $250 in bonus value in your first 13 months.

  • Earn accelerated earn rates on eligible gas and grocery purchases.

  • Earn 4% cash back on eligible gas station purchases in Canada, 4% cash back on eligible grocery store purchases in Canada (up to $1,200 cash back annually) and 2% cash back on all other purchases.

  • Access events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Extensive insurance coverage and 24/7 Customer Service.

Monthly Fee: $9.99 (Equals a total fee of $119.88 annually)

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn a bonus 10% cash back on all purchases for your first 3 months. Plus, a $50 statement credit when you make a purchase in month 13.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 4% cash back on eligible gas station and grocery store purchases in Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 2% cash back on everything else
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to $250 in bonus value
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time SimplyCash Preferred Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Green Card
Earn a Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points

As a new American Express® Green Cardmember, you can earn a Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you charge $1,000 in purchases to your Card in the first 3 months of Cardmembership.
That’s $100 towards groceries or concert tickets!


Get the Card that lets you live in the moment while getting ready for the future. The American Express® Green Card lets you go for it with every swipe or tap of your Card.

  • Earn 1x the points on Card purchases.

  • Charge an eligible purchase to your Card and redeem your Membership Rewards points for a statement credit (All eligible purchases: 1,000 points = $10 statement credit).

  • With Amex ExperiencesTM and Front Of The Line® Amex Presale Tickets, American Express Cardmembers get access to amazing events in Canada.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you charge $1,000 in purchases to your Card in the first 3 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1x the points on Card purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: American Express Experiences and Front Of The Line®, American Express Cardmembers get access to amazing events in Canada
GCR Rebate: 30
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
10,000 Membership Rewards® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Green Card Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
MBNA True Line® Mastercard®
You could get a 0% promotional annual interest rate (“AIR”) for 12 months on balance transfers completed within 90 days of account opening, with a 3% transfer fee.

  • No annual fee
  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 12.99% on purchases, 17.99% on balance transfers, and 24.99% on cash advances
  • This card is made from 100% recycled plastic
  • Around-the-clock fraud protection
  • Use available credit on your credit card to transfer funds right to your chequing account

†, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: 0% promotional annual interest rate for 12 months on balance transfers.
On Going Rewards 1st: No Annual Fee
On Going Rewards 2nd: Take advantage of Apple Pay for a safe, quick and convenient way to pay with an MBNA card
GCR Rebate: 40
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
0% promotional annual interest rate
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back available by Paypal, Amazon Gift Code or by cheque*.
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
The Marriott Bonvoy® Business American Express®* Card
Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points

Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points after you spend $5,000 on your Card
in your first three months of Cardmembership.


Earn Marriott Bonvoy points that you can redeem in a variety of ways.
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 in Card purchases at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels

  • Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, dining and travel after your welcome offer ends, or the cap is reached

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on everything else

  • Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates at over 7,000 of some of the world's most extraordinary hotels and resorts around the globe. Use your points for flights on some of the world's leading airlines

Make the most out of a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere.
  • Leverage your cash flow with the option of carrying a balance or paying in full each month

  • Control employee expenses plus track and accumulate points on your account with Supplementary Cards, so you have an opportunity to maximize the points you earn

Experience the exclusive benefits of the Marriott Bonvoy® Business American Express®* Card.
  • Receive an Annual Free Night Award automatically each year after your anniversary

  • Receive 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year with your Marriott Bonvoy Business American Express Card. These can be used towards attaining the next level of Elite status in the Marriott Bonvoy program

  • Upgrade to Gold Elite status after you charge $30,000 in net purchases to your Card each year, or when you combine 10 qualifying paid nights within one calendar year with the 15 Elite Night Credits from your card

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points after you spend $5,000 on your Card in your first three months.
On Going Rewards 1st: 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time Marriott Bonvoy™ Business American Express® Card
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotiabank Value® VISA* Card
0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 9 months (2% fee per cash advance, 13.99% after that; annual fee $29).*

Plus no annual fee in the first year.*

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - October 31, 2025.

  • Save hundreds of dollars in interest a year

  • Low 13.99% interest rate

  • Pay down balances faster

  • Simplify your monthly payments

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

*Offer Description and Conditions: The Introductory 0.99% Balance Transfer Rate and First Year Annual Fee Waiver Offer (the “Offer”) applies only to new Scotiabank Value Visa credit card accounts (“Accounts”) that are opened by subject to the conditions below. We will waive the annual fee for the primary card opened between January 3, 2025 and October 31, 2025 on the Account for the first year only. All other terms and conditions of the Program Terms continue to apply during the Offer period. Offer may be changed, cancelled or extended at any time without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: 0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 9 months. Plus no annual fee in the first year!
On Going Rewards 1st: Save hundreds of dollars in interest a year
On Going Rewards 2nd: Low 13.99% interest rate
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
SimplyCash® Card from American Express
Earn up to $100 in bonus cash back.

In your first 3 months as a new SimplyCash® Card from American Express Cardmember, you can earn a bonus 5% cash back on all purchases (up to $2,000 in purchases). That’s on top of your everyday cash back earn rates. That’s up to $100 in bonus cash back.

  • Earn 2% cash back on eligible gas purchases in Canada, 2% cash back on eligible grocery purchases in Canada
    (up to $300 cash back annually), and 1.25% cash back on all other eligible purchases.

  • Access events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Insurance coverage and 24/7 Customer Service.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn a bonus 5% cash back on all purchases in your first 3 months. That’s on top of your everyday cash back earn rates.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2% cash back on eligible gas purchases and groceries in Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Exclusive ticket access, virtual events, live performances and more with Amex ExperiencesTM
GCR Rebate: 30
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to $100 in bonus cash back
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time SimplyCash Card from American Express Cardmembers
• NOTE: You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Meridian Visa Infinite* Cash Back Card
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


Annual fee is waived for the first year
  • Earn 4 reward points for every $1 spent on gas and groceries
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $1 spent on pharmacy and utility bill payments
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent on other eligible purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Travel Emergency Medical
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection
  • Travel Assistance

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa Infinite Cash Back Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 4 reward points for every $1 spent on gas and groceries
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem reward points for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 7,000 bonus points
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa Infinite* Travel Rewards Card
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.

  • Earn 6 rewards points for every $2 spent on purchases made outside Canada in foreign currencies
  • Earn 3 rewards points for every $2 spent on all other card purchases
  • Exclusive benefits and offers - From hotels to dining and more, get access to exclusive benefits and offers

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Travel Emergency Medical
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection
  • Travel Assistance

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa Infinite Travel Rewards Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 6 rewards points for every $2 spent on purchases made outside Canada in foreign currencies
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem reward points for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 7,000 rewards points
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa* Cash Back Card
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


No annual fee for primary or additional cardholders
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $2 spent on gas and groceries
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $2 spent on pharmacy and utility bill payments
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $2 spent on other eligible purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection
  • Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time. Meridian Visa Cash Back Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2 reward points for every $2 spent on gas and groceries, harmacy and utility bill payments
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem reward points for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit
GCR Rebate: 45
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 7,000 rewards points
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Platinum Travel Visa* Card
Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points
and no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points and no annual fee for the first year.
Conditions apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Welcome Bonus of 15,000 TD Rewards Points when you make your first Purchase with your Card.
  • 35,000 TD Rewards Points when you spend $1,000 within 90 days of Account opening.
  • Get an annual fee Rebate for the first year.

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the Additional Cardholder(s) first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your Additional Cardholder(s) while the offer is in effect.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining, paying bills or booking travel. The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your travel experience or enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your Card also allows you to enjoy:
  • Flexibility to redeem your TD Rewards Points on a wide variety of rewards at Expedia® For TD, Starbucks® and more.
  • Booking your travel through Expedia® For TD to maximize the TD Rewards Points you can earn on your travel purchases.
  • An extensive suite of travel insurance coverages which helps you travel prepared.
  • No travel blackouts, no seat restrictions† and no expiry for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points. Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 6 TD Rewards Points† for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD.
  • Earn 4.5 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants.
  • Earn 3 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account.
  • Earn 1.5 TD Rewards Points For every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points. No annual fee for the first year
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 4.5 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem your TD Rewards Points on a wide variety of rewards at Expedia® For TD, Starbucks® and more
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to $370 in value
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa* US Dollar Card
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


Earn points on your US dollar purchases, including items purchased when you travel to the US and when you shop online in
US dollars.
  • No annual fee for the first year, including on additional cards
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent on all card purchases
  • Shop where you like. No restrictions on your purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Travel Assistance

** Annual Card and Extra Card Fees are $ USD

First year free is a limited time offer for primary and additional cards. The annual fee will appear on initial statement and a credit will be applied on the same statement. Meridian reserves the right to modify or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa US Dollar Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.
Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent on all card purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: Redeem reward points for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 7,000 rewards points
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Rewards Platinum Plus® Mastercard®
Earn 4 points per $1 spent on eligible restaurant, grocery, digital media, membership, and household utility purchases until $10,000 is spent annually.

You could also receive up to 10,000 bonus points††
  • 5,000 bonus points†† ($25 in cash back value) after you make $500 or more in eligible purchases within the first 90 days of your account opening
  • 5,000 bonus points†† ($25 in cash back value) once enrolled for paperless e-statements within the first 90 days of account opening

  • Each year, you will receive Birthday Bonus Points‡ equal to 10% of the total number of Points earned in the 12 months before the month of your birthday, to a maximum Birthday Bonus each year of 10,000 Points

  • Redeem points‡ for cash back, brand-name merchandise, gift cards from participating retailers, charitable donations, and travel.

  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

  • Mobile Device Insurance***
    With Mobile Device Insurance, you’ve got up to $1,000 in coverage for eligible mobile devices in the event of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical breakdown

  • No annual fee

* Visit the MBNA application page for further details

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ✪, ***, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: 4 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, groceries and restaurant purchases during the first 90 days
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, groceries and restaurant purchases thereafte
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1 point for every $1 spent on all other eligible purchases
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 10,000 bonus points
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card
Earn up to $1,300 in value including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points and no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $1,300 in value including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points, no Annual Fee for the first year and additional travel benefits. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Earn a welcome bonus of 10,000 Aeroplan points when you make your first Purchase with your new Card
  • Earn 15,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $7,500 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Plus, earn a one-time anniversary bonus of 15,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $12,000 within 12 months
    of Account opening
  • Enroll for NEXUS and once every 48 months get a partial application fee rebate
  • Plus, share free first checked bags with up to 8 travel companions
  • Get an annual fee rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening and you must add your Additional Cardholders while this offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Aeroplan Points on your everyday purchases
  • Travel with confidence with Travel Medical Insurance
  • Complimentary Visa Infinite* Concierge service available 24/7

Earning Aeroplan Points
  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery and direct through Air Canada® purchases (including Air Canada Vacations®) made with your card
  • Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on all other Purchases made with your Card
  • Earn points twice when you pay with your Card and provide your Aeroplan number at over 150 Aeroplan partner brands and at 170+ online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore (
  • Your Aeroplan Points do not expire as long as you are a TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Cardholder in good standing

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $1,300 in value, including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points. No Annual Fee for the first year.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery and direct through Air Canada® purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: Complimentary Visa Infinite* Concierge service available 24/7
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to $1,300 in value
Credit Needed
Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from TD.
Neo Mastercard®
Neo Mastercard® -- a no annual fee card with instant, unlimited cashback and your choice of upgradable perks.

  • Earn an average 5%+¹ cashback at thousands of partners.

  • No annual fees, no overlimit fees and unlimited transactions.

  • Earn up to $680 in annual cashback¹.

  • Upgradeable perks across dining, gas and grocery, travel, and more

  • Sign up in 3 minutes - and if approved, you can use your Neo credit card instantly via Apple Play or Google Pay.

  • View the rewards offered near you by downloading the Neo app, and cash out your rewards 24/7 - no minimum thresholds.

Get cashback with Shell
  • Earn 2% cashback at the pump or convenience store locations
  • Earn 4% cashback on transactions made through the Shell App
  • Boost these offers by 50% if you’ve subscribed to Neo’s Everyday Essentials perk (boosted to up to 6% cashback!)
Offer only available in British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

Upgrade to Premium

Upgrade to Premium for only $4.99/month and get the first 3 months free.
Plus get more cashback + exclusive perks and features.

Everyday cashback
  • Up to 4% on gas and grocery
  • Up to 1% cashback on everything else

Terms and Conditions
Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

Neo Credit and Neo Secured Credit cards are issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc..

Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.
Initial Rewards: Sign up in 3 minutes - and if approved, you can use your Neo credit card instantly via Apple Play or Google Pay.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn an average 5%+ cashback at thousands of partners and at least 1%² cashback guaranteed
On Going Rewards 2nd: No annual fees, no overlimit fees and unlimited transactions
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Unlimited transactions, no annual fees
Credit Needed
* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.

• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Cash Back Visa* Card
Earn Cash Back Dollars. Redeem them to help pay down your Account balance

  • For every eligible purchase you make, you earn Cash Back Dollars credit for a percentage of that purchase.
  • Earn 1% in Cash Back Dollars on eligible grocery Purchases and gas Purchases and on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account.
  • Earn 0.5% in Cash Back Dollars on all other Purchases made with your Card.
  • Once your Cash Back Dollars balance hits $25, you can redeem those Cash Back Dollars as credit towards your account balance.
  • Your Cash Back Dollars never expire as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Earn 50% more Stars at participating Starbucks® stores. Conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: For every eligible purchase you make, you earn Cash Back Dollars credit for a percentage of that purchase.
On Going Rewards 1st: 1% in Cash Back Dollars on eligible grocery and gas† and on regularly recurring bill payments† set up on your Account.
On Going Rewards 2nd: 0.5% in Cash Back Dollars on all other Purchases made with your Card†
GCR Rebate: 40
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn Cash Back Dollars
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® Avion Visa Infinite‡ Privilege

Get up to 70,000 Avion points* (a travel value of up to $1,500).

70,000 Avion points* is enough for two roundtrip tickets to almost anywhere in Canada & the U.S.
(Alaska and Hawaii require more points). Taxes and fees extra.
  • 35,000 Avion Points on approval*
  • 20,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in your first 6 months*
  • 15,000 one-time anniversary bonus points after 12 months of account opening*

  • Earn 1.25 Avion points for every dollar you spend*.

  • Enjoy VIP travel benefits including Visa Airport Companion (that’s six lounge visits per membership year for every enrolled cardholder on your account!),2 Plus, fast track security and other benefits at select airports1,2.

  • Book flights on any airline, on any flight, at any time3. You can also use your points to redeem for vacation packages, hotels, cruises and tours3.

  • Pick any seat you want from 130+ airlines - with no seat restrictions or blackout periods, even during peak seasons.

  • Access more of the world with your 24/7 Visa Infinite Privilege Concierge11.

  • Avion Infinite Privilege card holders have access to book business or first class at a rate of 100 points for $23.

  • Redeem your points for travel and more. Use points for anything from paying bills and paying your card balance to redeeming for Gift Cards and Merchandise at top brands like Apple. The Avion Rewards program gives you the freedom of choice to use your points your way, and helps you make the most as an Avioner.

  • Eligible Avion Rewards members can also convert points to other loyalty programs including WestJet dollars and British Airways Avios.

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership to instantly save 3₵ per litre on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points and 20% more Avion points.

  • Link your RBC card with a Rexall Be Well account and get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall. Redeem Be Well points faster for savings in store on eligible purchases where 25,000 Be Well points = $10.

  • Get access to RBC offers which provides access to earn points faster at specified brands.

  • Avioners get access to luxury Visa Infinite benefits including first in line for exclusive events, and hotel and dining benefits.

  • Flexibility to book flights last-minute: up to 24hrs before.

Extensive insurance coverage
  • Mobile Device Insurance included – up to $1,500 12.
  • Travel with ease with trip cancellation12 and trip interruption12 insurance, and emergency medical12.
  • Plus, eligible purchases12 made on the card are protected.

Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash^

Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
  • Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription± – a value of almost $120
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Income Required
Personal: $200,000 or 
Household: $200,000 or minimum total investable assets of $400,000

Note: 21.99% on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances if you reside in Quebec

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get up to 70,000 Avion points* (a travel value of up to $1,500†)
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1.25 Avion points for every dollar
On Going Rewards 2nd: Enjoy VIP travel benefits including Visa Airport Companion. Plus, get fast track security.
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
70,000 Avion points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Smart Cash Platinum Plus® Mastercard®
Get 5% Cash Back††

Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)


Accelerate cash back on common purchases!

  • No annual fee

  • Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 2% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 0.5% Cash Back for all other eligible purchases

Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

Take advantage of a card that provides Cash Back on eligible purchases and has no annual fee

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Get 2% Cash Back‡ on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter
On Going Rewards 2nd: No annual fee
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 5% Cash Back
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
American Express® Essential™ Card
Low annual interest rate of 12.99%

  • Enjoy an annual interest rate of 12.99% on purchases and funds advances.

  • With an annual interest rate of 12.99%, you can save on interest payments if you choose to carry a balance and make your minimum monthly payments on time.

  • Access virtual events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Shop with confidence Benefit from coverage that can help protect your eligible card purchases – from your favourite local boutique to your online shopping cart.

  • 24/7 Customer service Wherever you are in the world, we're here for you 24/7.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Enjoy exclusive ticket access, virtual events, live performances and more with Amex ExperiencesTM.
On Going Rewards 1st: With an annual interest rate of 12.99%, you can save on interest payments if you choose to carry a balance and make your minimum monthly payments on time
On Going Rewards 2nd: 24/7 Customer service wherever you are in the world
GCR Rebate: 20
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
12.99% Annual Interest Rate
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Essentials Card members
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotiabank® Sceneᐩ™ Visa* Card
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months.*

Offer valid March 3, 2025 – October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, participating Co-ops, Freshco and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on Home Hardware, Home Building Center, Home Furniture locations in Canada and online at

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend at Cineplex theatres or online at

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No annual fee including on supplementary cards*.

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of March 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2x Scene+ points for every $1 you spend at Cineplex™ theatres or online at
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2x Scene+ points on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, participating Co-ops, Freshco and more
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5,000 Scene+ points
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank American Express® Card
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months (that’s up to $50 towards travel).*

Offer valid July 2, 2024 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on restaurants, fast food, drinking establishments and other eligible grocery stores. Includes popular food delivery and food subscriptions.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible entertainment purchases. Includes movies, theatre and ticket agencies stores.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible gas and daily transit.Includes rideshares, buses, subway, taxis and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible select streaming services.

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • Mobile Device Insurance coverage
  • American Express Invites®

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of July 2, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months (that’s up to $50 towards travel).
On Going Rewards 1st: 2X Scene+ points for every $1 CAD spent on eligible restaurants, fast food, food delivery, movies and entertainment
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2X Scene+ points for every $1 CAD spent on eligible gas and daily transit. Includes rideshare, buses, taxis, subway, and more
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5,000 Scene+™ points
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card

Earn 5% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months (up to $2,000 in total purchases).

Plus, get a 0% introductory interest rate on Balance Transfers for the first 6 months.
(2% fee per cash advance, 22.99% after that; annual fee $0)

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 1% cash back on all eligible gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores purchases and recurring payments.

  • Earn 0.5% cash back on all other eligible purchases.

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Earn 5% cash back for 3 months plus get a 0% introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 6 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1% cash back on all eligible gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores purchases and recurring payments.
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 0.5% cash back on all other eligible purchases
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5% cash back
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Smart Cash® World Mastercard®
Get 5% Cash Back††

Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)


Accelerate cash back on common purchases!

  • Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 2% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 1% Cash Back for all other eligible purchases

  • $39 annual fee

Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

Your personal annual income must be greater than $60,000, or your household annual income must be $100,000 or greater††††

Take advantage of a card that provides Cash Back on eligible purchases

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ††††, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: Get 5% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: Get 2% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter
On Going Rewards 2nd: Get 1% Cash Back for all other eligible purchases
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5% Cash Back
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
MBNA True Line® Gold Mastercard®
Low 10.99% standard interest rate on purchases

  • $39 annual fee
  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 10.99% on purchases,13.99% on balance transfers, and 24.99% on cash advances
  • This card is made from 100% recycled plastic
  • Around-the-clock-fraud protection
  • Use available credit on your credit card to transfer funds right to your chequing account

✪ Terms and Conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Initial Rewards: Standard Annual Interest Rates of 10.99% on purchases, 13.99% on balance transfers✪ and access cheques, and 24.99% on cash advances
On Going Rewards 1st: Around-the-clock-fraud protection
On Going Rewards 2nd: Use available credit on your credit card to transfer funds right to your chequing account
GCR Rebate: 40
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Low 10.99% Interest Rate
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
Tims® Mastercard
Get a $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!

Offer valid until April 30, 2025


Earn Tims Rewards Points on everyday purchases—with no annual fee!

- Turn your Tims® Rewards Points into a statement credit of up to $45 every week.
- Redeem points for up to 2% back on essentials and up to 6% back at Tims® (when you scan for Tims® Rewards).

  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on groceries
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on transit, taxi and rideshare
  • Earn 1 point for every $2 spent on other eligible purchases
  • Earn 15 points per $1 when you scan for Tims® Rewards

Additional Features
  • Extended warranty up to $1,000 per incident
  • Purchase protection for 90 days up to $1,000 per incident
  • Mastercard zero liability

Purchase interest rate in Quebec: 20.99%-24.99%
Cash advance interest rate in Quebec: 22.99%-25.99%

Conditions Apply

Offer Terms
From February 17, 2025, to April 30, 2025, new customers who apply and are approved for the Tims Mastercard are eligible to receive a $20 CAD Tims Gift Card via email upon their first purchase with their new Tims Mastercard, (the “Welcome Offer”). To receive the Welcome Offer, your first purchase must be made within 30 days of your Tims Mastercard account activation. It can take up to 24 hours from the time of first purchase for the Welcome Offer to be processed and emailed. There is a limit of one Welcome Offer per person, per account, and it cannot be combined with any other offers. This Welcome Offer is subject to the Tims Rewards Terms and Conditions  and the Tims Rewards – Tims Mastercard Offer Terms and Conditions.

The Tims® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc. Tims Financial is a registered trademark of Tim Hortons Canada.
Initial Rewards: Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 15 points per $1 when you scan for Tims Rewards
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on groceries, gas, EV charging, transit, taxi and rideshare
GCR Rebate: 45
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Business Reserve Card

Earn up to 90,000 Welcome Bonus Aeroplan®* points

  • Earn 65,000 Aeroplan points after spending $10,500 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 25,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $3,500 in purchases in month 13.


Earn Aeroplan points that you can redeem in a variety of ways.
  • Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada and Air Canada Vacations®*, 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible hotels and car rentals.

  • Earn 1.25 points for every $1 spent on everything else.

Make the most out of a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere.
  • Leverage your cash flow with the option of carrying a balance or paying in full each month.

  • Control employee expenses plus track and accumulate points on your account with Employee Cards, so you have an opportunity to maximize the points you earn.

Unlock business travel possibilities to make every work trip one to look forward to.
  • Access more than 1,200 Priority Pass™ airport lounges around the globe. That means an oasis of comfort before your flight—regardless of your choice of airline or cabin class.

  • Enjoy access to select Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges™ for you and a guest, and Air Canada Café™; in North America, with a same day ticket on a departing Air Canada or Star Alliance®* flight.

  • Enjoy Priority Check-In, Priority Boarding, and Priority Baggage Handling when you fly with Air Canada, together with up to eight companions.

  • Enjoy your first checked bag free (up to 23kg/50lb) when your travel originates on an Air Canada flight, together with up to eight companions travelling on the same reservation.

  • Receive one Annual Worldwide Companion Pass when you spend $25,000 in net purchases prior to your Card anniversary date; your Pass entitles you to buy an accompanying Air Canada economy class ticket for a companion at a fixed base fare from $99 to a maximum of $599 CAD (plus taxes, fees, charges, and surcharges).

  • Stay focused on getting where you need to go. Receive up to $100 CAD in statement credits every four years when NEXUS application or renewal fees are charged to your Aeroplan Business Reserve Card.

  • Pay with your American Express Aeroplan Business Reserve Card and present your Aeroplan Membership Card at over 170 Aeroplan partner brands and 120 online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore to earn points twice.

  • If you’re departing from Toronto Pearson International Airport, enjoy the benefits of being an American Express Aeroplan Business Reserve Cardmember. Get more from your travel experience with access to Pearson Priority Security Lane, Complimentary Valet Service, 15% discount on parking rates, and 15% discount on Car Care Services.

  • Roll over any unallocated Aeroplan Elite™ Status Qualifying Miles and unused eUpgrade Credits to the following year to enjoy during your travels.

  • Enjoy priority access to the standby list and eUpgrades. Get prioritized on the standby waitlist for an Air Canada flight and higher priority when you request an eUpgrade.

  • Earn 1,000 Status Qualifying Miles and 1 Status Qualifying Segment for every $5,000 in eligible net purchases charged to your Card.

  • Book flight reward tickets for even fewer points with Air Canada. In addition to flights, you can also redeem for hotel stays, car rentals, vacation packages, merchandise and more.

  • Unlock two-car-class rental upgrades, expedited service, dedicated phone line, and more with complimentary upgrade to Avis President’s Club.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.
Initial Rewards: Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada and Air Canada Vacations®*.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible hotels and car rentals
On Going Rewards 2nd: Access more than 1,200 Priority Pass™ airport lounges around the globe
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 90,000 Welcome Bonus Aeroplan®* points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Business Reserve Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
RBC® IONᐩ Visa Card

Get 14,000 Avion points upon approval1 - that’s $100 of value in gift cards!+

Apply by May 7, 2025


• Earn 3X Avion points for every $1 spent1 on:
  • Grocery, Dining & Food Delivery - Satisfy your taste buds by earning points on groceries, dining out, food delivery.i
  • Rides, Gas & EV Charging – Enjoy earning points on gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging.ii
  • Streaming, Digital Gaming & Subscriptions– Stay entertained while earning points on streaming, gaming, eligible digital subscriptions, eligible digital downloads, and in-game purchases.iii
• Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 spent on all other qualifying purchases1

• Annual Fee $48 ($4 charged monthly)

Pay With Points
Redeem your Avion points to pay bills, your credit card balance or even send money to friends with Interac e-Transfer4. Minimum redemption is only $10, so you can use your points where you need them most.

Save at Petro-Canada
Save 3¢/L on fuel and earn 20% more points when you pay with a linked RBC card.6

Earn more Be Well points at Rexall Earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall when you pay with your linked RBC card and scan your Be Well card.7

Save Big on Delivery with DoorDash
  • Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription – a value of almost $308.
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on qualifying orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card9. See how to save with DoorDash.
Enjoy a Monthly Fee Rebate
Get a $4 rebate10 each month ($48/year) on the monthly fee of your credit card when you have an RBC Signature No Limit Banking or RBC Advantage Banking for students account.

Mobile Device Insurance5 Included
Get 2 years of coverage up to $1,000 in the event your mobile device such as your cell phone is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged or experiences mechanical failure when you purchase your mobile device with this credit card.

Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Insurance5
Automatically protects eligible card purchases against loss, theft or damage within 90 days of purchase, and doubles the manufacturer's original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

* 21.99% Balance Transfer and Cash Advance rate if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get 14,000 Avion points upon approval - that’s $100 of value in gift cards!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 3X Avion points for every $1 spent on Grocery, Gas, Dining, Food Delivery and more
On Going Rewards 2nd: Save 3¢/L on fuel at Petro-Canada and earn 20% more points when you pay with a linked RBC card
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 14,000 Avion points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Secured Tims® Mastercard
Get a $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!

Offer valid until April 30, 2025


Earn Tims Rewards Points on everyday purchases—with no annual fee!

- Turn your Tims® Rewards Points into a statement credit of up to $45 every week.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on groceries
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on transit, taxi and rideshare
  • Earn 1 point for every $4 spent on other eligible purchases
  • Earn 12 points per $1 when you scan for Tims® Rewards

Additional Features
  • Extended warranty up to $1,000 per incident
  • Purchase protection for 90 days up to $1,000 per incident
  • Mastercard zero liability

Purchase interest rate in Quebec: 20.99%-24.99%
Cash advance interest rate in Quebec: 22.99%-25.99%

Conditions Apply

Offer Terms
From February 17, 2025, to April 30, 2025, new customers who apply and are approved for the Tims Mastercard are eligible to receive a $20 CAD Tims Gift Card via email upon their first purchase with their new Tims Mastercard, (the “Welcome Offer”). To receive the Welcome Offer, your first purchase must be made within 30 days of your Tims Mastercard account activation. It can take up to 24 hours from the time of first purchase for the Welcome Offer to be processed and emailed. There is a limit of one Welcome Offer per person, per account, and it cannot be combined with any other offers. This Welcome Offer is subject to the Tims Rewards Terms and Conditions  and the Tims Rewards – Tims Mastercard Offer Terms and Conditions.

The Tims® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc. Tims Financial is a registered trademark of Tim Hortons Canada.
Initial Rewards: Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 12 points per $1 when you scan for Tims Rewards
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on groceries, gas, EV charging, transit, taxi and rideshare
GCR Rebate: 35
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card
Credit Needed
Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Minimum $50 security fund deposit by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard
Get rewarded with real money instead of points.

  • 5% cashback on groceries1
  • 4% cashback on recurring bills1
  • 3% cashback on gas1
  • 1% cashback back on everything else1

Boost Your Cashback
  • Bank with a Neo Everyday account and boost your rewards up to 7% on groceries, 5% on recurring bills, and 4% on gas. The higher your balance is, the higher your cashback rate is.

  • Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn an additional average of 5% cashback on top of your everyday cashback.2

Additional Card Benefits
  • Mastercard World Elite® Travel benefits2

  • Extended Warranty & Purchase Protection: Extends manufacturer’s warranty and provides protection for damaged or stolen items.3

  • Auto Rental Collision Loss Damage: Coverage for damages or theft in rental vehicles, providing additional financial protection for renters.3

  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance: Out of province or country emergency medical, delayed and lost baggage, flight delay, trip cancellation/interruption, and more!3

Purchase Interest Rate: 19.99% - 26.99%
(Newfoundland and Quebec: 19.99% - 23.99%)

Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

The Neo Everyday account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.
Mastercard, World Elite, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Initial Rewards: Get up to 5% cashback on groceries, recurring bills and gas.
On Going Rewards 1st: Extensive travel, warranty and insurance benefits
On Going Rewards 2nd: Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn additional cashback
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Boost your rewards up to 7% with Neo Everyday account
Credit Needed
* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® ION Visa Card

Get 7,000 Avion points upon approval1 - that’s $50 of value in gift cards!+

Apply by May 7, 2025


• Earn 1.5X Avion points1 on:
  • Grocery - Satisfy your taste buds by earning points on groceriesi
  • Rides, Gas & EV Charging – Enjoy earning points on gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging. ii
  • Streaming, Digital Gaming & Subscriptions – Stay entertained while earning points on streaming, gaming, eligible digital subscriptions, eligible digital downloads, and in-game purchases.iii
• Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 spent on all other qualifying purchases1

Pay With Points
Redeem your Avion points to pay bills, your credit card balance or even send money to friends with Interac e-Transfer4. Minimum redemption is only $10, so you can use your points where you need them most.

Save at Petro-Canada
Save 3¢/L on fuel and earn 20% more points when you pay with a linked RBC card.6

Earn more Be Well points at Rexall
Earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall when you pay with your linked RBC card and scan your Be Well card.7

Save Big on Delivery with DoorDash
  • Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription – a value of almost $308
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on qualifying orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card9. See how to save with DoorDash.
Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Insurance5
Automatically protects eligible card purchases against loss, theft or damage within 90 days of purchase, and doubles the manufacturer's original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

* 21.99% Balance Transfer and Cash Advance rate if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Earn 1.5X Avion points for every $1 spent on groceries, rides, gas, streaming, subscriptions, digital gaming and more
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 spent on all other qualifying purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: No Annual Fee
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 7,000 Avion points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Rewards Visa* Card
Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points to use on eligible purchases, plus no Annual Fee.

Conditions Apply.


Earn 15,152 TD Rewards Points (a value of $50 on when you spend $500 within 90 days of Account opening. Conditions apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining or paying bills.
The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your everyday experiences and enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your card also allows you to enjoy:
  • Flexibility to redeem your TD Rewards Points on a wide variety of rewards at Expedia® For TD, Starbucks®
    and more.
  • Mobile device insurance of up to $1,000 if you lose or damage your phone.
  • Booking your travel through Expedia® For TD to maximize the TD Rewards Points you can earn on your travel purchases.
  • No travel blackouts, no seat restrictions and no expiry for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points.
    Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD
  • Earn 3 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
  • Earn 2 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account
  • Earn 1 TD Rewards Points For every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points to use on eligible purchases, plus no Annual Fee.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 3 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
GCR Rebate: 30
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Neo World Mastercard®
Get rewarded with real money instead of points - and no Annual Fee.

  • 2% cashback on groceries1
  • 2% cashback on recurring bills1
  • 2% cashback on gas1
  • 0.5% cashback back on everything else1

  • No annual fee

Boost Your Cashback
  • Bank with a Neo Everyday account and boost your rewards up to 4% on groceries, recurring bills, and gas. The higher your balance is, the higher your cashback rate is.

  • Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn additional cashback on top of your everyday cashback.2

Purchase Interest Rate: 19.99% - 29.99%
(Newfoundland and Quebec: 19.99% - 23.99%)

Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

The Neo Everyday account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.
Mastercard, World Elite, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Initial Rewards: 2% cashback on groceries, recurring bills and gas plus no annual fee. Boost your rewards up to 4% with a a Neo Everyday account.
On Going Rewards 1st: Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn additional cashback
On Going Rewards 2nd: 0.5% cashback back on everything else
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Boost your rewards up to 4% with a a Neo Everyday account
Credit Needed
* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
PC® Mastercard®

Earn at least 10 PC Optimum™ points everywhere you shop.


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® Mastercard®.
  • Earn 10 points for every $1 spent everywhere you shop and up to 25 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.
  • Earn 20 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Conditions apply to all benefits. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.
Initial Rewards: Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.
On Going Rewards 1st: 10 PC Optimum™ points for every $1 spentat participating stores where President’s Choice products are sold
On Going Rewards 2nd: 25 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®, at least 30 points per litre at Esso or Mobil stations
GCR Rebate: 35
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 20,000 points!
Credit Needed
Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
PC® World Elite Mastercard®

Get 20,000 Welcome Points!


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® World Elite Mastercard®.
  • Earn 30 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that participate in the PC Optimum™ program.1
  • Earn 45 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.2
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.3
  • Earn 30 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.4
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Concierge Services: 24/7 concierge service to make dinner reservations, reserve event tickets, deliver gifts and more.

Travel Emergency Medical Insurance: For trips up to 10 days from date of departure, for those under age 65. Conditions apply

Car Rental Collision/Loss Damage Waiver Insurance: Collision damage and theft protection for your car rental needs.

Identity Theft Assistance: To help you avoid identity theft or restore your identity

Conditions apply to all benefits. See Application for Terms and Conditions. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® World Elite Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.
Initial Rewards: Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.
On Going Rewards 1st: 45 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®
On Going Rewards 2nd: 30 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that offer PC Optimum™ pts. and at least 30 points per litre at Esso or Mobil stations
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 20,000 points!
Credit Needed
Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
PC® World Mastercard®

Earn PC Optimum™ points everywhere you shop.


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® World Mastercard®.
  • Earn 20 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that participate in the PC Optimum™ program and up to 35 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.
  • Earn 20 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Concierge Services: 24/7 concierge service to make dinner reservations, reserve event tickets, deliver gifts and more.

Conditions apply to all benefits. See Application for Terms and Conditions. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® World Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.

Initial Rewards: Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.
On Going Rewards 1st: 35 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®
On Going Rewards 2nd: 20 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that offer PC Optimum™ pts. and at least 30 points per litre at Esso or Mobil stations
GCR Rebate: 45
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 20,000 points!
Credit Needed
Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
Scotia Momentum® Visa* Card

Get a 2.99% introductory interest rate on on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months.

(19.99% on purchases/22.99% on cash advances including balance transfers after that; annual fee $39)

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2% cashback for every $1 you spend at eligible gas stations, grocery store, drug store purchases and recurring bill payments*.

  • Earn 1% cashback on all other eligible cashback purchases*.

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.
Initial Rewards: Get a 2.99% introductory interest rate on on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2% on eligible gas station, grocery store and drug store purchases and recurring bill payments
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1% cash back on all other eligible everyday purchases
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
2.99% introductory interest rate
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard

Unlimited cash back on your spending*


  • Earn up to 1.5% cash back on your spending – big or small
  • Premium benefits and insurances
  • Stay connected with a complimentary Boingo Wi-Fi accountΔ
  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership and instantly save on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points

    Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash17 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
  • Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription18 – a value of almost $120
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $12 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

The Website may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into The Website. If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to 1.5% cash back on your spending – big or small.
On Going Rewards 1st: Premium benefits and insurances
On Going Rewards 2nd: Stay connected with a complimentary Boingo Wi-Fi account
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Unlimited cash back on your spending
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Simplii Financial™ Cash Back Visa* Card
Earn up to 10% cash back for your first 3 months up to $1,000 eligible spend.

  • Earn 4% cash back on eligible restaurant, bar and coffee shop purchases, up to $5,000 per year.
  • Earn 1.5% cash back on eligible gas, groceries, drugstore purchases and pre-authorized payments,
    up to $15,000 per year.
  • Earn 0.5% cash back on all other credit card purchases with no limit on how much you can earn.

  • Purchase Security and Extended Protection Insurance.
  • Protect your purchases with double the manufacturer’s warranty, up to one additional year.

Send Money Abroad
  • Get cash back when you send a Global Money Transfer and pay with your Visa* Card.

Extra card fee: $0 (Up to 3 additional cards)
Credit Score: 600+
Purchase Interest Rate: 20.99%
Balance Transfer Interest Rate: 22.99%
Cash Advance Interest Rate: 22.99%

Terms and conditions apply. For complete Offer details, please review the product page.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

"Purchase" means any Transaction other than a Cash Advance, Balance Transfer or Convenience Cheque. "Cash" means a Cash Advance, Balance Transfer and Convenience Cheque. Interest rates may change from time to time.

Initial Rewards: Earn up to 10% cash back for your first 3 months up to $1,000 eligible spend.
On Going Rewards 1st: 4% cash back on eligible restaurant, bar and coffee shop purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1.5% cash back on eligible gas, groceries, drugstore purchases and pre-authorized payments
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Up to 10% cash back
Credit Needed
Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
KOHO Financial
Reloadable Prepaid Mastercard®, Cash Back, Interest Earning, No Fees

KOHO Essential Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Essential
  • Earn 1% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 2.5% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
Annual Fee: $48 ($4/month, billed yearly)

How to get Essential for $0?
- Set up a recurring direct deposit for your paycheque or government benefits
- Deposit a total of $1,000 or more into your KOHO membership each month. (e-transfer or transfer from other accounts)

KOHO Extra Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Extra
  • Earn 1.5% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 0.25% cash back on all other purchases
  • 3% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
  • Credit Building for just $7 / month
Annual Fee: $144 ($12/month, billed yearly)

KOHO Everything Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Everything
  • Earn 2% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 0.5% cash back on all other purchases
  • 4% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
  • Credit Building for just $5 / month
Annual Fee: $177 ($14.75/month, billed yearly)

* Interest: To earn interest, users must be subscribed to a KOHO Earn Interest plan and opt in on the Interest page in-app to start earning on everything in your spending and savings account. Rates are annualized, calculated daily, and paid monthly.

* Rates Subject to Change: KOHO rates are subject to adjustment over time based on market conditions.

Refer a friend to KOHO and we’ll give you both $20 each! You can refer up to 50 friends, which means you can earn up to $1000 from our referral program.

Terms and Conditions
Refer to for up-to-date terms and conditions.
Legal and product terms are available on
Initial Rewards: Earn up to 4% on your balance.
On Going Rewards 1st: Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
On Going Rewards 2nd: 30 days of free trial for any KOHO plan
GCR Rebate: 35
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to 4%
Credit Needed
Must activate your card and load funds into your KOHO account.
Must enter a valid mailing address to earn reward.
moi RBC® Visa‡

Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points! [1]

Offer ends July 8, 2025

  • Get 3,000 welcome points upon your first purchase with the moi RBC® Visa card [1]
  • Receive an additional 3,500 points when you spend $500 in the first three months of opening your card [1]
  • Receive an additional 3,500 points when you spend $2,000 in the first twelve months of opening your card [1]
A value of $80 [7]

Note: Residents of Quebec, Ottawa and New Brunswick would benefit most from the Moi program.


Earn Moi points everywhere, on all your purchases.2

Your moi RBC® Visa credit card rewards you with Moi points every time you use it to pay for purchases. Whether you’re in-person or online, you’ll collect points Moi wherever you shop.

  • 2X the Moi Points on Grocery, Beauty and Wellness
    Earn 2 Moi points at participating Metro, Jean Coutu, Brunet and Première Moisson stores when you pay with your moi RBC Visa credit card and swipe your Moi program card.2

  • 2X the Moi Points on Restaurants and Dining
    Earn 2 Moi points for every $1 spent on dining purchases when paying with your moi RBC Visa credit card.3

  • 2X Moi Points on Gas and EV Charging
    Earn 2 Moi points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging purchases when paying with your moi RBC Visa credit card.3

  • 1X Moi Points on All Other Purchases
    Earn 1 Moi point for every $1 spent on all your purchases, everywhere else you shop, including at participating Super C stores.4

Moi makes it easy to redeem

Redeem Moi points faster at checkout with your Moi card. Only 500 Moi points gets you $4 off your in-store or online purchase, before taxes, at nearly 900 Metro, Super C and Brunet stores in Quebec and Jean Coutu stores in Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick. 5

Petro-Canada Link your moi RBC Visa credit card to your Petro-PointsTM card to save 3¢/L instantly on gas and earn 20% more Petro-PointsTM at Petro-CanadaTM.6

RONA, Réno-Dépôt and RONA+ Pay with your moi RBC Visa credit card at RONA, Réno-Dépot or RONA+ and get up to 10% back in statement credits on your first $250 of qualifying purchases and 5% back on the next $1,250.7

Get exclusive savings, perks, and more with brands you love with your moi RBC Visa credit card!

®/TM Trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s). Used under licence.

* 21.99% for Cash Advance and Balance Transfer if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up-to-date offer terms and conditions.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
Initial Rewards: Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points! A value of $80!
On Going Rewards 1st: 2X the Moi Points on Grocery, Beauty, Wellness, Restaurants, Dining, Gas and EV Charging
On Going Rewards 2nd: Link your moi RBC Visa credit card to your Petro-PointsTM card to save 3¢/L instantly on gas
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points!
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Low Rate Visa* Credit Card
A credit Card you can rely on with a low interest rate.


With the TD Low Rate Visa* Card you can enjoy great financial flexibility for your everyday purchases.
  • Save on interest with a low annual interest rate of 12.90% for Purchases and Cash Advance transactions.
  • Option to Purchase Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance.
  • Earn 50% more Stars at participating Starbucks® stores. Conditions apply.
  • Enjoy all of the benefits of your TD Low Rate Visa* Card when using Apple Pay or Samsung Pay. It's an easy
    and secure way to pay.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content. The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Save on interest with a low annual interest rate of 12.90% for Purchases and Cash Advance transactions.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 50% more Stars at participating Starbucks® stores.
On Going Rewards 2nd: Option to purchase Travel Medical Insurance† and Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance†
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Low annual interest rate of 12.90%
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa Infinite* card

Welcome offer! Get your first year annual fee waived ($120 rewards value)^
and Visa Airport Companion membership ($90 value).^

Offer valid until March 31, 2025.
^Terms and conditions apply – for full details click the Apply button.

Card is available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards
100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 10 points for every $1 spent at select local businesses.
  • 5 points for every $1 spent on public transit and ferries.
  • 2.5 points for every $1 spent on groceries.
  • 1.25 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

Premium Visa Infinite Benefits
  • Get access to more than 1,200 participating airport lounges worldwide with your complimentary membership to Visa Airport Companion.⌀
  • Hotel perks, dining and wine events, concierge service, sports and entertainment offers and more.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $500,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §
  • Auto rental collision/loss damage insurance. §
  • Flight delay insurance. §
  • Emergency travel assistance services. §
  • Delayed and lost baggage insurance. §

Eligibility: $60,000 annual personal income, $100,000 annual household income, or $250,000 or more in investible funds.

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.

⌀ Enviro Visa Infinite cardholders have access to participating lounges through the Visa Airport Companion Program (“Program”), hosted and managed by DragonPass International Ltd. Cardholders must enroll for this benefit using a valid enviro Visa Infinite card. The value of a Visa Airport Companion membership (managed by DragonPass International Ltd.) is based on the value of purchasing a DragonPass membership ($68 USD) converted into CAD at an exchanged rate of 1.32. This estimated value is merely an estimate for illustrative purposes only. Actual value of a Visa Airport Companion membership may vary. Upon enrollment, all visits for enviro Visa Infinite cardholders are subject to a fee per person per visit. Cardholders who participate in the Program are subject to the DragonPass Terms of Use, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and Visa’s Privacy Notice. To view the full Terms and Conditions for the Program and more details on how to enroll, please visit The Program services and benefits are provided by DragonPass and applicable third party offer providers and neither Visa nor Vancity is responsible for any claims or damages arising from participation in the Program.

ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.

Initial Rewards: 10 points for every $1 spent at select local businesses
On Going Rewards 1st: Get access to more than 1,200 participating airport lounges worldwide
On Going Rewards 2nd: Enhanced insurance coverage
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
First year annual fee waived and Visa Airport Companion membership
Credit Needed
To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® - powered by Neo
Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® – powered by Neo

Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles1 and 15% off flights2
• 20,000 Asia Miles upon card activation
• 20,000 additional Asia Miles after spending $5,000 within 3 months of application start date


Earn Asia Miles on everyday spend
For every $1 spent on the Cathay World Elite Mastercard, you will get:
  • 5x Asia Miles when you spend at thousands of Neo partners nationwide
  • 2x Asia Miles spent on flights booked directly with Cathay Pacific
  • 2x Asia Miles spent on purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1x Asia Mile per dollar spent on purchases in Canada

Travel Benefits
  • Priority online check-in
  • Access to 1,300+ DragonPass airport lounges in more than 140 countries
  • Wi-Fi In-flight and at 1M+ Boingo hotspots around the world
  • Thousands of unique and memorable experiences worldwide

Insurance Coverage:
  • Purchase protection
  • Extended warranty
  • Flight cancellation
  • Flight delay
  • Baggage loss
  • Car rental theft and damage, and more

1,2 Click on Apply Now to view full Terms and Conditions on merchant website.
The Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® is not available in Quebec.
Initial Rewards: Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles and 15% off flights.
On Going Rewards 1st: 5x Asia Miles when you spend at thousands of Neo partners nationwide
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2x Asia Miles spent on flights booked directly with Cathay Pacific
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles
Credit Needed
* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card

Sign up for a Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card!

Available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards

100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $200,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.

ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.
Initial Rewards: Get up to $50 rewards value when you spend $1,500 in your first 3 months.
On Going Rewards 1st: 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases and no annual fee
On Going Rewards 2nd: 5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get up to $50 rewards value!
Credit Needed
To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Secured Neo Mastercard
Build your credit history and get unlimited transactions, no annual fees and no overlimit fees. Plus get a $25 sign up bonus!

  • A physical and digital secured card that doesn't require a hard credit check
  • Guaranteed approval for all Canadians1
  • Earns cashback on everyday spending
  • Average 5% at partners
  • 15% welcome bonus on first purchase at most partners
  • 1% minimum cashback guarantee across all purchases
  • No monthly or annual fees for free Standard rewards plans
  • Track spending with real time notifications and view balance in seconds
  • Cash out your rewards at any time.
  • Credit limit is equal to security funds. Customers can pick a limit they are comfortable with and never worry about going over that limit.
  • Security funds will be fully returned if card is closed and balance is paid off
  • Security funds minimum of only $50

~ Only $5 a month

Get cashback with Shell
  • Earn 2% cashback at the pump or convenience store locations
  • Earn 4% cashback on transactions made through the Shell App
  • Boost these offers by 50% if you’ve subscribed to Neo’s Everyday Essentials perk (boosted to up to 6% cashback!)
Offer is only available in British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

Everyday cashback
  • Up to 4% on gas and grocery
  • Up to 1% cashback on everything else

Terms and Conditions
Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

Neo Credit and Neo Secured Credit cards are issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc..

¹ Conditions apply. Must 1. be the age of majority in your province or territory of residence; 2. be a Canadian resident; 3. provide security funds.
Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 25
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed
Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.

• Minimum account funding of $50 required.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® Visa‡ Classic Low Rate Option

Save with a Fixed Low Annual Interest Rate.

  • Low, fixed interest rate on purchases, cash advances and balance transfers
  • Low annual fee
  • Purchase security and extended warranty insurance4

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership and instantly save on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points

  • Get $0 delivery fees for 3 months from DoorDash14 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
    - Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription15 – a value of almost $30
    - Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track sales for commission purposes.
Initial Rewards: Low annual fee.
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 20% more Petro-Points
On Going Rewards 2nd: Get $0 delivery fees for 3 months from DoorDash
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Low interest rate
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card Low Interest rate
Vancity enviro Visa* Classic card Low interest rate plus Vancity Rewards

Welcome offer! Get your first year annual fee waived ($50 rewards value)^

Offer valid until March 31, 2025.
^Terms and conditions apply – for full details click the Apply button.

Card is available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards
100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $200,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.
ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.
Initial Rewards: 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases and 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.
On Going Rewards 1st: Redeem points for cash back, travel, charity and gift cards
On Going Rewards 2nd: 5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get your first year annual fee waived ($50 rewards value)
Credit Needed
To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotia : Carte Visa Infinite* Momentum ScotiaMD

Obtenez une remise en argent de 10 % sur tous vos achats pendant les 3 premiers mois (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats au total)¹. Aucuns frais annuels la première année, y compris sur les cartes supplémentaires¹.

Offre valide du 1 Novembre 2024 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • 4 % pour chaque dollar dépensé en achats à l’épicerie, en paiements de factures récurrentes et en achats d’abonnement.

  • 2 % pour chaque dollar dépensé en essence et en transport en commun quotidien.

  • 1 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats sans limite de remise en argent

  • Services de conciergerie Visa Infinite*
  • Collection d’hôtels Visa Infinite*
  • Programme Visa Infinite* Restaurants et régions viticoles
  • Assurance voyage complète et nouvelle couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions :Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de cette offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: 10 % sur tous les achats (jusqu’à 2 000 $ d’achats au total) pendant les trois premiers mois. Ne payez aucuns frais annuels la première année
On Going Rewards 1st: 4 % pour chaque dollar d’achat, à l’épicerie, paiements de facture et abonnements
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2 % pour chaque dollar dépensé sur l’essence et les transports en commun quotidien
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez 10 % de remise en argent
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Momentum ScotiaMD

Taux de lancement de 2.99 % sur les transferts de solde pour les six premiers mois .
(par la suite : 22,99 % sur les avances de fonds, incluant les transferts de solde; frais annuels de 39 $)*.

Offre valide du 1 Novembre 2024 - 31 Octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez une remise en argent de 2 % pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les stations-service, les épiceries et les pharmacies admissibles, ainsi que pour les paiements de factures périodiques*

  • Obtenez une remise en argent de 1 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles avec remise en argent*

Les tarifs, frais, offres et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez un taux d’intérêt de lancement de 2,99 % sur les achats et les transferts de solde pendant les 6 premiers mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 % sur tous les achats admissibles dans les stations-service, les épiceries, les pharmacies, et sur les paiements périodiques
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez un taux d’intérêt de lancement de 2,99 %
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD de la Banque ScotiaMD*

Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première trois mois (jusqu’à 50 $ pour les voyages)*.

Offre valide du 2 juillet 2024 - 1er juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les restaurants, les établissements de restauration rapide, les débits de boissons et les autres épiceries admissibles. Comprend la livraison de nourriture populaire et les abonnements alimentaires.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en achats de divertissement admissibles. Comprend les magasins de cinéma, de théâtre et d’agences de billetterie.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en essence et en transport en commun quotidien admissibles. Comprend le covoiturage, les bus, le métro, les taxis et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en services de diffusion en continu admissibles.

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles
  • Invitations® American Express

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 2 juillet 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu`à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première année (jusqu’à 50 $ en récompenses voyages).
On Going Rewards 1st: 3 fois plus de points Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco et plus encore
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2 fois plus de points Scène+ pour chaque 1 $ CA d`achat admissible dans un établissement de divertissement, y compris les cinémas, les théâtres et les billetteries
GCR Rebate: 60
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Jusqu`à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD Or de la Banque ScotiaMD*
Obtenez jusqu’à 750 $* en valeur au cours des 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime*!

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 1 juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 6 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco, Foodland et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 5x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en restauration, en livraison de nourriture et dans d’autres épiceries admissibles. Comprend la livraison de nourriture populaire et les abonnements alimentaires.

  • Obtenez 5x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé à des fins de divertissement admissibles au Canada. Comprend les magasins de cinéma, de théâtre et d’agences de billetterie.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar canadien dépensé au Canada en essence et en transport en commun quotidien. Comprend le covoiturage, les bus, le métro, les taxis et plus encore

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar canadien dépensé au Canada sur certains services de diffusion en continu admissibles.

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Offres® AMEX
  • AMEX Avant-première de la ligne®
  • Invitations® American Express
  • Services de conciergerie gratuits

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 12 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année et la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 400 $ en récompenses voyages (40 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les nouveaux titulaires d’une carte American Express Or de la Banque Scotia qui effectuent des achats totalisant 1 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois (20 000 points) et qui effectuent des achats totalisant 7 500 $ au cours des 12 premiers mois (20 000 points additionnels);

  • 55 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués par compte au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opérations en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par d’autres émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 325 $ (32 500 points Scène+) potentiels selon le montant moyen des achats courants la première année, par compte, en supposant une dépense moyenne de 25 % d’achats dans les catégories donnant droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 5X les points, de 5 % d’achats dans les catégories droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 3X les points et de 70 % d’achats dans les catégories droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 1X les points ;

Valeur potentielle maximale après la première année = 780 $

La valeur réelle des offres, des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de l’utilisation de la carte et de l’admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent*.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu`à 780 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu`à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime
On Going Rewards 1st: 5X les points Scène+ pour chaque 1 $ CA d`achat admissible dans les épiceries, les restaurants, et de divertissements
On Going Rewards 2nd: 3X les points Scène+ pour chaque 1 $ CA d`achats admissibles d’essence et de transport en commun quotidien
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez jusqu`à 780 $*
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa Infinite* Passeport

Obtenez jusqu’à 1 300 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois,
y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime!

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 1 juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland et dans les établissements participants Coopératives et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans d’autres épiceries, restaurants, divertissements admissibles et options de transport quotidien admissibles (y compris les services de covoiturage, les autobus, les métros, les taxis et plus encore).

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • 6 accès gratuit aux salons d’aéroport
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Services de conciergerie Visa Infinite*
  • Collection d’hôtels Visa Infinite*
  • Programme Visa Infinite* Restaurants et régions viticoles

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

* La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 12 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année, la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises et le coût de l’accès aux salons d’aéroport au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 300 $ en récompenses voyages (30 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les titulaires de la carte Visa Infinite Passeport Banque Scotia qui portent 2 000 $ d’achats à leur compte dans les trois premiers mois;

  • 100 $ en récompenses voyages (10 000 points Scène+ en prime) si vous portez à votre compte au moins 40 000 $ d’achats au cours d’une année (période de 12 mois);

  • 50 $ d’économies grâce à l’annulation des frais annuels de la première carte Visa Infinite Passeport Banque Scotia supplémentaire;

  • 137 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués, par compte, au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opérations en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 399 $ (30 000 points Scène+) potentiels selon le montant moyen des achats, par compte, en supposant une dépense moyenne de 20 % d’achats dans les catégories donnant droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 2X les points;

  • 359 $ correspondant à la valeur de l’adhésion gratuite au programme Compagnon d’aéroport Visa qui comprend 6 laissez- passer dans les salons d’aéroport (basé sur de l’adhésion « Préférentielle » d’une valeur d’environ de 359 $ CA/259 $). Fondé sur le taux de change en vigueur le 28 25 octobre 2024;

Valeur potentielle maximale après la première année = 1 345 $.
La valeur réelle des offres, des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de l’utilisation de la carte et de l’admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: 1 300 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 2x plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en restaurants, divertissements et transports admissibles
On Going Rewards 2nd: Un point Scène+ par dollar dépensé pour tous les autres achats admissibles
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez jusqu`à 40 000 points bonus Scene+ !
Credit Needed
• Ne pas naviguer ou de quitter la page avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• S'il vous plaît cliquer de nouveau lien au dessus si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• Remboursement Cash Back sera versé après l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux détenteurs de carte répétés de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD Platine
Obtenez jusqu’à 2 500 $* en valeur au cours des 14 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 80 000 points Scène+ en prime*

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez 2X les points Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles
  • 10 laissez-passer gratuits pour les salons d’aéroport par an
  • Offres VIP Platine+
  • Invitations® American Express
  • Services de conciergerie gratuits haut de gamme

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

* La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 14 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, les économies potentielles, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année et la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises et d’accès aux salons d’aéroport au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 860 $ en récompenses voyages (80 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les nouveaux titulaires d’une carte American Express Platine de la Banque Scotia qui effectuent des achats totalisant 3 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois (60 000 points) et qui effectuent des achats totalisant 10 000 $ au cours des 14 premiers mois (20 000 points Scène+ additionnels);

  • 205 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opération en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués par compte au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opération en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 792 $ en récompenses voyages (74 188 points Scène+) sur les achats courants, selon le montant moyen des achats effectués par compte la première année;

  • 788 $ correspondant à la valeur de l’adhésion au programme Priority Pass et à des laissez-passer dans les salons d’aéroport pour le titulaire principal (frais annuels d’adhésion d’un forfait de 10 laissez-passer, 456 $ CA ou 329 $ US) et pour un titulaire de carte supplémentaire (frais annuels d’adhésion de 137 $ CA ou 99 $ US, plus 4 laissez-passer d’une valeur de 49 $ CA ou 35 $ US chacun). Fondé sur le taux de change en vigueur à le 25 octobre 2024.

Valeur potentielle maximale après 14 mois = 2 585 $
La valeur des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de votre utilisation de la carte et de votre admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de la carte et la demande de carte pour obtenir les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres en cours. Des efforts raisonnables sont déployés pour maintenir l'exactitude des informations.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu’à 2 500 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 14 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 80 000 points Scène+ en prime.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 2X les points Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles
On Going Rewards 2nd: Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
GCR Rebate: 175
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez jusqu`à 2 500 $*
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte VISA minima ScotiaMD
Taux de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde pour les neuf premiers mois (frais de 2 % par avance de fonds 13,99% par la suite frais annuels de 29 $)*

De plus, aucuns frais annuels pour la première année.*

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Économisez des centaines de dollars en intérêts par année

  • Faible taux d’intérêt de 13,99 %

  • Rembourser les soldes plus rapidement

  • Simplifiez vos paiements mensuels

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

Description et conditions de l’offre : L'offre de taux de lancement de 0,99 % sur les avances de fonds et d’annulation des frais annuels la première année (l’«offre») s’applique uniquement aux nouveaux comptes de carte de crédit Visa minima (les «comptes») ouverts au plus tard le, sous réserve des conditions ci-dessous. Nous annulerons les frais annuels pour la carte principale, la première année seulement, pour la carte principale qui devra être émise entre le 3 janvier 2025 et le 31 octobre 2025. Toutes les autres conditions du programme continuent de s’appliquer durant la période de l’offre. L’offre peut être modifiée, annulée ou prolongée en tout temps, sans préavis, et elle ne peut être combinée à aucune autre offre.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: Taux d’intérêt de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde pendant les 9 premiers mois et aucuns frais annuels la première année
On Going Rewards 1st: Économisez jusqu’à des centaines de dollars par année sur les intérêts.
On Going Rewards 2nd: Faible taux d’intérêt de 13,99 %
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Taux d’intérêt de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Scène+MC Banque ScotiaMD
Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première trois mois.*

Offre valide du 3 mars 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, Coopératives, Freshco et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les magasins Home Hardware, Centre de rénovation et Meubles Home au Canada et en ligne chez

  • Obtenez 2x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les cinémas Cineplex ou en ligne chez

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Aucuns frais annuels la première année, y compris sur les cartes supplémentaires*.

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 3 mars 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première année et aucuns frais annuels la première année.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2x les points Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les cinémas Cineplex ou en ligne chez
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5 000 points Scène+
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
RBC : Carte Avion Visa Infinite RBC

Obtenez jusqu’à 55 000 points Avion* (une valeur pouvant atteindre 1 100 $), soit suffisamment pour vous envoler vers toute destination en Amérique du Nord ou dans les Antilles !

Présentez une demand d’ici le 3 juin 2025

  • Accumulez un point Avion par dollar d’achat*, et obtenez 25 % de points supplémentaires à l’achat d’un voyage admissible.

  • Les membres Avion peuvent utiliser leurs points auprès de n’importe quel transporteur, quels que soient le vol et la date du départ, sans période d’interdiction ou restriction.

  • Les membres Avion accumulent des points qui n’expirent jamais, ce qui veut dire qu’ils seront là, quand vous serez prêt à vivre votre prochaine aventure.

  • Échangez vos points contre des primes-voyages et plus encore. Utilisez vos points comme vous le voulez, que ce soit pour payer des factures ou le solde de votre carte, ou échangez-les contre des cartes-cadeaux et différents articles de grandes marques comme ceux d’Apple. Le programme Avion Récompenses vous donne la liberté de choisir de quelle façon vous utiliserez vos points et vous aide à tirer le maximum de vos points en tant que membre Avion.

  • Les membres admissibles du programme Avion Récompenses peuvent convertir leurs points dans d’autres programmes de fidélisation, comme les dollars WestJet, les points Avios de British Airways et les points Primes La Baie d’Hudson.

  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez instantanément 3 ¢ le litre de carburant dans les stations Petro- points, en plus d’obtenir toujours 20 % plus de Petro-Points et 20 % de points Avion.

  • Liez votre carte RBC à un compte Rexall Be Well et obtenez 50 points Be Well pour chaque dollar d’achat de produits admissibles à Rexall. Échangez des points Be Well plus rapidement pour économiser en magasin sur vos achats puisque 25 000 points Be Well = 10 $

  • Accédez aux offres de RBC qui vous permettent d’accumuler des points plus rapidement auprès de certaines marques.

  • Gamme complète d’assurances, y compris l’assurance appareil mobile, l’assurance voyage (annulation et interruption de voyage et frais médicaux d'urgence) et autres achats admissibles pour vous protéger, tant vous-même que les membres de votre famille.

  • Les membres Avion profitent d’avantages haut de gamme Visa Infinite, comme le service sans attente pour des événements ainsi que des avantages hôtels et plaisirs de la table.

  • Les membres Avion n’ont plus besoin de réserver 14 jours à l’avance leurs voyages en utilisant la grille RBC.

Jusqu’à 12 mois sans frais de livraison, gracieuseté de DoorDash17 - Ajoutez une carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash et
  • Obtenez un abonnement18 de 12 mois gratuit à la DashPass, une valeur de près de 120 $
  • Profitez de livraisons illimitées de restaurants admissibles sur les commandes de 15 $ et plus lorsque vous payez avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

Cet article contient des liens d'affiliation.

GCR peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commissions.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu’à 55 000 points Avion*, soit suffisamment pour vous envoler vers toute destination en Amérique du Nord ou dans les Antilles.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 1 point Avion par dollar d’achat
On Going Rewards 2nd: Échangez vos points contre d’autres produits formidables; Utilisez vos points Avion pour faire un paiement de carte de crédit
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez jusqu`à 55 000 points
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
RBC : Remise en argent Préférence World Elite Mastercard RBC

Remises en argent illimitées sur vos achats*


  • Obtenez jusqu’à 1,5 % de remise en argent sur vos achats, petits ou grands
  • Avantages et assurances de premier ordre.
  • Restez connecté grâce au compte Wi-Fi Boingo gratuitΔ
  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez immédiatement dans les stations Petro-Canada, en plus d’obtenir 20 % de Petro-Points supplémentaires

Obtenez des livraisons sans frais pendant 12 mois avec DoorDash17 en ajoutant votre carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash pour :
  • obtenir un abonnement de 12 mois gratuit à DashPass18 d’une valeur de près de 120 $
  • profiter d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais sur les commandes de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu`à 1,5 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats.
On Going Rewards 1st: Prestations et assurances premium
On Going Rewards 2nd: Restez connecté grâce au compte Wi-Fi Boingo
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Remise en argent illimitée sur vos dépenses
Credit Needed
  • Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
  • Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
  • Doit postuler en ligne.
  • La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
  • La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.
  • REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
RBC : Carte Visa RBC ION

Obtenez 7 000 points Avion à l’approbation1 – une valeur de 50 $ en cartes cadeaux+ !

Faites une demande d’ici le 7 mai 2025


• Obtenez 1,5 fois les points1 Avion sur :
  • Épicerie – Des points à l’épicerie qui donnent l’eau à la bouchei.
  • Déplacements, essence et recharge pour VE – Tous les chemins mènent à des points : essence, covoiturage, transports en commun quotidiens, recharge pour véhicule électriqueii.
  • Diffusion en continu, jeux numériques et abonnements – Amusez-vous à accumuler des points sur la diffusion en continu, les jeux, les abonnements numériques, les téléchargements numériques admissibles et les achats intrajeuiii.

• Obtenez un (1) point Visa Avion pour chaque dollar (1 $) dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles1

Payez avec des points
Échangez vos points Visa Avion pour payer des factures, rembourser le solde de votre carte de crédit ou même envoyer de l’argent à un ami par Virement Interac4. L’échange minimal n’est que de 10 $. Vous pouvez donc utiliser vos points selon vos besoins.

Économisez à Petro-Canada
Économisez 3 ¢ le litre d’essence et obtenez 20 % de points en plus lorsque vous payez avec une carte RBC liée6

Obtenez plus de points Be Well à Rexall
Obtenez 50 points Be Well par dollar dépensé sur des achats admissibles à Rexall lorsque vous payez avec votre carte RBC liée et que vous balayez votre carte Be Well7.

Économisez gros sur les livraisons avec DoorDash

  • Obtenez un abonnement gratuit de trois mois à DashPass, d’une valeur de près de 30 $8.
  • Profitez d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais de commandes admissibles de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible9. Voyez comment vous pourriez économiser avec DoorDash.

Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée5
Elle protège automatiquement les achats admissibles réglés avec la carte contre la perte, le vol et les dommages survenant dans les 90 jours qui suivent l’achat, et la garantie allongée double la garantie canadienne originale du fabricant jusqu’à une année supplémentaire, pour un maximum de cinq ans.

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 7 000 points Avion à l’approbationà l’approbation d’une carte Visa ION RBC.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 1,5x les points Avion par dollar dépensé en épicerie, en essence, en abonnements, en jeux numériques et plus encore.
On Going Rewards 2nd: Ne payez aucuns frais annuels
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez 7 000 points Avion
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez aviser GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.
RBC : Carte Visa RBC IONᐩ

Obtenez 14 000 points Avion à l’approbation1 – une valeur de 100 $ en cartes cadeaux+ !

Faites une demande d’ici le 7 mai 2025


• Obtenez trois fois les points1 Avion sur :
  • Épicerie, restos et livraisons de repas – Des points sur l’épicerie, les repas au resto et les livraisons de repasi.
  • Déplacements, essence et recharge pour VE – Tous les chemins mènent à des points : essence, covoiturage, transports en commun quotidiens, recharge pour véhicule électriqueii.
  • Diffusion en continu, jeux numériques et abonnements – Amusez-vous à accumuler des points sur la diffusion en continu, les jeux, les abonnements numériques, les téléchargements numériques admissibles et les achats intrajeuiii.
• Obtenez un point Avion par dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles1

• Frais annuels de 48 $2 (4 $ par mois)

Payez avec des points
Échangez vos points Visa Avion pour payer des factures, rembourser le solde de votre carte de crédit ou même envoyer de l’argent à un ami par Virement Interac4. L’échange minimal n’est que de 10 $. Vous pouvez donc utiliser vos points selon vos besoins.

Économisez à Petro-Canada
Économisez 3 ¢ le litre d’essence et obtenez 20 % de points en plus lorsque vous payez avec une carte RBC liée6.
Obtenez plus de points Be Well à Rexall
Obtenez 50 points Be Well par dollar dépensé sur des achats admissibles à Rexall lorsque vous payez avec votre carte RBC liée et que vous balayez votre carte Be Well7.
Économisez gros sur les livraisons avec DoorDash

  • Obtenez un abonnement gratuit de trois mois à DashPass, d’une valeur de près de 30 $8.
  • Profitez d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais de commandes admissibles de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible9. Voyez comment vous pourriez économiser avec DoorDash.

Profitez d’une réduction des frais mensuels
Obtenez chaque mois une remise de 4 $10 (48 $ par année) sur les frais mensuels de votre carte de crédit lorsque vous détenez un Forfait bancaire sans limite Signature RBC ou un Forfait bancaire avantage RBC pour étudiant.

Assurance appareil mobile5 incluse
Obtenez une protection de deux ans, jusqu’à concurrence de 1 000 $, contre la perte, le vol, les dommages accidentels ou la panne de votre appareil mobile, un téléphone cellulaire par exemple, lorsque vous l’achetez avec cette carte de crédit.

Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée5
Elle protège automatiquement les achats admissibles réglés avec la carte contre la perte, le vol et les dommages survenant dans les 90 jours qui suivent l’achat, et la garantie allongée double la garantie canadienne originale du fabricant jusqu’à une année supplémentaire, pour un maximum de cinq ans.

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 14 000 points Avion à l’approbation – une valeur de 100 $ en cartes cadeaux.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez un point Avion par dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles
On Going Rewards 2nd: Frais mensuels de 4 $ (frais annuels modiques de 48 $)
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez 14 000 points Avion
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez aviser GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.
MBNA : MastercardMD Platine PlusMD récompenses MBNA
Accumulez jusqu’à 10 000 points récompenses MBNA†† pour des remises, des cartes-cadeaux et plus encore.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.
Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.


Accumulez plus rapidement des points de récompense sur les achats courants!

  • 2 points par dollar dépensé sur tout achat admissible au restaurant ou d’épicerie, de médias numériques, d’abonnements et de services publics de ménage jusqu’à ce que 10 000 $ soient dépensés annuellement dans la catégorie applicable.

  • 1 point par dollar dépensé sur tout autre achat admissible.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 25 $) après que vous faites votre premier achat admissible dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 25 $) lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Chaque année, vous recevrez des points de prime pour anniversaire‡ correspondant à 10 % du nombre total de points qui se sont accumulés dans les 12 mois précédant votre mois d’anniversaire, jusqu’à concurrence d’une prime pour anniversaire maximale par année de 10 000 points.

  • Échangez des points pour des articles de marque, des cartes-cadeaux de détaillants participants, des remises en argent, des dons de bienfaisance et des voyages.

  • Taux d’intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats admissibles, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪ et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

  • Assurance appareil mobile*** L’assurance appareil mobile vous offre une couverture allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour des appareils mobiles admissibles en cas de perte, de vol, et de dommages accidentels ou de bris mécanique.

  • Aucuns frais annuels.

Profitez d’une carte de récompenses pour tous les jours sans frais annuels. Faites une demande pour la carte de crédit récompenses MBNAMD maintenant.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec

‡, ††, ✪, ***, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 5 000 points bonus après votre premier achat éligible et 5 000 points bonus lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques.
On Going Rewards 1st: Accumulez 2 points par dollar dépensé dans les restaurants, les épiceries, les médias numériques, les abonnements et les services ménagers éligibles
On Going Rewards 2nd: Obtenez 1 point par dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Jusqu`à 10 000 points récompenses
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MasterCardMD Récompenses MBNA World Elite
Accumulez jusqu’à 20 000 points récompenses MBNA†† pour des remises, des cartes-cadeaux et plus encore.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.
Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.


Recevez jusqu’à 20 000 points de prime (une remise en argent d’environ 165 $).

  • Recevez 15 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 125 $) après que vous faites votre premier achat admissible dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent d’environ 40 $) lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Obtenez 5 points par dollar dépensé sur tout achat admissible au restaurant ou d’épicerie, de médias numériques, d’abonnements et de services publics de ménage, jusqu’à ce que 50 000 $ soient dépensés annuellement dans la catégorie applicable; 1 point‡ par dollar dépensé sur tout autre achat admissible.

  • Chaque année, vous recevrez des points de prime pour anniversaire‡ correspondant à 10 % du nombre total de points qui se sont accumulés dans les 12 mois précédant votre mois d’anniversaire, jusqu’à concurrence d’une prime pour anniversaire maximale chaque année de 15 000 points.

  • Échangez des points pour des articles de marque, des cartes-cadeaux de détaillants participants, une remise en argent, des dons de bienfaisance et des voyages.

  • Taux d’intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats admissibles, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪ et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

  • Assurance appareil mobile*** L’assurance appareil mobile vous offre une couverture allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour des appareils mobiles admissibles en cas de perte, de vol, et de dommages accidentels ou de bris mécanique.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

††, ‡, ✪, ***, ††††, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.

Initial Rewards: 15 000 points bonus pour le premier achat admissible et 5 000 points bonus pour les relevés électroniques sans papier.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 5 points par dollar dépensé dans les restaurants, les épiceries, les médias numériques, les abonnements et les services ménagers éligibles
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1 point par dollar dépensé sur tout autre achat éligible
GCR Rebate: 80
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Jusqu`à 20 000 points récompenses
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MastercardMD Platine PlusMD Argent Content MBNA
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent††

Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)


Accélérez la remise en argent sur les achats courants!

  • Aucuns frais annuels

  • Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent par la suite sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie (jusqu'à ce que le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 0,5 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats admissibles

Taux d'intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪, et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds

Profitez d'une carte sans frais annuels offrant une remise en argent sur les achats admissibles

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

‡, ††, ✪, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent‡ par la suite sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie
On Going Rewards 2nd: Aucuns frais annuels
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5 % de remise en argent
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MastercardMD World Argent Content MBNA
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent††

Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)


Accélérez la remise en argent sur les achats courants!

  • Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent par la suite sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie (jusqu'à ce que le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 1 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats admissibles

  • Frais annuels de 39 $

Taux d'intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪, et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

Votre revenu annuel personnel doit être supérieur à 60 000 $, ou le revenu annuel de votre ménage doit être de 100 000 $ ou plus††††.

Profitez d'une carte offrant une remise en argent sur les achats admissibles.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

‡, ††, ††††, ✪, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent par la suite sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie
On Going Rewards 2nd: Obtenez 1 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats admissibles
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5 % de remise en argent
Credit Needed
IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
Amex : Carte Prestige AéroplanMD

Les nouveaux titulaires de la Carte Prestige AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD peuvent obtenir 85 000 points Aéroplan.

  • Obtenez 60 000 points Aéroplan après avoir porté 7 500 $ à votre Carte au cours des 3 premiers mois.
  • De plus, obtenez 25 000 points Aéroplan supplémentaires en dépensant 2 500 $ au cours du 13e mois.
  • C’est jusqu’à 2 600 $ ou plus de valeur en combinant votre prime de bienvenue et les avantages de votre Carte.

  • Les titulaires peuvent obtenir une nuitée de plus gratuitement pour chaque 3 nuitées à l’hôtel payées avec des points Aéroplan. Obtenez-en encore plus dans plus de 300 000 hôtels dans le monde.

  • Le taux de cumul d’Air Canada le plus élevé sur une carte de paiement Aéroplan au Canada: Obtenez 3 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison de nourriture au Canada et obtenez 1,25 fois les points sur tout le reste.

  • Traversez l’aéroport plus rapidement grâce à l’enregistrement prioritaire, à l’embarquement prioritaire et au traitement prioritaire des bagages lorsque vous vous envolez avec Air Canada.

  • Profitez d’un accès à certains salons Feuilles d’érableMC* d’Air Canada et aux Cafés Air CanadaMC* en Amérique du Nord pour vous et un invité sur présentation d’un billet pour un vol de départ le jour même avec Air CanadaMD* ou Star AllianceMD*.

  • Vous et jusqu’à huit de vos compagnons voyageant avec la même réservation pouvez avoir droit à un premier bagage enregistré admissible sans frais en prenant un vol d’Air Canada à votre point de départ.

  • Reportez des Milles de Qualification à un Statut et des crédits eSurclassements inutilisés à l’année suivante.

  • Amex ExperiencesMC vous donne accès à divers événements spéciaux : expériences gastronomiques spéciales, soirées VIP, avant-premières de films et plus encore.

  • Vivez une expérience de voyage améliorée à l’aéroport international Pearson de Toronto :
    • Accès au service de contrôle de sécurité prioritaire Pearson Priority*
    • Service de voiturier sans frais aux stationnements Express Park et Daily Park*
    • Rabais de 15 % sur les frais des stationnements Express Park et Daily Park*
    • Rabais de 15 % sur les services Auto soins*

  • Votre Carte Prestige Aéroplanᴹᴰ* American Expressᴹᴰ vous donne accès à plus de 1 200 salons d’aéroport Priority Pass partout dans le monde. Quelle que soit la société aérienne que vous avez choisie ou la classe dans laquelle vous voyagez, vous pourrez profiter d’un confort inégalé avant votre vol.

  • Assurances : En voyage à l’étranger ou dans une boutique près de la maison, vous pouvez avoir l’esprit tranquille en sachant que vous êtes protégé.

  • Votre nouvelle Carte Prestige Aéroplan American Express est faite de métal de 13 g et coupée avec précision. C’est le compagnon idéal pour votre prochaine aventure exceptionnelle.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

Initial Rewards: 3X les points Aéroplan pour les achats Air Canada® et Vacances Air Canada® admissibles.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2X les points sur les achats admissibles au restaurant et à la livraison de nourriture au Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Amex ExperiencesMC : accédez à des événements spéciaux, des expériences culinaires et des soirées VIP
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenir 85 000 points Aéroplan
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte

REMARQUE : Vous devez contacter GCR dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : La Carte de PlatineMD
Accédez à des expériences spéciales grâce à La Carte de PlatineMD

Obtenez jusqu’à 100 000 points-privilègesMD, soit un maximum de 1 000 $ pour régler votre prochaine escapade.
  • À titre de nouveau titulaire de La Carte de PlatineMD, obtenez une prime de bienvenue de 70 000 points lorsque vous portez à votre Carte 10 000 $ d’achats nets au cours des 3 premiers mois suivants votre adhésion.

  • De plus, obtenez 30 000 points si vous effectuez un achat au cours des 14 à 17 mois suivant votre adhésion.

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison au Canada, 2 points par dollar d’achats de voyages admissibles portés à la Carte et 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’autres achats portés à la Carte.

  • Crédit annuel pour voyage de 200 $ par l’intermédiaire des Services voyages en ligne American Express ou des Services voyages de La Carte de Platineᴹᴰ.

  • Profitez d’un crédit annuel pour repas de 200 $ à utiliser dans certains des meilleurs restaurants au Canada.

  • Obtenez une valeur supplémentaire de 200 $ ou plus grâce au programme Extras pour titulaires. Vous pouvez obtenir des crédits au compte pour les achats admissibles auprès des marques participantes.

  • Tirez le maximum de la Collection mondiale de salonsMC American Express qui vous donne accès à plus de 1 400 salons d’aéroport partout dans le monde. La Collection mondiale de salons inclut le réseau de Salons CenturionMD, les salons Plaza Premium et des centaines d’autres salons internationaux et nationaux qui amélioreront votre expérience de voyage.

  • Profitez de diverses façons d’utiliser vos points, notamment en les échangeant contre des crédits au compte pour régler tout achat admissible porté à votre Carte, de nouveaux voyages réservés auprès des Services voyages en ligne American Express dans le cadre du programme de voyage à points souples et des vols admissibles réservés dans le cadre du programme de voyage à points fixes.

  • Virez vos points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Profitez d’avantages à titre gracieux d’une valeur moyenne de 600 $US dans plus de 1 500 établissements extraordinaires dans le monde lorsque vous effectuez une réservation dans le cadre du programme Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Les titulaires de La Carte de Platine peuvent profiter de l’accès à divers événements spéciaux et occasions uniques.

  • Profitez d’avantages supérieurs à l’aéroport Pearson de Toronto.

  • Vous aurez également accès aux programmes de fidélisation de nombreuses grandes entreprises hôtelières et sociétés de location de voitures. Nos partenaires comprennent Marriott International, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Hertz et Avis.

Un taux d’intérêt de 30 % s’applique à chaque opération en souffrance devant être réglée en totalité. Le taux privilégié de 21,99 % s’applique au solde de votre option de paiement souple. Si vous omettez 2 paiements distincts au cours d’une période de 12 mois, le taux pour l’option de paiement souple passe à 25,99 %. Si vous omettez 3 paiements distincts ou plus au cours d’une période de 12 mois, le taux pour l’option de paiement souple passe à 28,99 %. Ces taux sont en vigueur à compter du jour où l’option de paiement souple devient disponible dans votre compte.

Les intérêts s’appliquent conformément à votre convention du titulaire, à l’encadré informatif et à la fiche d’information si le nouveau solde n’est pas réglé intégralement au plus tard à la date d’exigibilité du paiement. Tous les paiements doivent être reçus au plus tard à la date d’exigibilité du paiement figurant sur votre relevé mensuel.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, je/nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison au Canada.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 points par dollar d’achats de voyages admissibles portés à la Carte
On Going Rewards 2nd: Virez vos points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation
GCR Rebate: 150
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
140 000 points-privilèges
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte

REMARQUE : Vous devez contacter GCR dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Verte American ExpressMD
Obtenir une prime de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD

À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Verte American ExpressMD, vous pouvez obtenir une prime de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD en portant 1 000 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les 3 premiers mois suivant votre adhésion. C’est l’équivalent de 100 $ pour des achats en épicerie ou des billets de spectacle.


Obtenez la Carte qui vous permet de profiter du moment présent tout en vous préparant pour l’avenir. Chaque utilisation de votre Carte Verte American ExpressMD représente une occasion.

  • Obtenez 1 fois les points sur les achats portés à la Carte.

  • Portez un achat admissible à votre Carte et échangez vos points-privilèges contre un crédit au compte (tous les achats admissibles : 1 000 points = crédit au compte de 10 $).

  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à des programmes pour grands voyageurs et à d’autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC et à Billets en préventeMC Avant-premièreMD, les titulaires de la Carte American Express ont accès à de formidables événements au Canada.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez un bonus de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD en facturant 1 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: 1x les points sur les achats effectués avec la Carte
On Going Rewards 2nd: Amex ExperiencesMC et à Billets en préventeMC Avant-premièreMD, les titulaires de cartes American Express ont accès à des événements incroyables au Canada
GCR Rebate: 30
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
10 000 points-privilèges
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte CobaltMD American Express
Obtenez jusqu’à 15 000 points-privilègesMD

Au cours de votre première année à titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Cobalt, vous pouvez accumuler 1 250 points-privilègesMD à chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 750 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte. Vous pouvez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 15 000 points en une année. C’est l’équivalent d’un maximum de 150 $ pour une escapade ou des billets de spectacle!

  • Obtenez 5 fois les points sur les achats admissibles dans les restos, bars et bistrots au Canada, y compris dans les épiceries et auprès des services de livraison de nourriture. Une limite de dépenses s’applique.

  • Obtenez 3 fois les points sur les abonnements à des services de diffusion en continu admissibles au Canada.

  • Obtenez 2 fois les points pour les achats admissibles d’essence, de transports en commun et de covoiturage au Canada

  • Obtenez 1 point supplémentaire sur les réservations admissibles d’hôtel et de location de voiture effectuées par l’intermédiaire services voyages d’Amex en ligne.

  • Obtenez 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’achats portés à la Carte partout ailleurs.

  • Profitez d’un accès à des réservations d’hôtel, arrivée à partir de midi (selon les disponibilités), départ tardif (selon les disponibilités) et d’un crédit allant jusqu’à 100 $US à utiliser pour des services portés au compte de la chambre, pour un séjour d’au moins 2 nuitées consécutives réservées auprès du programme The Hotel Collection des Services voyages American Express.

  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Les titulaires de la Carte Cobalt se font régulièrement offrir des avantages, comme des offres de récompenses en prime et l’accès à de grands événements.

  • Accès à des billets en prévente et réservés Avant-premièreMD pour certains de vos concerts et pièces de théâtre préférés, ainsi qu’à des offres et des événements spécialement conçus pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, je/nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

Initial Rewards: Vous pouvez accumuler 1 250 points-privilègesMD à chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 750 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 5 fois sur les achats admissibles dans les restos, bars et bistrots au Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de transport et d’essence au Canada et sur les achats de voyages admissibles
GCR Rebate: 100
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
15 000 points-privilègesMD
Credit Needed
L'utilisation de tout code promotionnel annulera le rabais

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Or avec primes American ExpressMD

Obtenez une prime de bienvenue pouvant atteindre 60 000 points-privilègesMD

  • À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Or avec primes American ExpressMD, obtenez 5 000 points-privilègesMD pour chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 1 000 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte
  • Vous pourriez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 60 000 points en une année, soit jusqu’à 600 $ pour vos prochaines vacances

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats de voyages admissibles portés à la Carte, qu’il s’agisse de billets d’avion, d’hébergement, de locations de voiture, de croisières et plus encore
  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats réglés avec la Carte dans les stations-service, les épiceries et les pharmacies admissibles au Canada, et 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’achats réglés avec la Carte partout ailleurs
  • La Carte est maintenant offerte en métal de couleur dorée ou or rose
  • Recevez un crédit au compte de 50 $CAN lorsque vous portez à votre Carte Or avec primes American Express des frais d’adhésion ou de renouvellement d’adhésion au programme NEXUS
  • Vous pouvez obtenir un crédit annuel pour voyage de 100 $CAN, une gracieuseté de la Carte Or avec primes American Express. Utilisez le crédit une fois annuellement pour toute réservation de voyage de 100 $ ou plus portée à votre Carte Or avec primes et effectuée par l’intermédiaire des Services voyages en ligne American Express
  • À titre de titulaire de la Carte Or avec primes, vous pouvez profiter de l’adhésion gratuite à Priority PassMC, l’un des plus grands réseaux de salons d’aéroport indépendants au monde. Échappez au chaos des aéroports, détendez-vous dans une oasis de tranquillité et profitez simplement du fait que votre expérience a commencé avant même que votre avion ait quitté le sol. L’inscription est requise et un droit d’entrée s’applique
  • Profitez de quatre (4) visites sans supplément par année civile aux salons Plaza Premium au Canada. Un droit d’entrée s’applique après les quatre visites sans supplément
  • Portez tout achat admissible à votre Carte de crédit, puis ouvrez une session pour échanger vos points contre un crédit au compte
  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation
  • Obtenez une Carte Or avec primes supplémentaire gratuite (une valeur de 50 $) pour vous aider à obtenir des points plus rapidement

Sous réserve d’une approbation. Le taux privilégié est de 21,99 % pour les achats et de 21,99 % pour les avances de fonds. Si vous avez des paiements omis, les taux applicables à votre compte seront de 25,99 % et (ou) de 28,99 %. Voir l’encadré informatif dans la demande de Carte pour connaître, entre autres, la définition de « paiement omis » et les taux qui s’appliquent aux opérations portées à votre compte.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 5 000 points-privilègesMD pour chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 1 000 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte.
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 points pour chaque dollar d`achats effectués avec la carte pour les achats de voyage éligibles, y compris les vols, les hôtels, les locations de voiture, les croisières et plus encore
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2 points sur les achats admissibles d’essence, d’articles d’épicerie et de pharmacie au Canada
GCR Rebate: 125
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
60 000 points-privilègesMD
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte RemiseSimpleMD
Obtenez jusqu’à 100 $ de remises en prime.

Au cours de vos 3 premiers mois de première adhésion à la Carte RemiseSimpleMD d’American Express, vous pouvez obtenir une prime de 5 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats). Cette offre s’ajoute à vos taux de remise en argent pour les achats de tous les jours. C’est jusqu’à 100 $ de remises en prime.

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les stations-service au Canada, 2 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les épiceries au Canada (jusqu’à concurrence de 300 $ de remise par année), et 1,25 % de remise sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

  • Accédez à des événements et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Bénéficiez d’une couverture d’assurance et d’un service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenir un bonus de remise en argent de 5 % sur tous les achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois. Cette offre s’ajoute à vos taux de remise en argent pour les achats de tous les jours.
On Going Rewards 1st: Remise en argent de 2 % sur les achats d`essence et d`épicerie admissibles au Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Accès exclusif aux billets, événements virtuels, performances en direct et plus encore avec Amex ExperiencesMC
GCR Rebate: 30
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Jusqu`à 100 $ de remises en prime
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte sélecte RemiseSimpleMD
Obtenez jusqu’à 250 $ de valeur en prime.

Obtenez une prime de 10 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats). De plus, obtenez un crédit au compte de 50 $ en effectuant un achat au cours du 13 mois. Vous pourriez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 250 $ de valeur en prime au cours de vos 13 premiers mois.

  • Obtenez des ratios de cumul majorés sur les achats admissibles d’essence et d’articles d’épicerie.

  • Obtenez 4 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les stations-service au Canada, 4 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les épiceries au Canada (jusqu’à concurrence de 1 200 $ de remise par année) et 2 % de remise sur tous les autres achats.

  • Accédez à des événements et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Bénéficiez d’une couverture d’assurance étendue et d’un service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

Frais mensuels : 9,99 $ (frais annuels de 119,88 $ au total)

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez une prime de 10 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois. De plus, un crédit au compte de 50 $ en effectuant un achat au cours du 13 mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez une remise en argent de 4 % sur les achats admissibles dans les stations-service et les épiceries au Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Jusqu`à 250 $ de valeur en prime
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*

À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*, vous obtenez 50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD en portant 1 500 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les trois premiers mois suivant votre adhésion.

Des modifications peuvent être apportées en tout temps.

  • Obtenez 5 points par dollar d’achats admissibles portés à la Carte dans les hôtels Marriott BonvoyMD participants

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’autres achats portés à la Carte

  • Recevez une nuitée gratuite par année, valant jusqu’à 35 000 points, dans des hôtels et des centres de villégiature admissibles dans le monde entier à chaque date anniversaire

  • Aucuns frais annuels ne sont exigés pour les Cartes supplémentaires

  • Profitez de nuitées gratuites en échange de points, sans période d’interdiction, à plus de 7 000 hôtels parmi les plus recherchés du monde

  • Bénéficiez du statut Élite Silver Marriott Bonvoy offert automatiquement

  • Recevez 15 nuitées Élite par année civile grâce à votre Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*. Ces nuitées peuvent être utilisées pour accéder au prochain niveau du statut Élite du programme Marriott Bonvoy

  • Profitez d’un accès automatique au statut Élite Gold Marriott Bonvoy lorsque vous portez 30 000 $ d’achats à votre Carte chaque année ou lorsque vous enregistrez 10 nuitées payées admissibles au cours d’une année civile combinées à 15 crédits de nuitée Élite obtenus grâce à votre Carte

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD en portant 1 500 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les trois premiers mois.
On Going Rewards 1st: Aucuns frais annuels ne sont exigés pour les Cartes supplémentaires
On Going Rewards 2nd: Recevez 15 nuitées Élite par année civile grâce
GCR Rebate: 75
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte de crédit EssentielleMC American Express
Faible taux d'intérêt annuel de 12,99%

  • Obtenez un taux d’intérêt annuel de 12,99 % sur les achats et les avances de fonds.

  • Avec un taux d’intérêt de 12,99 %, vous pouvez économiser sur vos paiements d’intérêts si vous décidez de reporter un solde et que vous effectuez vos paiements mensuels minimums à temps.

  • Accédez à des événements virtuels et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Magasinez en toute confiance Bénéficiez d’assurances pouvant contribuer à protéger les achats admissibles portés à votre Carte, que ce soit auprès de votre boutique locale favorite ou en ligne.

  • Service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 Où que vous soyez dans le monde, nous sommes là pour vous en tout temps.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Profitez d’un accès exclusif à des billets, à des événements virtuels, à des spectacles en direct et plus encore grâce à American Express® Experiences.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez plus de flexibilité lors du paiement de votre solde
On Going Rewards 2nd: Accès aux Amex ExperiencesMC
GCR Rebate: 20
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Taux d`intérêt annuel de 12,99 %
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Neo : Carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé

Un crédit tourné vers l’avenir, pas le passé

Avec une approbation garantie¹, aucuns frais annuels² et des remises en argent illimitées, la carte Neo vous offre un moyen plus facile de commencer à utiliser du crédit.


Tous les avantages de la carte Neo sans frais annuels ni frais de dépassement de limite².

  • Obtenez une moyenne de 5 % de remises en argent illimitées⁴ auprès de milliers de partenaires Neo.
  • Gagnez jusqu’à 15 % de remises en argent⁴ sur votre premier achat auprès des partenaires participants.
  • Si le taux global de vos remises tombe en dessous de 0,5 %, nous ajouterons une remise complémentaire⁵.


  • Les vérifications approfondies du crédit ne sont pas requises pour obtenir la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé. L’approbation est garantie¹ et instantanée peu importe votre cote de crédit.
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé et la carte ordinaire n’ont pas de frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé vous récompense avec des remises en argent auprès de milliers de partenaires, le tout sans frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La limite de crédit correspond au montant de votre fonds de sécurité. La somme minimale pour le fonds de sécurité est de 50 $.
  • Si votre solde est payé, votre fonds de sécurité vous est retourné quand vous fermez votre compte et avez complètement remboursé votre solde, ou quand vous passez de la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé à la carte Neo ordinaire.

Obtenez une remise en argent avec Shell
  • Gagnez 2 % de remises en argent à la pompe ou dans les boutiques de dépannage.
  • Gagnez 4 % de remises en argent sur les opérations effectuées avec l'appli Shell.
  • Amplifiez ces offres de 50 %2 lorsque vous ajoutez l'extra Achats courant à votre carte.
Offre valable en Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta, en Saskatchewan, au Manitoba et en Ontario.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.

¹ Des conditions s’appliquent. Doit 1. avoir atteint l’âge de majorité dans votre province ou territoire; 2. résider au Canada; et 3. mettre de côté des fonds de sécurité.
² Pour le Québec : Relevés mensuels; aucuns frais mensuels ou annuels; période de grâce de 21 jours; paiement minimum de 10,00 $ ou de 5,0 % du solde total du relevé (montant le plus élevé des deux); taux sur les achats (19,99 % à 24,99 %) et taux sur les avances de fonds (22,99 % à 25,99 %).

³ Tel que déterminé le 19 octobre 2021 par les votes exprimés dans le cadre des prix Canada’s Choice awards.
⁴ Moyenne basée sur les offres actuelles auprès de certains partenaires. Les remises en argent varient selon les forfaits, les offres et les partenaires.
⁵ La remise en argent complémentaire varie selon les dépenses mensuelles et elle est limitée à 50 $ par mois.

Les cartes sont émises par ATB Financial en vertu d’une licence de Mastercard International Inc. Mastercard est une marque de commerce déposée et le concept des cercles est une marque de commerce de Mastercard International Inc.

Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 25
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed

* Le remboursement de GCR n'est pas éligible s'il est combiné avec une offre de bonus ou un code promotionnel différent lors de l'inscription à Neo

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• Financement minimum du compte de 50 $ requis
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.
• La remise en argent est valable uniquement pour les nouveaux clients Neo éligibles.
• Une remise en argent par client pour le premier produit Neo demandé et approuvé.
• Aucune remise en argent sur les produits Neo La Baie d'Hudson.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.

RBC : Carte moi RBC® Visa‡

Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime! [1]

L'offre se termine le 8 juillet 2025

  • Obtenez 3 000 points de bienvenue lors de votre premier achat avec la carte moi RBC® Visa [1]
  • Recevez 3 500 points supplémentaires lorsque vous portez des achats totalisants au moins 500 $ à la carte au cours des trois premiers mois [1]
  • Recevez 3 500 points supplémentaires lorsque vous portez des achats totalisants au moins 2 000 $ à la carte au cours des douze premiers mois [1]
Une valeur de 80 $ [*]

Remarque : Les résidents du Québec, d'Ottawa et du Nouveau-Brunswick bénéficieraient le plus du programme Moi.


Accumulez des points Moi partout, sur tous vos achats.2

Votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa vous permet d’obtenir des points Moi chaque fois que vous l’utilisez pour régler un achat. Vous accumulerez des points Moi sur tous vos achats effectués en magasin ou en ligne.

  • 2X les points sur les produits d’épicerie, de beauté et de bien-être
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat effectué dans les magasins participants Metro, Jean Coutu, Brunet et Première Moisson lorsque vous présentez votre carte programme Moi et payez avec votre carte moi RBC Visa.2

  • 2X les points sur les achats liés à la restauration
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat lié à la restauration réglé avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa.3

  • 2X les points sur l’essence et la recharge pour véhicule électrique
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat lié à l’essence ou à la recharge d’un véhicule électrique réglé avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa.3

  • 1X les points sur tous les autres achats
    Recevez 1 point Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat effectué partout ailleurs, y compris dans les magasins Super C participants.4

Il est facile d’échanger les points Moi

Échangez des points Moi plus rapidement à la caisse avec votre carte moi RBC Visa. Pour aussi peu que 500 points Moi, obtenez 4 $ de rabais sur vos achats en magasin ou en ligne, avant taxes, dans près de 900 magasins Metro, Super C et Brunet au Québec et dans les pharmacies Jean Coutu au Québec, en Ontario et au Nouveau-Brunswick.5

Liez votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa à votre carte Petro-PointsMC pour économiser automatiquement 3 cents le litre sur l’essence et obtenez 20 % plus de Petro-PointsMC chez Petro-CanadaMC.6

RONA, Réno-Dépôt et RONA+
Payez avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa chez chez RONA, Réno-Dépot ou RONA+ et recevez un crédit sur relevé de compte pouvant atteindre 10 % sur la première tranche d’achats admissibles de 250 $ et un crédit pouvant atteindre 5 % sur la tranche suivante de 1 250 $ d’achats.7

®/(MC) Marques de commerce de Banque Royale du Canada. Toutes les autres marques de commerce appartiennent à leur propriétaire respectif, utilisées sous licence.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Ce message contient des liens d'affiliation.

Le site Web peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans le site Web. Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commissions.

Initial Rewards: Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime! Une valeur de 80 $!
On Going Rewards 1st: Accumulez des points Moi partout, sur tous vos achats
On Going Rewards 2nd: Liez votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa à votre carte Petro-PointsMC pour économiser automatiquement 3 cents le litre sur l’essence
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime!
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
CIBC Aventura® Gold Visa* Card
Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!


Here's how You can get up to $1,450 in value

Get up to 45,000 Aventura Points (up to $900 in travel value):
  • 15,000 Aventura Points when you make your first purchase
  • 30,000 Aventura Points when you spend $3,000 or more in the first 4 monthly statement periods

  • Get a one-time annual fee rebate ($139) for you (the primary cardholder) and up to three authorized users ($50 each): up to $189 value
  • Elevate your airport experience with 4 complimentary visits at 1,200+ lounges globally through Visa Airport Companion Program: up to $277 in value
  • Plus, get a NEXUS Application Fee rebate: A $100 value

Plus, enjoy extra valuable travel benefits.
  • Travel when it’s right for you – your Aventura points don’t expire
  • Redeem your Aventura Points for more than travel with our Shop With Points/Pay with Points features
  • Travel local - Aventura points can be redeemed for more than just flights – use your points for hotels and car rentals for a weekend getaway

  • 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
  • 1.5 points for every $1 spent at eligible gas stations, EV charging, grocery stores and drug stores
  • 1 point for every $1 spent on all other purchases

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Aventura Gold Visa Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Aventura® Gold Visa* Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else.

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Aventura card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.
Initial Rewards: Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
On Going Rewards 2nd: 1.5 points for every $1 spent at eligible gas stations, EV charging, grocery stores and drug stores
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get up to $1,450 in value
Credit Needed
Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Aventura® Visa Infinite* Card
Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!


Here's how You can get up to $1,450 in value

Get up to 45,000 Aventura Points (up to $900 in travel value):
  • 15,000 Aventura Points when you make your first purchase
  • 30,000 Aventura Points when you spend $3,000 or more in the first 4 monthly statement periods

  • Get a one-time annual fee rebate ($139) for you (the primary cardholder) and up to three authorized users ($50 each): up to $189 value
  • Elevate your airport experience with 4 complimentary visits at 1,200+ lounges globally through Visa Airport Companion Program: up to $277 in value
  • Plus, get a NEXUS Application Fee rebate: A $100 value

Plus, enjoy extra valuable travel benefits.
  • Travel when it’s right for you – your Aventura points don’t expire
  • Redeem your Aventura Points for more than travel with our Shop With Points/Pay with Points features
  • Travel local - Aventura points can be redeemed for more than just flights – use your points for hotels and car rentals for a weekend getaway

  • 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
  • 1.5 points for every $1 spent at eligible gas stations, EV charging, grocery stores and drug stores
  • 1 point for every $1 spent on all other purchases

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Aventura Visa Infinite Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Aventura® Visa* Infinite Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else. 

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Aventura card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.
Initial Rewards: Join and get over $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!
On Going Rewards 1st: 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
On Going Rewards 2nd: Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get up to $1,450 in value
Credit Needed
Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Dividend® Visa Infinite* Card
Join and earn over $400 in value including a first year annual fee rebate.


Here's how you can earn over $400 in value
  • Earn a 10% cash back welcome bonus of up to $250 (first 4 statements)
  • A $50 cash back bonus for setting up one pre-authorized payment within the first 4 monthly statements.
  • First year annual fee rebate valued at $120.

After that, get 4% cash back on eligible gas, EV charging, and grocery purchases.
  • 2% cash back on eligible transportation, dining purchases and recurring payments
  • 1% cash back on all other purchases
  • Get cash back on demand - redeem your cash back at any time when you have a minimum of $25 through CIBC Online and Mobile Banking®

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Dividend® Visa Infinite* Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else. 

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Dividend card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.
Initial Rewards: Join and earn over $400 in value including a first year annual fee rebate.
On Going Rewards 1st: 4% cash back on eligible gas, EV charging, and grocery purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: 2% cash back on eligible transportation, dining purchases and recurring payments
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn over $400 in value
Credit Needed
Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Select Visa* Card
Transfer your credit card balance of $100 or more - Get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee and a two year annual fee rebate.

  • Transfer up to 50% of your assigned credit limit

  • If you choose to carry a balance and you make your minimum payments on time, a balance transfer could save you money on interest

  • Take advantage of this 0% introductory interest rate on balance transfers of $100 or more for your first 10 months. You’ll only have to pay a 1% fee when you transfer your balance from another card to the CIBC Select Visa Card

This balance transfer offer is only available at the time of your online application. Simply tick the checkbox to select the balance transfer option when you’re filling out your application.

Once you take advantage of this offer, you will have a promotional rate balance on your account. As a result, you will lose your interest-free grace period on new purchases unless you pay your amount due, including any promotional rate balances, in full each month. While you will enjoy the promotional rate on the balances you transfer by using this offer, new purchases will be subject to the purchase interest rate.

Balance transfers of amounts less than $100 are not eligible for this promotional balance transfer offer and will be subject to the regular interest rate for Cash Advances applicable to your account.

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Select Visa Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards
Link and use your CIBC Select Visa Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.
Initial Rewards: Get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee and a two year annual fee rebate.
On Going Rewards 1st: Low interest rate of 13.99% on purchases and cash advances
On Going Rewards 2nd: Ideal for consolidating your balances onto one card
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Get 0% interest for up to 10 months
Credit Needed
Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
Amex : Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD

Les nouveaux titulaires d’une Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD peuvent obtenir une prime de bienvenue pouvant atteindre 40 000 points Aéroplan :

  • Obtenez 30 000 points Aéroplan après avoir porté 3 000$ à votre Carte au cours des 3 premiers mois.
  • De plus, obtenez 10 000 points Aéroplan supplémentaires en dépensant 1 000 $ au cours du 13e mois.
  • C’est jusqu’à 900 $ ou plus de valeur en combinant votre prime de bienvenue et les avantages de votre Carte.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 1,5 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison de nourriture au Canada.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 1 fois les points sur tout le reste.

  • Vous et jusqu’à huit de vos compagnons voyageant avec la même réservation pouvez avoir droit à un premier bagage enregistré sans frais (poids maximal de 23 kg / 50 lb) en prenant un vol d’Air Canada à votre point de départ.

  • Obtenez 1 000 Milles de Qualification à un Statut et 1 Segment de Qualification à un Statut par tranche de 10 000 $ d’achats nets admissibles portés à votre Carte Aéroplan American Express.

  • En tant que titulaire de la Carte Aéroplan American Express, vous pouvez souvent effectuer des réservations au moyen de primes aériennes contre un nombre de points encore plus bas en bénéficiant d’un tarif préférentiel.

  • Amex ExperiencesMC vous donne accès à divers événements spéciaux : expériences gastronomiques spéciales, soirées VIP, avant-premières de films et plus encore.

  • Profitez d’une vaste gamme d’assurances voyage, telles que l’Assurance perte ou vol de bagages et l’Assurance accident de voyage offrant une protection pouvant atteindre 500 000 $.

  • Service à la clientèle et Service de remplacement de la Carte en cas d’urgence 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

  • Conformément à notre engagement en matière de développement durable, la Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD est fabriquée à 70 % de plastique récupéré.

  • L’absence de limite de dépenses préétablie sur les achats vous offre une souplesse financière accrue. Utiliser une Carte de paiement est un excellent moyen de gérer vos finances puisque le solde doit être réglé en totalité chaque mois*.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.
Initial Rewards: Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 1,5 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison de nourriture au Canada
On Going Rewards 2nd: Amex ExperiencesMC : accédez à des événements spéciaux, des expériences culinaires et des soirées VIP
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
40 000 points Aéroplan
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Momentum ScotiaMD sans frais annuels

Remise de 5 % sur tous les achats (jusqu’à 2 000 $ d’achats au total) pendant les trois premiers mois.

Taux de lancement de 0.99 % sur les transferts de solde pendant les six premiers mois.
(22,99 % par la suite ; frais annuels de 0 $)

Offre valide du 1 novembre 2024 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Remise de 1 % sur tous les achats admissibles dans les stations-service, les épiceries, les pharmacies, et sur les paiements périodiques.

  • Vous obtenez aussi une remise en espèces de 0,5 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

Les tarifs, frais, offres et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de la carte et la demande de carte pour obtenir les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres en cours. Des efforts raisonnables sont déployés pour maintenir l'exactitude des informations.
Initial Rewards: 5 % de remise en argent pendant 3 mois et bénéficiez d
On Going Rewards 1st: Remise de1 % sur tous les achats admissibles dans les stations-service, les épiceries, les pharmacies, et sur les paiements périodiques.
On Going Rewards 2nd: Vous obtenez aussi une remise en espèces de 0,5 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
5 % de remise en argent
Credit Needed
Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
National Bank : Mastercard® World (FR)

Earn up to 2 points on all card purchases* without restrictions*


With the À la carte Rewards Plan® (the “À la carte Plan”), you earn points for every dollar on eligible purchases. These points may be exchanged for rewards such as merchandise, a travel package, a gift card, a travel discount, a donation, a financial product, repayment with rewards points or any other reward offered under the À la carte Plan.

  • Reassuring protection. Travel with peace of mind thanks to our comprehensive insurance coverage up to 60 days

  • Out-of-province-of-residence medical/hospital insurance, Departure flight delay insurance, Baggage insurance in case of delay, Baggage insurance in case of theft or loss, Vehicle rental insurance

  • Medical, general and legal assistance

  • Purchase protection in case of theft or damage*
  • Extended Warranty*

National Bank ranks #1 among credit card issuers for Customer Experience according to the Forrester CX Index1.

Legal Disclaimer

Details of eligible rewards points
Certain restrictions apply. For more information, consult the Rewards plan section or the Plan rules regarding how to earn points.

Credit terms
Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly.

Example of credit charges over a 30-day period

Annual Interest Rate Average Balance
$500 $3,000
22.49% $9.24 $55.45
20.99% $8.63 $51.76
12.90% $5.30 $31.81
8.9% $3.66 $21.95

*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021

Balance transfer and cash advance are subject to credit approval by National Bank. Each balance transfer must be at least $250.

Travel and health insurance conditions
This coverage applies to purchases and rentals charged in part to the card, except out-of-province medical/hospital insurance for which the travel arrangements need not be charged to the card and lost or delayed luggage insurance where all transportation costs must be charged to the card. This coverage applies to the primary cardholder, their spouse and/or dependent children when they (spouse and/or dependent children) travel with the primary cardholder. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card.

Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 50
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points (enough for a round trip to Honolulu) and additional travel benefits. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.

  • Earn a welcome bonus of 20,000 Aeroplan points when you make your first Purchase with your new Card
  • Earn an additional 35,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $12,000 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Plus, earn a one-time anniversary bonus of 30,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $24,000 within 12 months of Account opening

Additional Travel Benefits
  • Enroll for NEXUS and once every 48 months get a partial application fee rebate
  • Share first free checked bags with up to 8 travel companions and get unlimited access to Maple Leaf Lounges including complementary access for one guest
  • Plus, primary cardholders get 6 complimentary worldwide select airport lounge visits annually through the Visa Airport Companion Program

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Aeroplan Points on your everyday purchases
  • Take advantage of an extensive suite of travel insurance
  • Travel with confidence with Travel Medical Insurance
  • Get access to Priority Airport Services like Priority Boarding, Priority Baggage Handling, and Priority Airport Standby
    & Priority Airport Upgrades

Earning Aeroplan Points
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made direct through Air Canada® purchases
    (including Air Canada Vacations®)
  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery, travel and dining purchases
  • Earn 1.25 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases made with your Card
  • Earn points twice when you pay with your Card and provide your Aeroplan number at over 150 Aeroplan partner brands and at 170+ online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore (

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards: Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points
On Going Rewards 1st: Earn 1.5 points† for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery, travel and dining purchases
On Going Rewards 2nd: Earn 1.25 points† for every $1 spent on all other purchases made with your Card
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Earn up to $3,000 in value
Credit Needed
• Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from TD.
National Bank : Mastercard® Platine (FR)
Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points (enough for a round trip to Honolulu) and additional travel benefits. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.

  • Earn a welcome bonus of 20,000 Aeroplan points when you make your first Purchase with your new Card
  • Earn an additional 35,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $12,000 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Plus, earn a one-time anniversary bonus of 30,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $24,000 within 12 months of Account opening

Additional Travel Benefits
  • Enroll for NEXUS and once every 48 months get a partial application fee rebate
  • Share first free checked bags with up to 8 travel companions and get unlimited access to Maple Leaf Lounges including complementary access for one guest
  • Plus, primary cardholders get 6 complimentary worldwide select airport lounge visits annually through the Visa Airport Companion Program

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Aeroplan Points on your everyday purchases
  • Take advantage of an extensive suite of travel insurance
  • Travel with confidence with Travel Medical Insurance
  • Get access to Priority Airport Services like Priority Boarding, Priority Baggage Handling, and Priority Airport Standby
    & Priority Airport Upgrades

Earning Aeroplan Points
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made direct through Air Canada® purchases
    (including Air Canada Vacations®)
  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery, travel and dining purchases
  • Earn 1.25 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases made with your Card
  • Earn points twice when you pay with your Card and provide your Aeroplan number at over 150 Aeroplan partner brands and at 170+ online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore (

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.
Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed
• Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from TD.
Remise en argent Préférence World Elite Mastercard RBC
Receive 0% Interest Rate on purchases for the first 3 months

For a limited time, when you get approved for your Plastk Secured Visa card, you will get 5,000 points, redeemable after 3 months

Proudly Canadian, Plastk offers Canada’s first secured credit card with a premium rewards program. Having envisioned a credit card that goes beyond building or restoring credit, Plastk also provides cardholders with premium rewards perks, setting it apart from other secured credit card products. Plastk offers one of the highest cashback rates in the market. Plastk is the newest and best way to build credit and get rewarded for it.

Use your points to pay your balance! 250 points = $1, minimum 2500 pts to redeem. Easily transfer your points through the cardholder portal!

Cash advances are HERE! You can now send money from your Plastk card to any Canadian credit or debit card, Canadian bank account or Plastk cardholder.

*Please note, you can send a MAXIMUM of $250 in a single transfer or $500 in a day. If your available limit is LESS than $250, you will only be able to send up to that limit. Available account funds will be shown in your account.

* Terms and Conditions Apply.
Initial Rewards:
On Going Rewards 1st:
On Going Rewards 2nd:
GCR Rebate: 15
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Credit Needed
RBC : Visa‡ Classique RBC® avec option à taux d’intérêt réduit

Économisez grâce à un taux d’intérêt annuel fixe réduit.

  • Faible taux d’intérêt fixe sur les achats, les avances de fonds et les transferts de solde
  • Profitez de frais annuels minimes
  • Bénéficiez d’une Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée

  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez instantanément sur le carburant dans les stations Petro-Canada, en plus d’obtenir 20 % de Petro-Points supplémentaires

  • Obtenez des livraisons sans frais pendant trois mois avec DoorDash14 en ajoutant votre carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash pour :
    - obtenir un abonnement de trois mois gratuit à DashPass15 d’une valeur de près de 30 $
    - profiter d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais sur les commandes de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

Ce message contient des liens d'affiliation.

GCR peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commission.
Initial Rewards: Profitez de frais annuels minimes.
On Going Rewards 1st: Obtenez 20 % de Petro-Points en plus
On Going Rewards 2nd: Obtenez des livraisons sans frais pendant trois mois avec DoorDash
GCR Rebate: 0
GCR Rebate
Initial Rewards
Faible taux d’intérêt fixe
Credit Needed
• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.
  GCR Rebate   Initial Rewards   Credit Needed  
American Express® Cobalt Card
  $100   15,000 Membership Rewards® points   Fair  
Earn 1,250 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period when you spend $750 in purchases on your Card.
Earn up to 15,000 Membership Rewards® points

In your first year as a new Cobalt Cardmember, you can earn 1,250 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $750 in net purchases on your Card. This could add up to 15,000 points in a year. That’s up to $150 towards a weekend getaway or concert tickets!

  • Earn 5x the points on eligible eats and drinks in Canada, including groceries and food delivery. Spend cap applies.

  • Earn 3x the points on eligible streaming subscriptions in Canada.

  • Earn 2x the points on eligible ride shares, transit & gas in Canada.

  • Earn 1 additional point on eligible hotel and car rental bookings via American Express Travel Online.

  • Earn 1x point for every $1 in Card purchases everywhere else.

  • Enjoy access to hotel bookings, a room upgrade (when available), 12pm check-in and late check-out (when available), and up to $100 USD hotel credit to use on amenities when charged to the room for a stay of 2 or more consecutive nights through The Hotel Collection from American Express Travel.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs.

  • Cobalt Cardmembers receive regular Perks such as bonus reward offers and access to great events.

  • Access Front Of The Line® Amex Presale & Reserved Tickets to some of your favourite concerts and theatre performances and special offers and events curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.


• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Cobalt Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Gold Rewards Card
  $125   60,000 Membership Rewards® points   Good  
Earn 5,000 points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $1,000 in net purchases.
Use of any promo code will void the rebate

Earn up to 60,000 Membership Rewards® points

  • New American Express® Gold Rewards Cardmembers, earn 5,000 Membership Rewards® points for each monthly billing period in which you spend $1,000 in net purchases on your Card
  • This could add up to 60,000 points in a year. That’s up to $600 towards your next vacation.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases for eligible travel purchases, including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases at eligible gas stations, grocery stores and drugstores in Canada, and 1 point for every $1 in Card purchases everywhere else
  • The Card is now available in your choice of Gold or Rose Gold metal options
  • Receive a $50 CAD statement credit when a NEXUS application or renewal fee is charged to your American Express Gold Rewards Card
  • You have access to an annual $100 CAD Travel Credit, compliments of your American Express Gold Rewards Card. Use the credit once annually towards any single travel booking of $100 or more charged to your Gold Rewards Card through American Express Travel Online
  • As a Gold Rewards Cardmember, you can receive complimentary membership in Priority Pass™ – one of the world’s largest independent airport lounge programs. Escape the chaos of airports and relax in an oasis of calm and simply enjoy the fact that the travel experience has begun before your plane has even left the ground. Enrollment is required and entry fees apply
  • Enjoy four (4) complimentary visits per Calendar year to Plaza Premium Lounges across Canada. Entry fees apply once complimentary visits have been used
  • Charge any eligible purchase to your credit Card then log in to redeem your earned points for a statement credit
  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs
  • 1 Free Additional Gold Rewards Card (a $50 value) to help you earn points faster

Subject to approval. The preferred rate for purchases is 21.99% and funds advances is 21.99%. If you have Missed Payments, the applicable rates for your account will be 25.99% and/or 28.99%. See the information box included with the application for the definition of Missed Payment and which rates apply to charges on your account and other details.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.


• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Gold Rewards Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
TD First Class Travel® Visa Infinite* Card
  $75   Earn up to $1,000 in value    
Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points
Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points and
no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $1,000 in value, including up to 135,000 TD Rewards Points, no Annual Fee for the first year and additional travel benefits. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025
  • Earn a welcome Bonus of 20,000 TD Rewards Points when you make your first Purchase with your Card
  • Earn 115,000 TD Rewards Points when you spend $5,000 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Earn a Birthday Bonus of 10% of the TD Rewards Points you have earned over the past year, up to a maximum of 10,000 TD Rewards points
  • Get an annual TD Travel Credit of $100 when you book at Expedia® For TD
  • Get an Annual Fee Rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the Additional Cardholder(s) first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your Additional Cardholder(s) while the offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining, paying bills or booking travel. The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your travel experience or enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your Card also allows you to enjoy:
  • An extensive suite of travel insurance coverages which helps you travel prepared
  • No travel blackouts., no seat restrictions. and no expiry. for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points
    Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 8 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD
  • Earn 6 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
  • Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account
  • Earn 2 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card plus earn an annual Birthday Bonus of up to 10,000 TD Rewards Points

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank Passport® Visa Infinite* Card
  $150   Up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points   Excellent  
Earn up to $1,300 in value and up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points in the first 12 months.

Earn up to $1,300* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points!

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland and participating Co-ops and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on other eligible grocery stores, dining, eligible entertainment purchases and eligible daily transit options (including rideshares, buses, subways, taxis and more).

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • 6 Complimentary Airport Lounge Access
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • Visa Infinite* Concierge Services
  • Visa Infinite* Hotel Collection
  • Visa Infinite* Dining and Wine Country program

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

* Savings and reward potential in first 12 months includes welcome offer value, first year point earn potential, foreign transaction fee and airport lounge savings as of October 25, 2024:
  • $300 in travel rewards (30,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Card clients who spend $2,000 within the first 3 months;

  • $100 in travel rewards (10,000 bonus Scene+ points) when you spend $40,000 annually on your Account each year (12-months);

  • $50 supplementary card annual fee waiver on the first supplementary card for new Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Card clients;

  • $137 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee markup typically charged by other card issuers);

  • $399 in first year point earn potential (30,000 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual spend per account with an average spend of 20% in 2X accelerator categories;

  • $359 value with a complimentary Visa Airport Companion Program Membership that includes 6 lounge passes (based on ‘Preferential’ membership valued at approx. CAD$359/USD$259). Currency conversion as at October 25, 2024.

Potential First Year Value = up to $1,345

Actual offers, savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank Gold American Express® Card
  $100   Up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points   Good  
Earn up to $750 in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points.
Earn up to $750* in value in the first 12 months, including up to 40,000 bonus Scene+ points!*

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 6x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco, Foodland and more.

  • Earn 5x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on dining, food delivery and other eligible grocery stores. Includes popular food delivery and food subscriptions.

  • Earn 5x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend in Canada eligible entertainment purposes.Includes movies, theatre and ticket agencies stores.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* for every $1 CAD you spend in Canada on eligible gas and daily transit options.Includes rideshares, buses, subway, taxis and more.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* for every $1 CAD you spend in Canada on eligible select streaming services.

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • AMEX Offers®
  • AMEX Front of the Line®
  • American Express Invites®
  • Complimentary Concierge Services

Savings and reward potential in first 12 months includes welcome offer value, first year point earn potential and foreign transaction fee savings as of October 25, 2024:
  • $400 in travel rewards (40,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Gold American Express Card clients who spend $1,000 within the first 3 months (to earn 20,000 points) and who spend $7,500 within the first 12 months (to earn an additional 20,000 points);

  • $55 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee markup typically charged by card issuers);

  • $325 in first year point earn potential (32,500 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual first year spend per account with an average spend of 25% in 5X accelerator, 5% in 3X accelerator categories, and 70% in 1x categories.

Potential First Year Value= up to $780.
Actual Savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply*.

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Card
  $50   40,000 Aeroplan points   Good  
Earn up to $900 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

New American Express® Aeroplan®* Cardmembers can earn up to 40,000 Aeroplan points:

  • Earn 30,000 Aeroplan points after spending $3,000 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 10,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in month 13.
  • That’s up to $900 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 2X the points on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada®* and Air Canada vacations®*
  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 1.5X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada
  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 1X the points on everything else

  • Enjoy your first checked bag free (up to 23kg/50lb) for up to 9 people travelling on the same reservation on Air Canada®* flights.

  • Earn 1,000 Status Qualifying Miles and 1 Status Qualifying Segment for every $10,000 in eligible net purchases charged to your Card.

  • As an American Express Aeroplan Cardmember, you can often book flight rewards for even fewer points with preferred pricing.

  • Amex ExperiencesTM: From music and movies, to specially curated dining and online shopping opportunities, stay connected with all that we have to offer from the comfort of your own home.

  • Enjoy an array of travel related insurance benefits such as Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance and up to $500,000 in Travel Accident Insurance.

  • 24/7 Customer Service and Emergency Card Replacement.

  • As part of our commitment to sustainability, the American Express® Aeroplan®* Card has been made with 70% reclaimed plastic.

  • Charge Card*. No preset spending limit on purchases gives you flexibility. Using a charge card is a great way to manage your finances as the balance must be paid in full each month*.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Business Gold Rewards Card
  $125   40,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points   Good  
Earn 40,000 Membership Rewards® points plus up to 10,000 bonus points each calendar quarter.
Earn 40,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points

  • Earn a welcome bonus of 40,000 Membership Rewards® points after spending $7,500 in purchases within the first three months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 10,000 bonus points in each calendar quarter when you spend $20,000 or more. That could add up to $400 in value every year.

  • That’s $400 in statement credits that can be reinvested in your business.


Earn points that you can redeem in a variety of ways
  • Earn 1 Membership Rewards point for every dollar in purchases charged to the Card and get the most out of your business expenses.

  • Enjoy an exceptional line-up of rewards redemption options for you and your business, including travel, dining, entertainment, gift cards, merchandise, and more with Membership Rewards program.

  • Transfer points to frequent flyer and hotel programs, including one-to-one to Aeroplan®* and Avios.

Unlock business possibilities with a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere
  • Take advantage of purchasing power that grows with your business with no pre-set spending limit on purchases. With this Card, your purchasing power adjusts dynamically with your Card usage, and can grow over time, as long as you make your payments on time and maintain a good credit history.

  • Maximize your cash flow with up to 55 interest free days so you can keep more cash on hand when you need it most.

  • Pay for business expenses over time with Flexible Payment Option.

  • This charge card has both Due in Full and Flexible Payment Option balances. All Due in Full balances must be paid each month. Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full charge. This rate is effective from the day account is opened. Interest rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. This rate is effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

Access comprehensive insurance coverage for your travel needs
  • Access Travel Emergency Assistance, and up to $100,000 Travel Accident Insurance when you fully charge your tickets to your Business Gold Rewards Card.

  • Plus, access Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance, Flight Delay Insurance, and Baggage Delay Insurance when you fully charge your airline tickets to your Business Gold Rewards Card.

  • Save money when travelling with complimentary Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance.

Access coverage that can protect your business purchases when you charge the full price of eligible items to your Business Gold Rewards Card
  • Protect your eligible purchases against accidental physical damage and theft for up to 90 days with Purchase Protection® Plan.

  • Double the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year with Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan.

Access to coverage for mobile devices purchased for business use
  • Access Mobile Device Insurance of up to $1,000 in the event of theft, loss or accidental damage, anywhere in the world, when you fully charge or finance the purchase price of an eligible mobile device on your Business Gold Rewards Card.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Business Gold Rewards Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
The Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Card
  $75   Earn up to 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy® points   Good  
Earn 50,000 points after you charge $1,500 in purchases to your Card in your first three months.

New Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Cardmembers earn 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy® points after you charge $1,500 in purchases to your Card in your first three months of Cardmembership.

Subject to change at any time.

  • Earn 5 points for every dollar in eligible Card purchases at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in all other Card purchases

  • Receive an Annual Free Night Award for up to 35,000 points at eligible hotels and resorts worldwide every year after your first anniversary

  • No annual fee on Additional Cards

  • Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates at over 7,000 of the world’s most desired hotels

  • Automatic Marriott Bonvoy Silver Elite status membership

  • Receive 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year with your Marriott Bonvoy® American Express®* Card. These can be used towards attaining the next level of Elite status in the Marriott Bonvoy program

  • Enjoy an automatic upgrade to Marriott Bonvoy Gold Elite status when you reach $30,000 in purchases on the Card each year or when you combine 10 qualifying paid nights within one calendar year with the 15 Elite Night Credits from your card

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time Marriott Bonvoy™ American Express® Card
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
RBC® Avion Visa Infinite
  $0   Up to 55,000 bonus points    
Get up to 55,000 Avion points*, that’s enough to fly anywhere in North America or the Caribbean

Get up to 55,000 Avion points* (a value of up to $1,100), that’s enough to fly anywhere in North America or the Caribbean!

Apply by June 3, 2025

  • Earn 1 Avion point for every dollar you spend* and an extra 25% on eligible travel purchases.

  • Avioners can book flights with points on any airline, on any flight, at any time, early or last minute, with no blackout periods or restrictions.

  • Avioners earn points that never expire so your points will be waiting for your next adventure.

  • Redeem your points for travel and more. Use points for anything from paying bills and paying your card balance to redeeming for Gift Cards and Merchandise at top brands like Apple. The Avion Rewards program gives you the freedom of choice to use your points your way, and helps you make the most as an Avioner.

  • Eligible Avion Rewards members can also convert points to other loyalty programs including WestJet dollars, British Airways Avios points and Hudson’s Bay Rewards points.

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership to instantly save 3₵ per litre on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points and 20% more Avion points

  • Link your RBC card with a Rexall Be Well account and get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall. Redeem Be Well points faster for savings in store on eligible purchases where 25,000 Be Well points = $10

  • Get access to RBC offers which provides access to earn points faster at specified brands

  • Extensive insurance including: mobile device insurance, travel insurance (trip cancellation, interruption and emergency medical) and other eligible purchases to protect you and your family

  • Avioners get access to luxury Visa Infinite benefits including first in line for exclusive events, and hotel and dining benefits.

  • Avioners no longer need 14-days to book travel using the RBC grid

  • Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash17 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
    - Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription18 – a value of almost $120
    - Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Note: 21.99% on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances if you reside in Quebec

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Rogers Red World Elite® Mastercard®
  $50   Earn 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers    
Get a 1.5x redemption bonus on eligible Rogers, Fido and Shaw purchases

The Most Cash Back for Rogers Customers!

Earn 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers
  • 2% cash back if you are an eligible Rogers, Fido or Shaw customer

  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases if you have 1 qualifying service
    with Rogers, Fido or Shaw.^

  • Earn 1.5% unlimited cash back on eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases.^
  • Earn 3% unlimited cash back on all eligible purchases made in U.S. dollars.^

  • Get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers, Fido or Shaw purchases^
  • Get 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost every year for Rogers mobile plans (up to $80 value).^

Redeem without restrictions

Earn unlimited cash back rewards anywhere Mastercard is accepted and redeem them for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, big ticket items, or apply them directly to your Rogers, Fido or chatr bill.

Travel Benefits
  • Complimentary membership to Mastercard Travel Pass provided by DragonPass
  • Access to over 1,300 airport lounges worldwide
  • $32 USD per person per visit

Included Insurance Benefits
  • Extended Warranty and Purchase Protection
  • Rental Car Collision/Damage
  • Out-of-Province/Out-of-Country Emergency Medical
  • Trip Interruption
  • Trip Cancellation

Security Features
  • Transaction Monitoring & Alerts
  • Zero Liability
  • Secure and Contactless Payment
  • Mastercard Identity Check

Standard interest rate for purchases: 20.99%
Standard interest rate for cash advances: 22.99%

If you are not approved for an Account at the above rates and you reside outside Quebec, we (Rogers Bank) may still issue you an Account at our alternate interest rates, as follows:

Rate for Purchases and Fees: 25.99%
Rate for Cash Advances, Cash-like Transactions and Balance Transfers: 27.99%

Subject to credit approval PLUS minimum income requirement of $80,000 annual personal income or $150,000 annual household income.

^ Terms and conditions apply. For full and up-to-date product information and applicable terms and conditions, visit Rogers Bank is not responsible for maintaining or controlling the accuracy of the information published on this website.

®/TM Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under license. TM Rogers and Mobius Design, Rogers Bank and related marks, logos and brand names are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc., or an affiliate, used under license. © 2025 Rogers Bank.

Rogers Bank is the issuer of this credit card.
Please refer to to read full card details.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Rogers Red Mastercard®
  $50   $60 cash back    
3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers.

Get $60 cash back!

Get $60 cash back when you make a mobile wallet purchase within the first 90 days and 6 automatic payments within the first 8 months for your Rogers, Fido or Shaw postpaid service^

PLUS get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers purchases!

  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases if you have 1 qualifying service
    with Rogers, Fido or Shaw.^

  • Earn 1% unlimited cash back on eligible non-U.S. dollar purchases.^
  • Earn 2% unlimited cash back on all eligible purchases made in U.S. dollars.^

  • Get 1.5 times more cash back every time you redeem for Rogers, Fido or Shaw purchases.^
  • Get 5 Roam Like Home days at no cost every year for Rogers mobile plans (up to $80 value).^

Redeem without restrictions

Earn unlimited cash back rewards anywhere Mastercard is accepted and redeem them for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, big ticket items, or apply them directly to your Rogers, Fido, or chatr bill.

Security Features
  • Transaction Monitoring & Alerts
  • Zero Liability
  • Secure and Contactless Payment
  • Mastercard Identity Check

Standard interest rate for purchases: 20.99%
Standard interest rate for cash advances: 22.99%

If you are not approved for an Account at the above rates and you reside outside Quebec, we (Rogers Bank) may still issue you an Account at our alternate interest rates, as follows:

Rate for Purchases and Fees: 25.99%
Rate for Cash Advances, Cash-like Transactions and Balance Transfers: 27.99%

^ Terms and conditions apply. For full and up-to-date product information and applicable terms and conditions, visit Rogers Bank is not responsible for maintaining or controlling the accuracy of the information published on this website.

®/TM Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under license. TM Rogers and Mobius Design, Rogers Bank and related marks, logos and brand names are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc., or an affiliate, used under license. © 2025 Rogers Bank.

Rogers Bank is the issuer of this credit card.

Subject to credit approval.
Please refer to to read full card details.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotia Momentum® Visa Infinite* Card
  $125   10% cash back   Excellent  
10% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months and no annual fee in the first year.

Earn 10% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months (up to $2,000 in total purchases). No annual fee in the first year, including on supplementary cards.

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 4% for every $1 you spend on grocery store purchases, recurring bill payments and subscription purchases.

  • Earn 2% for every $1 you spend on gas purchases and daily transit purchases.

  • Earn 1% cash back on all other purchases with no cash back limit.

  • Visa Infinite* Concierge Services
  • Visa Infinite* Hotel Collection
  • Visa Infinite* Dining and Wine Country program
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance & New Mobile Device Insurance coverage

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
The Platinum Card® by American Express
  $150   100,000 Membership Rewards® points   Excellent  
Earn 70,000 Welcome Bonus points after you charge $10,000 in your first 3 months of Cardmembership. Plus, earn 30,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months.
Unlock special experiences with the Platinum Card®

Earn up to 100,000 Membership Rewards® points - that’s up to $1,000 towards a weekend away.
  • New Platinum® Cardmembers, earn 70,000 Welcome Bonus points after you charge $10,000 in net purchases
    to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 30,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months of Cardmembership.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases on eligible dining and food delivery in Canada, 2 points for every $1 in Card purchases on eligible travel, and 1 point for every $1 in all other Card purchases.

  • Access a $200 Annual Travel Credit through American Express Travel Online or Platinum Card® Travel Service.

  • Enjoy a $200 Annual Dining Credit at some of Canada’s best restaurants.

  • Unlock $200 or more in additional value with Member extras. You can earn statement credits for qualifying purchases with participating brands.

  • Take full advantage of The American Express Global Lounge CollectionTM which unlocks access to over 1400 airport lounges worldwide. This includes The Centurion® Lounge network, Plaza Premium Lounges, and hundreds of other domestic and international lounges designed to enhance your travel experience.

  • Enjoy flexible ways to use your points such as statement credits for any eligible purchase charged to your Card, new travel purchases booked on American Express Travel Online through the Flexible Points Travel Program, and eligible flights through the Fixed Points Travel Program.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs..

  • Enjoy complimentary benefits that offer an average value of $600 USD at over 1,500 extraordinary properties worldwide when you book Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Platinum Cardmembers can enjoy access to special events and unique opportunities.

  • Enjoy premium benefits at the Toronto Pearson Airport.

  • You will also have access to many leading hotel and car rental companies’ loyalty programs. Our partners include Marriott International, Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Hertz and Avis.

Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full charge. The Preferred rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. If you have 2 separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate for your account will be 25.99%. If you have 3 or more separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate will be 28.99%. These rates are effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

Interest applies in accordance with your Cardmember Agreement, Information Box, and Disclosure statement if the total New Balance is not paid by the Payment Due Date each month. All payments must be received by the Payment Due Date shown on the monthly statement.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time The Platinum Card by American Express Cardmembers

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Card
  $125   Up to 85,000 Aeroplan points    
Earn up to $2,600 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

New American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Cardmembers can earn up to
85,000 Aeroplan points.

  • Earn 60,000 Aeroplan points after spending $7,500 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 25,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $2,500 in purchases in month 13.
  • That’s up to $2,600 or more in value when you combine your welcome bonus points and card benefits.

  • Cardmembers can now get an extra night free for every 3 hotel nights redeemed with Aeroplan points. Enjoy even more at over 300,000 hotel properties worldwide.

  • Receive up to $100 CAD in statement credits every four years when a NEXUS application or renewal fee is charged to your American Express Aeroplan Reserve Card.

  • Highest Air Canada earn rate on an Aeroplan payment card in Canada: Earn 3X the points on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada®* and Air Canada Vacations®*.

  • Standard Earn Rate: Earn 2X the points on eligible Dining and Food Delivery purchases in Canada and earn 1.25X the points on everything else.

  • Get through the airport quicker with Air Canada Priority Check-In, Air Canada Priority Boarding and Air Canada Priority Baggage Handling.

  • Enjoy access to select Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges™* and Air Canada Café™ in North America for you and a guest, with a same day ticket on a departing Air Canada or Star Alliance flight.

  • Enjoy your eligible first checked bag free for up to 9 people travelling on the same reservation on Air Canada flights.

  • Roll over any unallocated Aeroplan Elite™* Status Qualifying Miles and unused eUpgrade Credits to the following year to enjoy during your travels.

  • Get access to more than 1,200 Priority Pass™ airport lounges and enjoy an oasis of comfort before your flight, regardless of your airline or cabin class.

  • Amex ExperiencesTM opens doors for you to access a number of special events, including special dining experiences, VIP parties, advance film screenings and more.

  • Get more from your travel experience at Toronto Pearson International Airport with:
    • Access to Pearson Priority Security Lane
    • Complimentary valet service at the Express Park and Daily Park
    • 15% discount on parking rates at the Express Park and Daily Park
    • 15% discount on Car Care Services

  • Insurance Coverage: whether you’re shopping nearby or travelling abroad, you can feel confident knowing you can be taken care of.

  • American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Card is made from precision cut and engraved 13g metal – it’s the perfect companion on your next exceptional journey.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Reserve Cardmembers

NOTE : You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
TD Cash Back Visa Infinite* Card
  $100   Earn up to $580 in value    
Earn up to $580 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases .
Earn up to $600 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases up to a total spend of $3,500.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $600 in value, including 10% in Cash Back Dollars in the first 3 months on Bonus Eligible Purchases up to a total spend of $3,500. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Bonus Eligible Purchases are Gas Purchases, Grocery Purchases & Pre-authorized payments, until a total collective spend of $3,500 of such purchases have been made
  • 24/7 Emergency Roadside Assistance with Deluxe TD Auto Club membership, included at no additional cost.
  • Get an annual fee rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the first Additional Cardholder first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your first Additional Cardholder while the offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Cash Back Dollars on every eligible Purchase
  • Emergency Road Services with Deluxe TD Auto Club Membership
  • Complimentary Visa Infinite* Concierge service available 24/7
  • Mobile Device Insurance

Earning Cash Back
  • Earn 3% in Cash Back Dollars on eligible grocery Purchases and gas Purchases, and on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your account
  • Earn 1% Cash Back Dollars on all other Purchases made with your Card
  • Redeem your Cash Back Dollars to help pay down your Account balance whenever you please - the choice is yours!
  • Your Cash Back Dollars never expire as long as your account is open and in good standing

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Rewards World Elite® Mastercard®
  $80   Up to 30,000 bonus points   Good  
20,000 points after $2,000 in eligible purchases and 10,000 points once enrolled for e-statements.
Earn up to 30,000 bonus MBNA Rewards Points

20,000 bonus points†† (approximately $165 in cash back value) after you make $2,000 or more in eligible purchases within the first 90 days of your account opening.

10,000 bonus points††(approximately $80 in cash back value) once enrolled for paperless e-statements within the first 90 days of account opening.


  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on eligible restaurant, grocery, digital media, membership, and household utility purchases until $50,000 is spent annually in the applicable category. 1 point for every $1 on all other eligible purchases.

  • Each year, you will receive Birthday Bonus Points‡ equal to 10% of the total number of Points the Account earned in the 12 months before the month of your birthday, to a maximum Birthday Bonus each year of 15,000 Points.

  • Redeem points for cash back, brand-name merchandise, gift cards from participating retailers, charitable donations, and travel.

  • Mobile Device Insurance***
    With Mobile Device Insurance, you’ve got up to $1,000 in coverage for eligible mobile devices in the event of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical breakdown

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

††, ‡, ✪, ***, ††††, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
Scotiabank Platinum American Express® Card
  $175   Up to 80,000 Scene+ points   Excellent  
Earn up to $2,500 in value in your first 14 months, including up to 80,000 bonus Scene+ points.
Earn up to $2,500* in value in the first 14 months, including up to 80,000* bonus Scene+ points.

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2X Scene+ points for every $1 spent on all your eligible purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No Foreign Transaction Fees
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance coverage
  • Mobile Device Insurance coverage
  • 10 complimentary Airport Lounge Passes per year
  • Platinum VIP Offers+
  • American Express Invites®
  • Premium Complimentary Concierge Services

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Savings and reward potential in first 14 months based on the following card usage and offers:
  • $800 in travel rewards (80,000 bonus Scene+ points) for new Scotiabank Platinum American Express Card clients who spend $3,000 within the first 3 months (to earn 60,000 points) and who spend $10,000 within the first 14 months (to earn an additional 20,000 points);

  • $205 in foreign transaction fee savings based on average first year annual foreign spend per account (save the 2.5% foreign transaction fee typically charged by card issuers);

  • $792 in travel rewards (74,188 Scene+ points) on everyday purchases based on average annual first year spend per account;

  • $788 value of a complimentary Priority Pass membership and free lounge passes per year for the primary cardholder (annual membership fee package of CAD$456/USD$329, which includes 10 lounge passes) and for one supplementary cardholder (basic annual membership fee of CAD$137/USD$99 plus 4 lounge passes at CAD$49/USD$35 each). Currency conversion as at October 25, 2024.

Potential 14-Month Value = up to $2,585

Actual savings and rewards earned will depend on individual card usage and eligibility for applicable offers. Conditions apply*.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Business Platinum Card® from American Express®
  $150   120,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points   Excellent  
Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points after you charge $15,000 to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership. Earn 40,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months.
Redefine what you’ll experience and discover with Platinum

Earn up to 120,000 bonus Membership Rewards® points.
  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points after you charge $15,000 in net purchases to your Card in your first 3 months of Cardmembership.

  • Plus, earn 40,000 points when you make a purchase between 14 and 17 months of Cardmembership.

  • That’s up to $1,200 in statement credit that can be reinvested in your business.


Earn points that you can redeem in a variety of ways
  • Earn 1.25 Membership Rewards points for virtually every $1 in purchases and get the most out of your business expenses.

  • Enjoy an exceptional line-up of rewards redemption options for you and your business, including travel, dining, entertainment, gift cards, merchandise, and more with Membership Rewards program.

  • Transfer points to frequent flyer and hotel programs, including one-to-one to Aeroplan®* and Avios.

  • Bolster your business with up to $820 in annual business and travel statement credits.

  • Enroll your eligible Card and earn up to $500 in business statement credits on qualifying purchases with Dell and Indeed.

  • Enroll and earn up to $120 in eligible Wireless Credits each year.

  • Access a $200 Annual Travel Credit each year of your Cardmembership.

Unlock spending power and payment flexibility with a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere
  • Enjoy financial flexibility with no pre-set spending limit on purchases. With this Card, your purchasing power adjusts dynamically with your Card usage, and can grow over time, as long as you make your payments on time and maintain a good credit history.

  • Maximize your cash flow with up to 55 interest free days so you can keep more cash on hand when you need it most.

  • Pay for business expenses over time with Flexible Payment Option.

  • This charge Card has both Due in Full and Flexible Payment Option balances. All Due in Full balances must be paid each month. Interest rate of 30% applies to each delinquent Due in Full Charge. This rate is effective from the day the account is opened. The Preferred rate of 21.99% applies to your Flexible Payment Option balance. If you have 2 separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate for your account will be 25.99%. If you have 3 or more separate Missed Payments in a 12 month period, the Flexible Payment Option rate will be 28.99%. These rates are effective from the day the Flexible Payment Option is first available on your account.

  • Extend payment solutions with Supplementary Cards for your employees.

Enjoy special benefits for you and your business

  • Take full advantage of the American Express Global Lounge CollectionTM which unlocks access to over 1400 airport lounges worldwide. This includes The Centurion® Lounge network, Plaza Premium Lounges, and hundreds of other domestic and international lounges designed to enhance your travel experience.

  • Enjoy premium benefits at the Toronto Pearson Airport, including access to the Pearson Priority Security Lane and discount on parking.

  • Get access to discounted base fares for you and your travel companions when you book through the International Airline Program.

  • Enjoy complimentary benefits that offer an average total value of $600 USD* at over 1,500 extraordinary properties worldwide when you book Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Upgrade your stay with premium status at leading hotel brands like Hilton Honors and Marriott Bonvoy.

  • Enjoy access to specialty services and events, preferential treatment, and a dedicated Concierge team.

  • Access a $100 CAD credit for NEXUS every 4 years with your Cardmembership.

Access comprehensive insurance coverage for your travel needs

  • Access Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance (for under age 65), even if you don’t charge your tickets and travel arrangements to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Access Trip Cancellation Insurance, Trip Interruption Insurance, Travel Emergency Assistance, and up to $500,000 Travel Accident Insurance when you fully charge your tickets and travel arrangements to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Plus, access Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance, Flight Delay Insurance, and Baggage Delay Insurance when you fully charge your airline tickets to your Business Platinum Card.

  • Save money when travelling with complimentary Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance.

Access coverage that can protect your business purchases when you charge the full price of eligible items to your Business Platinum Card

  • Protect your eligible purchases against accidental physical damage and theft for up to 90 days with Purchase Protection® Plan.

  • Double the manufacturer’s original warranty up to one additional year with Buyer’s Assurance® Protection Plan.

  • Equip your business with Mobile Device Insurance.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Business Platinum Cardmembers

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
SimplyCash® Preferred Card from American Express
  $50   Up to $250 in bonus value   Good  
Earn a bonus 10% cash back on all purchases for your first 3 months. Plus, a $50 statement credit when you make a purchase in month 13.
Earn up to $250 in bonus value.

Earn a bonus 10% cash back on all purchases for your first 3 months (up to $2,000 in purchases). Plus, earn a $50 statement credit when you make a purchase in month 13. This could add up to $250 in bonus value in your first 13 months.

  • Earn accelerated earn rates on eligible gas and grocery purchases.

  • Earn 4% cash back on eligible gas station purchases in Canada, 4% cash back on eligible grocery store purchases in Canada (up to $1,200 cash back annually) and 2% cash back on all other purchases.

  • Access events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Extensive insurance coverage and 24/7 Customer Service.

Monthly Fee: $9.99 (Equals a total fee of $119.88 annually)

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time SimplyCash Preferred Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
American Express® Green Card
  $30   10,000 Membership Rewards® points   Good  
Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you charge $1,000 in purchases to your Card in the first 3 months.
Earn a Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points

As a new American Express® Green Cardmember, you can earn a Welcome Bonus of 10,000 Membership Rewards® points when you charge $1,000 in purchases to your Card in the first 3 months of Cardmembership.
That’s $100 towards groceries or concert tickets!


Get the Card that lets you live in the moment while getting ready for the future. The American Express® Green Card lets you go for it with every swipe or tap of your Card.

  • Earn 1x the points on Card purchases.

  • Charge an eligible purchase to your Card and redeem your Membership Rewards points for a statement credit (All eligible purchases: 1,000 points = $10 statement credit).

  • With Amex ExperiencesTM and Front Of The Line® Amex Presale Tickets, American Express Cardmembers get access to amazing events in Canada.

  • Transfer points 1:1 to several frequent flyer and other loyalty programs.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Green Card Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
MBNA True Line® Mastercard®
  $40   0% promotional annual interest rate   Good  
0% promotional annual interest rate for 12 months on balance transfers.
You could get a 0% promotional annual interest rate (“AIR”) for 12 months on balance transfers completed within 90 days of account opening, with a 3% transfer fee.

  • No annual fee
  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 12.99% on purchases, 17.99% on balance transfers, and 24.99% on cash advances
  • This card is made from 100% recycled plastic
  • Around-the-clock fraud protection
  • Use available credit on your credit card to transfer funds right to your chequing account

†, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back available by Paypal, Amazon Gift Code or by cheque*.
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
The Marriott Bonvoy® Business American Express®* Card
  $75   60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points   Fair  
Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points after you spend $5,000 on your Card in your first three months.
Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points

Earn 60,000 Welcome Bonus Marriott Bonvoy® points after you spend $5,000 on your Card
in your first three months of Cardmembership.


Earn Marriott Bonvoy points that you can redeem in a variety of ways.
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 in Card purchases at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels

  • Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, dining and travel after your welcome offer ends, or the cap is reached

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on everything else

  • Redeem points for free nights with no blackout dates at over 7,000 of some of the world's most extraordinary hotels and resorts around the globe. Use your points for flights on some of the world's leading airlines

Make the most out of a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere.
  • Leverage your cash flow with the option of carrying a balance or paying in full each month

  • Control employee expenses plus track and accumulate points on your account with Supplementary Cards, so you have an opportunity to maximize the points you earn

Experience the exclusive benefits of the Marriott Bonvoy® Business American Express®* Card.
  • Receive an Annual Free Night Award automatically each year after your anniversary

  • Receive 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year with your Marriott Bonvoy Business American Express Card. These can be used towards attaining the next level of Elite status in the Marriott Bonvoy program

  • Upgrade to Gold Elite status after you charge $30,000 in net purchases to your Card each year, or when you combine 10 qualifying paid nights within one calendar year with the 15 Elite Night Credits from your card

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time Marriott Bonvoy™ Business American Express® Card
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotiabank Value® VISA* Card
  $80   0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers   Good  
0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 9 months. Plus no annual fee in the first year!
0.99 % introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 9 months (2% fee per cash advance, 13.99% after that; annual fee $29).*

Plus no annual fee in the first year.*

Offer valid January 3, 2025 - October 31, 2025.

  • Save hundreds of dollars in interest a year

  • Low 13.99% interest rate

  • Pay down balances faster

  • Simplify your monthly payments

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of January 3, 2025. Subject to change.

*Offer Description and Conditions: The Introductory 0.99% Balance Transfer Rate and First Year Annual Fee Waiver Offer (the “Offer”) applies only to new Scotiabank Value Visa credit card accounts (“Accounts”) that are opened by subject to the conditions below. We will waive the annual fee for the primary card opened between January 3, 2025 and October 31, 2025 on the Account for the first year only. All other terms and conditions of the Program Terms continue to apply during the Offer period. Offer may be changed, cancelled or extended at any time without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
SimplyCash® Card from American Express
  $30   Up to $100 in bonus cash back   Good  
Earn a bonus 5% cash back on all purchases in your first 3 months. That’s on top of your everyday cash back earn rates.
Earn up to $100 in bonus cash back.

In your first 3 months as a new SimplyCash® Card from American Express Cardmember, you can earn a bonus 5% cash back on all purchases (up to $2,000 in purchases). That’s on top of your everyday cash back earn rates. That’s up to $100 in bonus cash back.

  • Earn 2% cash back on eligible gas purchases in Canada, 2% cash back on eligible grocery purchases in Canada
    (up to $300 cash back annually), and 1.25% cash back on all other eligible purchases.

  • Access events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Insurance coverage and 24/7 Customer Service.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time SimplyCash Card from American Express Cardmembers
• NOTE: You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Meridian Visa Infinite* Cash Back Card
  $50   Get 7,000 bonus points    
Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


Annual fee is waived for the first year
  • Earn 4 reward points for every $1 spent on gas and groceries
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $1 spent on pharmacy and utility bill payments
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent on other eligible purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Travel Emergency Medical
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection
  • Travel Assistance

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa Infinite Cash Back Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa Infinite* Travel Rewards Card
  $50   Get 7,000 rewards points    
Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.

  • Earn 6 rewards points for every $2 spent on purchases made outside Canada in foreign currencies
  • Earn 3 rewards points for every $2 spent on all other card purchases
  • Exclusive benefits and offers - From hotels to dining and more, get access to exclusive benefits and offers

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Travel Emergency Medical
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection
  • Travel Assistance

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa Infinite Travel Rewards Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa* Cash Back Card
  $45   Get 7,000 rewards points    
Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


No annual fee for primary or additional cardholders
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $2 spent on gas and groceries
  • Earn 2 reward points for every $2 spent on pharmacy and utility bill payments
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $2 spent on other eligible purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Mobile Device
  • Purchase Protection
  • Extended Warranty
  • Price Protection

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time. Meridian Visa Cash Back Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.

Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Platinum Travel Visa* Card
  $60   Earn up to $370 in value    
Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points. No annual fee for the first year
Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points
and no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $370 in value, including up to 50,000 TD Rewards Points and no annual fee for the first year.
Conditions apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Welcome Bonus of 15,000 TD Rewards Points when you make your first Purchase with your Card.
  • 35,000 TD Rewards Points when you spend $1,000 within 90 days of Account opening.
  • Get an annual fee Rebate for the first year.

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate for the Primary Cardholder, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening. To receive the Additional Cardholder(s) first-year annual fee rebate, you must add your Additional Cardholder(s) while the offer is in effect.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining, paying bills or booking travel. The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your travel experience or enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your Card also allows you to enjoy:
  • Flexibility to redeem your TD Rewards Points on a wide variety of rewards at Expedia® For TD, Starbucks® and more.
  • Booking your travel through Expedia® For TD to maximize the TD Rewards Points you can earn on your travel purchases.
  • An extensive suite of travel insurance coverages which helps you travel prepared.
  • No travel blackouts, no seat restrictions† and no expiry for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points. Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 6 TD Rewards Points† for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD.
  • Earn 4.5 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants.
  • Earn 3 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account.
  • Earn 1.5 TD Rewards Points For every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Meridian Visa* US Dollar Card
  $50   Get 7,000 rewards points    
Get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!
For a limited time, apply for a Meridian Visa* and get 7,000 bonus points.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2025 you’ll get 7,000 rewards points with ANY new Meridian Visa* card!

Meridian Visa cards are available to Ontario residents only.


Earn points on your US dollar purchases, including items purchased when you travel to the US and when you shop online in
US dollars.
  • No annual fee for the first year, including on additional cards
  • Earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent on all card purchases
  • Shop where you like. No restrictions on your purchases

Redeem your cash back rewards the way you want.
Earn rewards on your everyday purchases and redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel or account credit.

Insurance and Services
  • Common Carrier Travel Accident
  • Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption/Delay
  • Delayed/Lost/Damaged Baggage
  • Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
  • Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty
  • Travel Assistance

** Annual Card and Extra Card Fees are $ USD

First year free is a limited time offer for primary and additional cards. The annual fee will appear on initial statement and a credit will be applied on the same statement. Meridian reserves the right to modify or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.

The 7,000 bonus points offer is available for all new Personal Meridian credit card account holders who (i) apply for a Meridian credit card between March 1 and May 31, 2025, and approved by the Credit department, and (ii) make their first purchase with new Meridian credit card on or before June 30, 2025. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. It is not available to existing Meridian credit cardholders. A maximum of 7,000 bonus points per Member is allowed and we will awarded to the Member’s primary account. Please allow up to two billing cycles for bonus points to post to your account. Meridian reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time.

Meridian Visa US Dollar Card Disclosure Statement and Cardholder Agreement available for review. Membership with Meridian Credit Union is a regulatory requirement to hold a Meridian Visa. You are not required to have other Meridian Credit Union products.
Refer to Meridian Credit Union’s page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Meridian Credit Union website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Rewards Platinum Plus® Mastercard®
  $75   Up to 10,000 bonus points   Good  
4 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, groceries and restaurant purchases during the first 90 days
Earn 4 points per $1 spent on eligible restaurant, grocery, digital media, membership, and household utility purchases until $10,000 is spent annually.

You could also receive up to 10,000 bonus points††
  • 5,000 bonus points†† ($25 in cash back value) after you make $500 or more in eligible purchases within the first 90 days of your account opening
  • 5,000 bonus points†† ($25 in cash back value) once enrolled for paperless e-statements within the first 90 days of account opening

  • Each year, you will receive Birthday Bonus Points‡ equal to 10% of the total number of Points earned in the 12 months before the month of your birthday, to a maximum Birthday Bonus each year of 10,000 Points

  • Redeem points‡ for cash back, brand-name merchandise, gift cards from participating retailers, charitable donations, and travel.

  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

  • Mobile Device Insurance***
    With Mobile Device Insurance, you’ve got up to $1,000 in coverage for eligible mobile devices in the event of loss, theft, accidental damage or mechanical breakdown

  • No annual fee

* Visit the MBNA application page for further details

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ✪, ***, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card
  $0   Earn up to $1,300 in value    
Earn up to $1,300 in value, including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points. No Annual Fee for the first year.
Earn up to $1,300 in value including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points and no Annual Fee for the first year.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $1,300 in value including up to 40,000 Aeroplan points, no Annual Fee for the first year and additional travel benefits. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.
  • Earn a welcome bonus of 10,000 Aeroplan points when you make your first Purchase with your new Card
  • Earn 15,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $7,500 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Plus, earn a one-time anniversary bonus of 15,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $12,000 within 12 months
    of Account opening
  • Enroll for NEXUS and once every 48 months get a partial application fee rebate
  • Plus, share free first checked bags with up to 8 travel companions
  • Get an annual fee rebate for the first year

To receive the first-year annual fee rebate, you must activate your Card and make your first Purchase on the Account within the first 3 months after Account opening and you must add your Additional Cardholders while this offer is in effect.

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Aeroplan Points on your everyday purchases
  • Travel with confidence with Travel Medical Insurance
  • Complimentary Visa Infinite* Concierge service available 24/7

Earning Aeroplan Points
  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery and direct through Air Canada® purchases (including Air Canada Vacations®) made with your card
  • Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on all other Purchases made with your Card
  • Earn points twice when you pay with your Card and provide your Aeroplan number at over 150 Aeroplan partner brands and at 170+ online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore (
  • Your Aeroplan Points do not expire as long as you are a TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Cardholder in good standing

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from TD.
Neo Mastercard®
  $60   Unlimited transactions, no annual fees   Good  
Sign up in 3 minutes - and if approved, you can use your Neo credit card instantly via Apple Play or Google Pay.
Neo Mastercard® -- a no annual fee card with instant, unlimited cashback and your choice of upgradable perks.

  • Earn an average 5%+¹ cashback at thousands of partners.

  • No annual fees, no overlimit fees and unlimited transactions.

  • Earn up to $680 in annual cashback¹.

  • Upgradeable perks across dining, gas and grocery, travel, and more

  • Sign up in 3 minutes - and if approved, you can use your Neo credit card instantly via Apple Play or Google Pay.

  • View the rewards offered near you by downloading the Neo app, and cash out your rewards 24/7 - no minimum thresholds.

Get cashback with Shell
  • Earn 2% cashback at the pump or convenience store locations
  • Earn 4% cashback on transactions made through the Shell App
  • Boost these offers by 50% if you’ve subscribed to Neo’s Everyday Essentials perk (boosted to up to 6% cashback!)
Offer only available in British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

Upgrade to Premium

Upgrade to Premium for only $4.99/month and get the first 3 months free.
Plus get more cashback + exclusive perks and features.

Everyday cashback
  • Up to 4% on gas and grocery
  • Up to 1% cashback on everything else

Terms and Conditions
Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

Neo Credit and Neo Secured Credit cards are issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc..

Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.

* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.

• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Cash Back Visa* Card
  $40   Earn Cash Back Dollars    
For every eligible purchase you make, you earn Cash Back Dollars credit for a percentage of that purchase.
Earn Cash Back Dollars. Redeem them to help pay down your Account balance

  • For every eligible purchase you make, you earn Cash Back Dollars credit for a percentage of that purchase.
  • Earn 1% in Cash Back Dollars on eligible grocery Purchases and gas Purchases and on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account.
  • Earn 0.5% in Cash Back Dollars on all other Purchases made with your Card.
  • Once your Cash Back Dollars balance hits $25, you can redeem those Cash Back Dollars as credit towards your account balance.
  • Your Cash Back Dollars never expire as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Earn 50% more Stars at participating Starbucks® stores. Conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® Avion Visa Infinite‡ Privilege
  $0   70,000 Avion points    
Get up to 70,000 Avion points* (a travel value of up to $1,500†)

Get up to 70,000 Avion points* (a travel value of up to $1,500).

70,000 Avion points* is enough for two roundtrip tickets to almost anywhere in Canada & the U.S.
(Alaska and Hawaii require more points). Taxes and fees extra.
  • 35,000 Avion Points on approval*
  • 20,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in your first 6 months*
  • 15,000 one-time anniversary bonus points after 12 months of account opening*

  • Earn 1.25 Avion points for every dollar you spend*.

  • Enjoy VIP travel benefits including Visa Airport Companion (that’s six lounge visits per membership year for every enrolled cardholder on your account!),2 Plus, fast track security and other benefits at select airports1,2.

  • Book flights on any airline, on any flight, at any time3. You can also use your points to redeem for vacation packages, hotels, cruises and tours3.

  • Pick any seat you want from 130+ airlines - with no seat restrictions or blackout periods, even during peak seasons.

  • Access more of the world with your 24/7 Visa Infinite Privilege Concierge11.

  • Avion Infinite Privilege card holders have access to book business or first class at a rate of 100 points for $23.

  • Redeem your points for travel and more. Use points for anything from paying bills and paying your card balance to redeeming for Gift Cards and Merchandise at top brands like Apple. The Avion Rewards program gives you the freedom of choice to use your points your way, and helps you make the most as an Avioner.

  • Eligible Avion Rewards members can also convert points to other loyalty programs including WestJet dollars and British Airways Avios.

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership to instantly save 3₵ per litre on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points and 20% more Avion points.

  • Link your RBC card with a Rexall Be Well account and get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall. Redeem Be Well points faster for savings in store on eligible purchases where 25,000 Be Well points = $10.

  • Get access to RBC offers which provides access to earn points faster at specified brands.

  • Avioners get access to luxury Visa Infinite benefits including first in line for exclusive events, and hotel and dining benefits.

  • Flexibility to book flights last-minute: up to 24hrs before.

Extensive insurance coverage
  • Mobile Device Insurance included – up to $1,500 12.
  • Travel with ease with trip cancellation12 and trip interruption12 insurance, and emergency medical12.
  • Plus, eligible purchases12 made on the card are protected.

Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash^

Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
  • Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription± – a value of almost $120
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Income Required
Personal: $200,000 or 
Household: $200,000 or minimum total investable assets of $400,000

Note: 21.99% on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances if you reside in Quebec

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Smart Cash Platinum Plus® Mastercard®
  $50   Get 5% Cash Back   Good  
Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months.
Get 5% Cash Back††

Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)


Accelerate cash back on common purchases!

  • No annual fee

  • Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 2% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 0.5% Cash Back for all other eligible purchases

Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

Take advantage of a card that provides Cash Back on eligible purchases and has no annual fee

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
American Express® Essential™ Card
  $20   12.99% Annual Interest Rate   Good  
Enjoy exclusive ticket access, virtual events, live performances and more with Amex ExperiencesTM.
Low annual interest rate of 12.99%

  • Enjoy an annual interest rate of 12.99% on purchases and funds advances.

  • With an annual interest rate of 12.99%, you can save on interest payments if you choose to carry a balance and make your minimum monthly payments on time.

  • Access virtual events and special offers curated for Cardmembers with Amex ExperiencesTM.

  • Shop with confidence Benefit from coverage that can help protect your eligible card purchases – from your favourite local boutique to your online shopping cart.

  • 24/7 Customer service Wherever you are in the world, we're here for you 24/7.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express Essentials Card members
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotiabank® Sceneᐩ™ Visa* Card
  $80   5,000 Scene+ points   Good  
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months.
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months.*

Offer valid March 3, 2025 – October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, participating Co-ops, Freshco and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on Home Hardware, Home Building Center, Home Furniture locations in Canada and online at

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend at Cineplex theatres or online at

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • No annual fee including on supplementary cards*.

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of March 3, 2025. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotiabank American Express® Card
  $60   5,000 Scene+™ points    
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months (that’s up to $50 towards travel).
Earn up to 5,000 bonus Scene+ points within your first 3 months (that’s up to $50 towards travel).*

Offer valid July 2, 2024 - July 1, 2025.

  • Earn 3x Scene+ points* on every $1 you spend at Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on restaurants, fast food, drinking establishments and other eligible grocery stores. Includes popular food delivery and food subscriptions.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible entertainment purchases. Includes movies, theatre and ticket agencies stores.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible gas and daily transit.Includes rideshares, buses, subway, taxis and more.

  • Earn 2x Scene+ points* for every $1 you spend on eligible select streaming services.

  • Plus earn 1 Scene+ point for every $1 spent on all other eligible everyday purchases.

  • Earn additional benefits + up to 4X Scene+ points for every dollar you spend on hotel bookings, car rentals, and things to do with Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia.

  • Mobile Device Insurance coverage
  • American Express Invites®

Rates, fees and other information are effective as of July 2, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card
  $50   5% cash back   Good  
Earn 5% cash back for 3 months plus get a 0% introductory interest rate on balance transfers for the first 6 months.

Earn 5% cash back on all purchases for the first 3 months (up to $2,000 in total purchases).

Plus, get a 0% introductory interest rate on Balance Transfers for the first 6 months.
(2% fee per cash advance, 22.99% after that; annual fee $0)

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 1% cash back on all eligible gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores purchases and recurring payments.

  • Earn 0.5% cash back on all other eligible purchases.

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months of application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
MBNA Smart Cash® World Mastercard®
  $50   5% Cash Back   Good  
Get 5% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months.
Get 5% Cash Back††

Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)


Accelerate cash back on common purchases!

  • Get 5% Cash Back†† on eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 2% Cash Back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter (until the total gas and grocery purchases in the applicable month reaches $500)

  • Get 1% Cash Back for all other eligible purchases

  • $39 annual fee

Standard Annual Interest Rates of 19.99% on purchases, 22.99% on balance transfers✪, and 24.99% on cash advances

Your personal annual income must be greater than $60,000, or your household annual income must be $100,000 or greater††††

Take advantage of a card that provides Cash Back on eligible purchases

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

‡, ††, ††††, ✪, Terms and Conditions apply.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
MBNA True Line® Gold Mastercard®
  $40   Low 10.99% Interest Rate   Good  
Standard Annual Interest Rates of 10.99% on purchases, 13.99% on balance transfers✪ and access cheques, and 24.99% on cash advances
Low 10.99% standard interest rate on purchases

  • $39 annual fee
  • Standard Annual Interest Rates of 10.99% on purchases,13.99% on balance transfers, and 24.99% on cash advances
  • This card is made from 100% recycled plastic
  • Around-the-clock-fraud protection
  • Use available credit on your credit card to transfer funds right to your chequing account

✪ Terms and Conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored advertising. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and TD is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete information on this MBNA credit card, please click on the “Apply Now” button.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank is the issuer of this credit card. MBNA is a division of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ®MBNA and other-trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

IMPORTANT : To get a rebate, you must fill in the application of this card after you click the above link. You will not get a rebate if you use the MBNA Credit Card Selector Tool.

• Cash Back Rebate will be paid by GCR upon credit card account approval by MBNA.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card. Maximum one per individual.
• MBNA is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the cash back rebate offer.

• Must apply online immediately after clicking from GCR.
• Do not leave the MBNA application page before it is completed.
• If application session expires then go back to GCR to start over and click to the MBNA application page again.
• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

By applying for this credit card account through Great Canadian Rebates, you consent to the disclosure of your account approval status by MBNA to Great Canadian Rebates for the purposes of (i) fulfillment and delivery of a Great Canadian Rebates Cash Back Rebate to you upon approval of your application in connection with this offer; and (ii) fulfillment of contractual obligations between MBNA and Great Canadian Rebates in connection with this offer.

• Available to new credit cardholders only
• Cash Back will be paid out after minimum 45 days following confirmation from MBNA*.
• Cash Back Offer may end at any time at the discretion of GCR.
• Cash Back Offer available to GCR members only.

* See FAQ page and Terms for more details.
Tims® Mastercard
  $45   Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card    
Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!
Get a $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!

Offer valid until April 30, 2025


Earn Tims Rewards Points on everyday purchases—with no annual fee!

- Turn your Tims® Rewards Points into a statement credit of up to $45 every week.
- Redeem points for up to 2% back on essentials and up to 6% back at Tims® (when you scan for Tims® Rewards).

  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on groceries
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging
  • Earn 5 points for every $1 spent on transit, taxi and rideshare
  • Earn 1 point for every $2 spent on other eligible purchases
  • Earn 15 points per $1 when you scan for Tims® Rewards

Additional Features
  • Extended warranty up to $1,000 per incident
  • Purchase protection for 90 days up to $1,000 per incident
  • Mastercard zero liability

Purchase interest rate in Quebec: 20.99%-24.99%
Cash advance interest rate in Quebec: 22.99%-25.99%

Conditions Apply

Offer Terms
From February 17, 2025, to April 30, 2025, new customers who apply and are approved for the Tims Mastercard are eligible to receive a $20 CAD Tims Gift Card via email upon their first purchase with their new Tims Mastercard, (the “Welcome Offer”). To receive the Welcome Offer, your first purchase must be made within 30 days of your Tims Mastercard account activation. It can take up to 24 hours from the time of first purchase for the Welcome Offer to be processed and emailed. There is a limit of one Welcome Offer per person, per account, and it cannot be combined with any other offers. This Welcome Offer is subject to the Tims Rewards Terms and Conditions  and the Tims Rewards – Tims Mastercard Offer Terms and Conditions.

The Tims® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc. Tims Financial is a registered trademark of Tim Hortons Canada.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
American Express® Aeroplan®* Business Reserve Card
  $125   Up to 90,000 Welcome Bonus Aeroplan®* points   Excellent  
Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada and Air Canada Vacations®*.

Earn up to 90,000 Welcome Bonus Aeroplan®* points

  • Earn 65,000 Aeroplan points after spending $10,500 in purchases on your Card within the first 3 months.
  • Plus, earn an additional 25,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $3,500 in purchases in month 13.


Earn Aeroplan points that you can redeem in a variety of ways.
  • Earn 3 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made directly with Air Canada and Air Canada Vacations®*, 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible hotels and car rentals.

  • Earn 1.25 points for every $1 spent on everything else.

Make the most out of a full suite of business management tools that give you more control over your business - anytime and anywhere.
  • Leverage your cash flow with the option of carrying a balance or paying in full each month.

  • Control employee expenses plus track and accumulate points on your account with Employee Cards, so you have an opportunity to maximize the points you earn.

Unlock business travel possibilities to make every work trip one to look forward to.
  • Access more than 1,200 Priority Pass™ airport lounges around the globe. That means an oasis of comfort before your flight—regardless of your choice of airline or cabin class.

  • Enjoy access to select Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges™ for you and a guest, and Air Canada Café™; in North America, with a same day ticket on a departing Air Canada or Star Alliance®* flight.

  • Enjoy Priority Check-In, Priority Boarding, and Priority Baggage Handling when you fly with Air Canada, together with up to eight companions.

  • Enjoy your first checked bag free (up to 23kg/50lb) when your travel originates on an Air Canada flight, together with up to eight companions travelling on the same reservation.

  • Receive one Annual Worldwide Companion Pass when you spend $25,000 in net purchases prior to your Card anniversary date; your Pass entitles you to buy an accompanying Air Canada economy class ticket for a companion at a fixed base fare from $99 to a maximum of $599 CAD (plus taxes, fees, charges, and surcharges).

  • Stay focused on getting where you need to go. Receive up to $100 CAD in statement credits every four years when NEXUS application or renewal fees are charged to your Aeroplan Business Reserve Card.

  • Pay with your American Express Aeroplan Business Reserve Card and present your Aeroplan Membership Card at over 170 Aeroplan partner brands and 120 online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore to earn points twice.

  • If you’re departing from Toronto Pearson International Airport, enjoy the benefits of being an American Express Aeroplan Business Reserve Cardmember. Get more from your travel experience with access to Pearson Priority Security Lane, Complimentary Valet Service, 15% discount on parking rates, and 15% discount on Car Care Services.

  • Roll over any unallocated Aeroplan Elite™ Status Qualifying Miles and unused eUpgrade Credits to the following year to enjoy during your travels.

  • Enjoy priority access to the standby list and eUpgrades. Get prioritized on the standby waitlist for an Air Canada flight and higher priority when you request an eUpgrade.

  • Earn 1,000 Status Qualifying Miles and 1 Status Qualifying Segment for every $5,000 in eligible net purchases charged to your Card.

  • Book flight reward tickets for even fewer points with Air Canada. In addition to flights, you can also redeem for hotel stays, car rentals, vacation packages, merchandise and more.

  • Unlock two-car-class rental upgrades, expedited service, dedicated phone line, and more with complimentary upgrade to Avis President’s Club.

American Express is not responsible for maintaining or monitoring the accuracy of information on this website. For full details and current product information, click the Apply Now link. If you apply and get approved for an American Express Card, we may receive compensation from American Express, which can be in the form of monetary payment.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please write down the reference (PCN) number American Express provides you after the application is completed. You need this number in case the rebate does not show up.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate will be paid upon card approval.
• Cash Back Rebate is for first time American Express® Aeroplan®* Business Reserve Cardmembers
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
RBC® IONᐩ Visa Card
  $0   Get 14,000 Avion points    
Get 14,000 Avion points upon approval - that’s $100 of value in gift cards!

Get 14,000 Avion points upon approval1 - that’s $100 of value in gift cards!+

Apply by May 7, 2025


• Earn 3X Avion points for every $1 spent1 on:
  • Grocery, Dining & Food Delivery - Satisfy your taste buds by earning points on groceries, dining out, food delivery.i
  • Rides, Gas & EV Charging – Enjoy earning points on gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging.ii
  • Streaming, Digital Gaming & Subscriptions– Stay entertained while earning points on streaming, gaming, eligible digital subscriptions, eligible digital downloads, and in-game purchases.iii
• Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 spent on all other qualifying purchases1

• Annual Fee $48 ($4 charged monthly)

Pay With Points
Redeem your Avion points to pay bills, your credit card balance or even send money to friends with Interac e-Transfer4. Minimum redemption is only $10, so you can use your points where you need them most.

Save at Petro-Canada
Save 3¢/L on fuel and earn 20% more points when you pay with a linked RBC card.6

Earn more Be Well points at Rexall Earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall when you pay with your linked RBC card and scan your Be Well card.7

Save Big on Delivery with DoorDash
  • Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription – a value of almost $308.
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on qualifying orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card9. See how to save with DoorDash.
Enjoy a Monthly Fee Rebate
Get a $4 rebate10 each month ($48/year) on the monthly fee of your credit card when you have an RBC Signature No Limit Banking or RBC Advantage Banking for students account.

Mobile Device Insurance5 Included
Get 2 years of coverage up to $1,000 in the event your mobile device such as your cell phone is lost, stolen, accidentally damaged or experiences mechanical failure when you purchase your mobile device with this credit card.

Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Insurance5
Automatically protects eligible card purchases against loss, theft or damage within 90 days of purchase, and doubles the manufacturer's original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

* 21.99% Balance Transfer and Cash Advance rate if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Secured Tims® Mastercard
  $35   Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card    
Get a 40oz tumbler + $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!
Get a $20 gift card upon first purchase with a new Tims® Mastercard!

Offer valid until April 30, 2025


Earn Tims Rewards Points on everyday purchases—with no annual fee!

- Turn your Tims® Rewards Points into a statement credit of up to $45 every week.

  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on groceries
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on transit, taxi and rideshare
  • Earn 1 point for every $4 spent on other eligible purchases
  • Earn 12 points per $1 when you scan for Tims® Rewards

Additional Features
  • Extended warranty up to $1,000 per incident
  • Purchase protection for 90 days up to $1,000 per incident
  • Mastercard zero liability

Purchase interest rate in Quebec: 20.99%-24.99%
Cash advance interest rate in Quebec: 22.99%-25.99%

Conditions Apply

Offer Terms
From February 17, 2025, to April 30, 2025, new customers who apply and are approved for the Tims Mastercard are eligible to receive a $20 CAD Tims Gift Card via email upon their first purchase with their new Tims Mastercard, (the “Welcome Offer”). To receive the Welcome Offer, your first purchase must be made within 30 days of your Tims Mastercard account activation. It can take up to 24 hours from the time of first purchase for the Welcome Offer to be processed and emailed. There is a limit of one Welcome Offer per person, per account, and it cannot be combined with any other offers. This Welcome Offer is subject to the Tims Rewards Terms and Conditions  and the Tims Rewards – Tims Mastercard Offer Terms and Conditions.

The Tims® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc. Tims Financial is a registered trademark of Tim Hortons Canada.

Cash Back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:

1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Minimum $50 security fund deposit by the cardholder.
6. Cash Back may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cash Back is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard
  $100   Boost your rewards up to 7% with Neo Everyday account    
Get up to 5% cashback on groceries, recurring bills and gas.
Get rewarded with real money instead of points.

  • 5% cashback on groceries1
  • 4% cashback on recurring bills1
  • 3% cashback on gas1
  • 1% cashback back on everything else1

Boost Your Cashback
  • Bank with a Neo Everyday account and boost your rewards up to 7% on groceries, 5% on recurring bills, and 4% on gas. The higher your balance is, the higher your cashback rate is.

  • Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn an additional average of 5% cashback on top of your everyday cashback.2

Additional Card Benefits
  • Mastercard World Elite® Travel benefits2

  • Extended Warranty & Purchase Protection: Extends manufacturer’s warranty and provides protection for damaged or stolen items.3

  • Auto Rental Collision Loss Damage: Coverage for damages or theft in rental vehicles, providing additional financial protection for renters.3

  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance: Out of province or country emergency medical, delayed and lost baggage, flight delay, trip cancellation/interruption, and more!3

Purchase Interest Rate: 19.99% - 26.99%
(Newfoundland and Quebec: 19.99% - 23.99%)

Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

The Neo Everyday account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.
Mastercard, World Elite, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® ION Visa Card
  $0   Get 7,000 Avion points    
Earn 1.5X Avion points for every $1 spent on groceries, rides, gas, streaming, subscriptions, digital gaming and more

Get 7,000 Avion points upon approval1 - that’s $50 of value in gift cards!+

Apply by May 7, 2025


• Earn 1.5X Avion points1 on:
  • Grocery - Satisfy your taste buds by earning points on groceriesi
  • Rides, Gas & EV Charging – Enjoy earning points on gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging. ii
  • Streaming, Digital Gaming & Subscriptions – Stay entertained while earning points on streaming, gaming, eligible digital subscriptions, eligible digital downloads, and in-game purchases.iii
• Earn 1 Avion point for every $1 spent on all other qualifying purchases1

Pay With Points
Redeem your Avion points to pay bills, your credit card balance or even send money to friends with Interac e-Transfer4. Minimum redemption is only $10, so you can use your points where you need them most.

Save at Petro-Canada
Save 3¢/L on fuel and earn 20% more points when you pay with a linked RBC card.6

Earn more Be Well points at Rexall
Earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall when you pay with your linked RBC card and scan your Be Well card.7

Save Big on Delivery with DoorDash
  • Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription – a value of almost $308
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on qualifying orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card9. See how to save with DoorDash.
Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Insurance5
Automatically protects eligible card purchases against loss, theft or damage within 90 days of purchase, and doubles the manufacturer's original Canadian warranty by up to one additional year, to a maximum of five years.

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

* 21.99% Balance Transfer and Cash Advance rate if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Rewards Visa* Card
  $30   Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points    
Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points to use on eligible purchases, plus no Annual Fee.
Earn a value of $50 in TD Rewards Points to use on eligible purchases, plus no Annual Fee.

Conditions Apply.


Earn 15,152 TD Rewards Points (a value of $50 on when you spend $500 within 90 days of Account opening. Conditions apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.


Earn TD Reward Points on all the things you normally do, whether you use your card for groceries, dining or paying bills.
The rewards will add up quickly so you can enhance your everyday experiences and enjoy a wide variety of rewards.

Your card also allows you to enjoy:
  • Flexibility to redeem your TD Rewards Points on a wide variety of rewards at Expedia® For TD, Starbucks®
    and more.
  • Mobile device insurance of up to $1,000 if you lose or damage your phone.
  • Booking your travel through Expedia® For TD to maximize the TD Rewards Points you can earn on your travel purchases.
  • No travel blackouts, no seat restrictions and no expiry for your TD Rewards Points as long as your account is open and in good standing.
  • Redeem your TD Rewards Points towards making purchases at with Amazon Shop with Points.
    Conditions apply.

Earning TD Rewards Points
  • Earn 4 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend when you book travel through Expedia® For TD
  • Earn 3 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on Groceries and Restaurants
  • Earn 2 TD Rewards Points for every $1 you spend on regularly recurring bill payments set up on your Account
  • Earn 1 TD Rewards Points For every $1 you spend on other Purchases made using your Card

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Neo World Mastercard®
  $50   Boost your rewards up to 4% with a a Neo Everyday account    
2% cashback on groceries, recurring bills and gas plus no annual fee. Boost your rewards up to 4% with a a Neo Everyday account.
Get rewarded with real money instead of points - and no Annual Fee.

  • 2% cashback on groceries1
  • 2% cashback on recurring bills1
  • 2% cashback on gas1
  • 0.5% cashback back on everything else1

  • No annual fee

Boost Your Cashback
  • Bank with a Neo Everyday account and boost your rewards up to 4% on groceries, recurring bills, and gas. The higher your balance is, the higher your cashback rate is.

  • Shop at over 10,000 network partners and earn additional cashback on top of your everyday cashback.2

Purchase Interest Rate: 19.99% - 29.99%
(Newfoundland and Quebec: 19.99% - 23.99%)

Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

The Neo Everyday account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.
Neo World Elite® Mastercard is issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.
Mastercard, World Elite, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
PC® Mastercard®
  $35   Get 20,000 points!   Fair  
Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.

Earn at least 10 PC Optimum™ points everywhere you shop.


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® Mastercard®.
  • Earn 10 points for every $1 spent everywhere you shop and up to 25 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.
  • Earn 20 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Conditions apply to all benefits. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.

Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
PC® World Elite Mastercard®
  $50   Get 20,000 points!   Fair  
Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.

Get 20,000 Welcome Points!


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® World Elite Mastercard®.
  • Earn 30 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that participate in the PC Optimum™ program.1
  • Earn 45 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.2
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.3
  • Earn 30 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.4
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Concierge Services: 24/7 concierge service to make dinner reservations, reserve event tickets, deliver gifts and more.

Travel Emergency Medical Insurance: For trips up to 10 days from date of departure, for those under age 65. Conditions apply

Car Rental Collision/Loss Damage Waiver Insurance: Collision damage and theft protection for your car rental needs.

Identity Theft Assistance: To help you avoid identity theft or restore your identity

Conditions apply to all benefits. See Application for Terms and Conditions. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® World Elite Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.

Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
PC® World Mastercard®
  $45   Get 20,000 points!   Fair  
Get 20,000 points with a new PC® Mastercard® and no annual fee.

Earn PC Optimum™ points everywhere you shop.


Get to free fast with a no annual fee PC® World Mastercard®.
  • Earn 20 points for every $1 spent at grocery stores that participate in the PC Optimum™ program and up to 35 points for every $1 spent at Shoppers Drug Mart®.
  • Earn at least 30 points per litre at Esso™ and Mobil™ stations.
  • Earn 20 points per $1 spent on PC® travel services purchases.
  • All with no annual fee.

Mastercard Global Service™: Replaces your card or offers a cash advance in case of emergency.

Purchase Assurance: In the event of theft, loss or damage in the first 90 days when you pay in full with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Extended Warranty: Doubles the manufacturer's regular warranty for up to an additional year on items purchased with your PC® Mastercard® credit card.

Concierge Services: 24/7 concierge service to make dinner reservations, reserve event tickets, deliver gifts and more.

Conditions apply to all benefits. See Application for Terms and Conditions. President's Choice Bank is not responsible for maintaining the content on this site. Please click on the ‘Go to PC® World Mastercard®’ link for the most up to date information and full details. Subject to credit approval and eligibility criteria. PC® Mastercard® is provided by President’s Choice Bank. The PC Optimum™ program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.

Must activate card to get Cash Back Rebate.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Must activate card to get cash back.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval and activation.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.

The credit card features and benefits are provided by President’s Choice Bank, provider of the PC® Mastercard®.
Offer not available in Quebec.
Scotia Momentum® Visa* Card
  $60   2.99% introductory interest rate   Good  
Get a 2.99% introductory interest rate on on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months.

Get a 2.99% introductory interest rate on on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months.

(19.99% on purchases/22.99% on cash advances including balance transfers after that; annual fee $39)

Offer valid November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025.

  • Earn 2% cashback for every $1 you spend at eligible gas stations, grocery store, drug store purchases and recurring bill payments*.

  • Earn 1% cashback on all other eligible cashback purchases*.

Rates, fees, offers and other information are effective as of November 1, 2024. Subject to change.

Eligibility and Exclusions: Individuals who are currently or were previously primary or secondary cardholders of a Scotiabank personal credit card in the past 2 years, including those that switch from an existing Scotiabank personal credit card, as well as employees of Scotiabank, are not eligible for the Offer. Subject to the above exclusions, Scotiabank small business credit cardholders are also eligible for the Offer.

* See Card Provider's website and Card Application for complete card details, terms, conditions and current offers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accuracy of information.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 3 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard
  $0   Unlimited cash back on your spending    
Earn up to 1.5% cash back on your spending – big or small.

Unlimited cash back on your spending*


  • Earn up to 1.5% cash back on your spending – big or small
  • Premium benefits and insurances
  • Stay connected with a complimentary Boingo Wi-Fi accountΔ
  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership and instantly save on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points

    Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash17 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
  • Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription18 – a value of almost $120
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $12 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Help protect your RBC credit card balance when you need it most – with optional BalanceProtector Max.
  • If you lose your job or become totally disabled, this coverage can pay 25% of your credit card total account balance – up to $6,250 per month for up to four months.
  • If you pass away, this coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing on your credit card account to a maximum benefit amount of $25,000.
  • Enrolment is easy for eligible cardholders. You may cancel at any time.
  • Premiums are $1.20 per $100 of your account balance on your statement date (plus applicable taxes).
  • Terms, conditions and eligibility restrictions apply. Full details are available on This insurance coverage is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, who carry on business in Canada under the trade name of Assurant.®

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

The Website may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into The Website. If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Simplii Financial™ Cash Back Visa* Card
  $60   Up to 10% cash back    
Earn up to 10% cash back for your first 3 months up to $1,000 eligible spend.
Earn up to 10% cash back for your first 3 months up to $1,000 eligible spend.

  • Earn 4% cash back on eligible restaurant, bar and coffee shop purchases, up to $5,000 per year.
  • Earn 1.5% cash back on eligible gas, groceries, drugstore purchases and pre-authorized payments,
    up to $15,000 per year.
  • Earn 0.5% cash back on all other credit card purchases with no limit on how much you can earn.

  • Purchase Security and Extended Protection Insurance.
  • Protect your purchases with double the manufacturer’s warranty, up to one additional year.

Send Money Abroad
  • Get cash back when you send a Global Money Transfer and pay with your Visa* Card.

Extra card fee: $0 (Up to 3 additional cards)
Credit Score: 600+
Purchase Interest Rate: 20.99%
Balance Transfer Interest Rate: 22.99%
Cash Advance Interest Rate: 22.99%

Terms and conditions apply. For complete Offer details, please review the product page.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

"Purchase" means any Transaction other than a Cash Advance, Balance Transfer or Convenience Cheque. "Cash" means a Cash Advance, Balance Transfer and Convenience Cheque. Interest rates may change from time to time.

Cash back Rebates will be paid by Great Canadian Rebates under the following rules:
1. Applicants must apply through an online link from Great Canadian Rebates.
2. Rebates are for applications started and approved online.
3. DO NOT leave the application before completing. This includes browsing elsewhere.
4. If application session expires, a new session must be started. Start over by clicking on the link from Great Canadian Rebates.
5. Activation of the Card by the cardholder.
6. Cashback may end at any time and is at the discretion of the GCR and only available to Great Canadian Rebates members.
7. Cashback is not valid to repeat cardholders with the same card.
8. Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.

NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months from application date to report a missing rebate, otherwise the rebate is void.
KOHO Financial
  $35   Earn up to 4%    
Earn up to 4% on your balance.
Reloadable Prepaid Mastercard®, Cash Back, Interest Earning, No Fees

KOHO Essential Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Essential
  • Earn 1% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 2.5% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
Annual Fee: $48 ($4/month, billed yearly)

How to get Essential for $0?
- Set up a recurring direct deposit for your paycheque or government benefits
- Deposit a total of $1,000 or more into your KOHO membership each month. (e-transfer or transfer from other accounts)

KOHO Extra Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Extra
  • Earn 1.5% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 0.25% cash back on all other purchases
  • 3% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
  • Credit Building for just $7 / month
Annual Fee: $144 ($12/month, billed yearly)

KOHO Everything Mastercard® Prepaid Card/KOHO Everything
  • Earn 2% cash back on groceries, eating & drinking, and transportation
  • 0.5% cash back on all other purchases
  • 4% interest on your entire balance*
  • Instant e-Transfers
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Up to 5% extra cash back at selected merchants
  • Free Credit Score
  • Credit Building for just $5 / month
Annual Fee: $177 ($14.75/month, billed yearly)

* Interest: To earn interest, users must be subscribed to a KOHO Earn Interest plan and opt in on the Interest page in-app to start earning on everything in your spending and savings account. Rates are annualized, calculated daily, and paid monthly.

* Rates Subject to Change: KOHO rates are subject to adjustment over time based on market conditions.

Refer a friend to KOHO and we’ll give you both $20 each! You can refer up to 50 friends, which means you can earn up to $1000 from our referral program.

Terms and Conditions
Refer to for up-to-date terms and conditions.
Legal and product terms are available on

Must activate your card and load funds into your KOHO account.
Must enter a valid mailing address to earn reward.
moi RBC® Visa‡
  $0   Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points!    
Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points! A value of $80!

Get up to 10,000 bonus Moi points! [1]

Offer ends July 8, 2025

  • Get 3,000 welcome points upon your first purchase with the moi RBC® Visa card [1]
  • Receive an additional 3,500 points when you spend $500 in the first three months of opening your card [1]
  • Receive an additional 3,500 points when you spend $2,000 in the first twelve months of opening your card [1]
A value of $80 [7]

Note: Residents of Quebec, Ottawa and New Brunswick would benefit most from the Moi program.


Earn Moi points everywhere, on all your purchases.2

Your moi RBC® Visa credit card rewards you with Moi points every time you use it to pay for purchases. Whether you’re in-person or online, you’ll collect points Moi wherever you shop.

  • 2X the Moi Points on Grocery, Beauty and Wellness
    Earn 2 Moi points at participating Metro, Jean Coutu, Brunet and Première Moisson stores when you pay with your moi RBC Visa credit card and swipe your Moi program card.2

  • 2X the Moi Points on Restaurants and Dining
    Earn 2 Moi points for every $1 spent on dining purchases when paying with your moi RBC Visa credit card.3

  • 2X Moi Points on Gas and EV Charging
    Earn 2 Moi points for every $1 spent on gas and EV charging purchases when paying with your moi RBC Visa credit card.3

  • 1X Moi Points on All Other Purchases
    Earn 1 Moi point for every $1 spent on all your purchases, everywhere else you shop, including at participating Super C stores.4

Moi makes it easy to redeem

Redeem Moi points faster at checkout with your Moi card. Only 500 Moi points gets you $4 off your in-store or online purchase, before taxes, at nearly 900 Metro, Super C and Brunet stores in Quebec and Jean Coutu stores in Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick. 5

Petro-Canada Link your moi RBC Visa credit card to your Petro-PointsTM card to save 3¢/L instantly on gas and earn 20% more Petro-PointsTM at Petro-CanadaTM.6

RONA, Réno-Dépôt and RONA+ Pay with your moi RBC Visa credit card at RONA, Réno-Dépot or RONA+ and get up to 10% back in statement credits on your first $250 of qualifying purchases and 5% back on the next $1,250.7

Get exclusive savings, perks, and more with brands you love with your moi RBC Visa credit card!

®/TM Trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s). Used under licence.

* 21.99% for Cash Advance and Balance Transfer if you reside in Quebec.

Refer to RBC page for up-to-date offer terms and conditions.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
TD Low Rate Visa* Credit Card
  $50   Low annual interest rate of 12.90%    
Save on interest with a low annual interest rate of 12.90% for Purchases and Cash Advance transactions.
A credit Card you can rely on with a low interest rate.


With the TD Low Rate Visa* Card you can enjoy great financial flexibility for your everyday purchases.
  • Save on interest with a low annual interest rate of 12.90% for Purchases and Cash Advance transactions.
  • Option to Purchase Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance.
  • Earn 50% more Stars at participating Starbucks® stores. Conditions apply.
  • Enjoy all of the benefits of your TD Low Rate Visa* Card when using Apple Pay or Samsung Pay. It's an easy
    and secure way to pay.

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content. The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa Infinite* card
  $0   First year annual fee waived and Visa Airport Companion membership    
10 points for every $1 spent at select local businesses

Welcome offer! Get your first year annual fee waived ($120 rewards value)^
and Visa Airport Companion membership ($90 value).^

Offer valid until March 31, 2025.
^Terms and conditions apply – for full details click the Apply button.

Card is available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards
100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 10 points for every $1 spent at select local businesses.
  • 5 points for every $1 spent on public transit and ferries.
  • 2.5 points for every $1 spent on groceries.
  • 1.25 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

Premium Visa Infinite Benefits
  • Get access to more than 1,200 participating airport lounges worldwide with your complimentary membership to Visa Airport Companion.⌀
  • Hotel perks, dining and wine events, concierge service, sports and entertainment offers and more.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $500,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §
  • Auto rental collision/loss damage insurance. §
  • Flight delay insurance. §
  • Emergency travel assistance services. §
  • Delayed and lost baggage insurance. §

Eligibility: $60,000 annual personal income, $100,000 annual household income, or $250,000 or more in investible funds.

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.

⌀ Enviro Visa Infinite cardholders have access to participating lounges through the Visa Airport Companion Program (“Program”), hosted and managed by DragonPass International Ltd. Cardholders must enroll for this benefit using a valid enviro Visa Infinite card. The value of a Visa Airport Companion membership (managed by DragonPass International Ltd.) is based on the value of purchasing a DragonPass membership ($68 USD) converted into CAD at an exchanged rate of 1.32. This estimated value is merely an estimate for illustrative purposes only. Actual value of a Visa Airport Companion membership may vary. Upon enrollment, all visits for enviro Visa Infinite cardholders are subject to a fee per person per visit. Cardholders who participate in the Program are subject to the DragonPass Terms of Use, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and Visa’s Privacy Notice. To view the full Terms and Conditions for the Program and more details on how to enroll, please visit The Program services and benefits are provided by DragonPass and applicable third party offer providers and neither Visa nor Vancity is responsible for any claims or damages arising from participation in the Program.

ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.

To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® - powered by Neo
  $100   Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles    
Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles and 15% off flights.
Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® – powered by Neo

Get up to 40,000 Asia Miles1 and 15% off flights2
• 20,000 Asia Miles upon card activation
• 20,000 additional Asia Miles after spending $5,000 within 3 months of application start date


Earn Asia Miles on everyday spend
For every $1 spent on the Cathay World Elite Mastercard, you will get:
  • 5x Asia Miles when you spend at thousands of Neo partners nationwide
  • 2x Asia Miles spent on flights booked directly with Cathay Pacific
  • 2x Asia Miles spent on purchases made in foreign currencies
  • 1x Asia Mile per dollar spent on purchases in Canada

Travel Benefits
  • Priority online check-in
  • Access to 1,300+ DragonPass airport lounges in more than 140 countries
  • Wi-Fi In-flight and at 1M+ Boingo hotspots around the world
  • Thousands of unique and memorable experiences worldwide

Insurance Coverage:
  • Purchase protection
  • Extended warranty
  • Flight cancellation
  • Flight delay
  • Baggage loss
  • Car rental theft and damage, and more

1,2 Click on Apply Now to view full Terms and Conditions on merchant website.
The Cathay World Elite® Mastercard® is not available in Quebec.

* Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must notify GCR, within 4 months of application date, to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card
  $0   Get up to $50 rewards value!    
Get up to $50 rewards value when you spend $1,500 in your first 3 months.

Sign up for a Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card!

Available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards

100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $200,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.

ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.

To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Secured Neo Mastercard
Build your credit history and get unlimited transactions, no annual fees and no overlimit fees. Plus get a $25 sign up bonus!

  • A physical and digital secured card that doesn't require a hard credit check
  • Guaranteed approval for all Canadians1
  • Earns cashback on everyday spending
  • Average 5% at partners
  • 15% welcome bonus on first purchase at most partners
  • 1% minimum cashback guarantee across all purchases
  • No monthly or annual fees for free Standard rewards plans
  • Track spending with real time notifications and view balance in seconds
  • Cash out your rewards at any time.
  • Credit limit is equal to security funds. Customers can pick a limit they are comfortable with and never worry about going over that limit.
  • Security funds will be fully returned if card is closed and balance is paid off
  • Security funds minimum of only $50

~ Only $5 a month

Get cashback with Shell
  • Earn 2% cashback at the pump or convenience store locations
  • Earn 4% cashback on transactions made through the Shell App
  • Boost these offers by 50% if you’ve subscribed to Neo’s Everyday Essentials perk (boosted to up to 6% cashback!)
Offer is only available in British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

Everyday cashback
  • Up to 4% on gas and grocery
  • Up to 1% cashback on everything else

Terms and Conditions
Refer to the Neo website for up-to-date terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the Neo website.

Neo Credit and Neo Secured Credit cards are issued by Neo Financial™ pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Inc..

¹ Conditions apply. Must 1. be the age of majority in your province or territory of residence; 2. be a Canadian resident; 3. provide security funds.

Cash back from GCR is ineligible if combined with a different bonus offer or promo code upon sign up with Neo

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.

• Minimum account funding of $50 required.

• Cash Back Rebate is valid for eligible new Neo customers only.
• To receive a Cash Back Rebate for a 2nd Neo product, you must apply within 30 days of your 1st product application.
• Application(s) must be approved to receive Cash Back Rebate(s).
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.
• No Cash Back on Neo Hudson’s Bay products.

• NOTE: You must reply to GCR within 4 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
RBC® Visa‡ Classic Low Rate Option
  $0   Low interest rate    
Low annual fee.

Save with a Fixed Low Annual Interest Rate.

  • Low, fixed interest rate on purchases, cash advances and balance transfers
  • Low annual fee
  • Purchase security and extended warranty insurance4

  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership and instantly save on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points

  • Get $0 delivery fees for 3 months from DoorDash14 - Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
    - Get a 3-month complimentary DashPass subscription15 – a value of almost $30
    - Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card

Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions.

Legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website where the client will be directed during the onboarding process to review and agree to them.

This post contains affiliate links.

GCR may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track sales for commission purposes.

• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Cash Back Rebate is from GCR and will be posted to your GCR account upon card approval.
• Cash Back not offered on repeat cardholders of the same card.

• NOTE: You must contact GCR within 4 months of application date to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void.
Vancity enviro™ Visa* Classic card Low Interest rate
  $0   Get your first year annual fee waived ($50 rewards value)    
1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases and 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.
Vancity enviro Visa* Classic card Low interest rate plus Vancity Rewards

Welcome offer! Get your first year annual fee waived ($50 rewards value)^

Offer valid until March 31, 2025.
^Terms and conditions apply – for full details click the Apply button.

Card is available to British Columbia residents only.

5% of profits go to environmental initiatives with every purchase on your enviro Visa card.

Environmental impact:
  • Our Carbon Counter™ helps you estimate the carbon footprint of your Visa card spending.
  • 5% of profits from this card support the Vancity enviroFund™ program every year which helps fund climate innovation in your community.

Vancity Rewards
100 Vancity Rewards points = $1 in Rewards Value.

How to earn points.
  • 1 point for every $2 spent on all purchases.
  • 2x the points when booking travel through Vancity Rewards.

Ways you can redeem your points:
  • Cash back: Add funds to your Vancity account, pay down your enviro™ Visa* card account balance, or make a loan payment (like towards your Vancity mortgage).

  • Travel: Book flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more through Vancity Rewards and enjoy no blackout periods.

  • Charity: Support what matters to you. Redeem your points to make a donation to a select charity and we’ll send you a tax receipt. Starting at 2,000 points ($20 rewards value).

  • Gift cards: Treat yourself or someone special when you redeem your Vancity Rewards points for a gift card. Choose from over 60 options.

  • Common carrier travel accident insurance up to $200,000. §
  • Purchase security insurance. §
  • Extended warranty insurance. §

Note: Purchase APR, Balance Transfer APR and Cash Advance APR
You will benefit from an interest-free grace period of 21 days on new purchases and fees appearing on your statement. If you pay off the balance showing on your statement in full by the payment due date, no interest will be payable on all new purchases that appear on your statement for the first time. There is no interest-free grace period on cash advances and balance transfers. Interest rates and fees and are subject to change without notice. See the Vancity Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure Statement for more details.

^ Terms & conditions apply. For full details and eligibility requirements visit

* Trademark of Visa Int. Used under license.

enviro™, Vancity enviroFund™ and Carbon Counter™ are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union.

Vancity membership required for certain cash back rewards. Must have a Vancity deposit account to redeem for cash. Additional terms and conditions apply.

§ Common Carrier Travel Accident and Travel Emergency Medical Insurance are insurance coverages underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) under Group Policy number VCVIL092019. All other insurance coverages are underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) under Group Policy number VCVI092019. Price Protection Service and Emergency Travel Assistance Services are services only and not insurance and are provided by ABIC.
ABIC and ABLAC, their subsidiaries, and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®. ® Assurant is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc. Details of the coverage, including definitions, benefits, limitations, and exclusions are in the Certificate of Insurance and the Statement of Services provided with the card. Read the Certificate of Insurance and Statement of Services, then keep these documents in a safe place, and take them with you when you travel.

To be eligible for this offer:
• Applicants must be a new Vancity credit card Account Holder.
• Are at least 19 years old.
• Live in British Columbia and have a BC address.

• Application must be complete and submitted to receive Cash Back Rebate.
• Do not browse or leave application page before it is completed.
• Please click from GCR again if session expires.
• Must apply online.
• Please wait 3 weeks before inquiring about a missing Vancity Cash Back.
• NOTE : You must reply to us within 3 months to report a missing rebate otherwise the rebate is void by the merchant.
Scotia : Carte Visa Infinite* Momentum ScotiaMD
  $125   Obtenez 10 % de remise en argent    
10 % sur tous les achats (jusqu’à 2 000 $ d’achats au total) pendant les trois premiers mois. Ne payez aucuns frais annuels la première année

Obtenez une remise en argent de 10 % sur tous vos achats pendant les 3 premiers mois (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats au total)¹. Aucuns frais annuels la première année, y compris sur les cartes supplémentaires¹.

Offre valide du 1 Novembre 2024 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • 4 % pour chaque dollar dépensé en achats à l’épicerie, en paiements de factures récurrentes et en achats d’abonnement.

  • 2 % pour chaque dollar dépensé en essence et en transport en commun quotidien.

  • 1 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats sans limite de remise en argent

  • Services de conciergerie Visa Infinite*
  • Collection d’hôtels Visa Infinite*
  • Programme Visa Infinite* Restaurants et régions viticoles
  • Assurance voyage complète et nouvelle couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions :Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de cette offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Momentum ScotiaMD
  $60   Obtenez un taux d’intérêt de lancement de 2,99 %    
Obtenez un taux d’intérêt de lancement de 2,99 % sur les achats et les transferts de solde pendant les 6 premiers mois.

Taux de lancement de 2.99 % sur les transferts de solde pour les six premiers mois .
(par la suite : 22,99 % sur les avances de fonds, incluant les transferts de solde; frais annuels de 39 $)*.

Offre valide du 1 Novembre 2024 - 31 Octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez une remise en argent de 2 % pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les stations-service, les épiceries et les pharmacies admissibles, ainsi que pour les paiements de factures périodiques*

  • Obtenez une remise en argent de 1 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles avec remise en argent*

Les tarifs, frais, offres et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD de la Banque ScotiaMD*
  $60   Jusqu`à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime    
Obtenez jusqu`à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première année (jusqu’à 50 $ en récompenses voyages).

Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première trois mois (jusqu’à 50 $ pour les voyages)*.

Offre valide du 2 juillet 2024 - 1er juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les restaurants, les établissements de restauration rapide, les débits de boissons et les autres épiceries admissibles. Comprend la livraison de nourriture populaire et les abonnements alimentaires.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en achats de divertissement admissibles. Comprend les magasins de cinéma, de théâtre et d’agences de billetterie.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en essence et en transport en commun quotidien admissibles. Comprend le covoiturage, les bus, le métro, les taxis et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en services de diffusion en continu admissibles.

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles
  • Invitations® American Express

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 2 juillet 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD Or de la Banque ScotiaMD*
  $100   Obtenez jusqu`à 780 $*    
Obtenez jusqu`à 780 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu`à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime
Obtenez jusqu’à 750 $* en valeur au cours des 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime*!

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 1 juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 6 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, Freshco, Foodland et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 5x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé en restauration, en livraison de nourriture et dans d’autres épiceries admissibles. Comprend la livraison de nourriture populaire et les abonnements alimentaires.

  • Obtenez 5x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé à des fins de divertissement admissibles au Canada. Comprend les magasins de cinéma, de théâtre et d’agences de billetterie.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar canadien dépensé au Canada en essence et en transport en commun quotidien. Comprend le covoiturage, les bus, le métro, les taxis et plus encore

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar canadien dépensé au Canada sur certains services de diffusion en continu admissibles.

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Offres® AMEX
  • AMEX Avant-première de la ligne®
  • Invitations® American Express
  • Services de conciergerie gratuits

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 12 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année et la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 400 $ en récompenses voyages (40 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les nouveaux titulaires d’une carte American Express Or de la Banque Scotia qui effectuent des achats totalisant 1 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois (20 000 points) et qui effectuent des achats totalisant 7 500 $ au cours des 12 premiers mois (20 000 points additionnels);

  • 55 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués par compte au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opérations en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par d’autres émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 325 $ (32 500 points Scène+) potentiels selon le montant moyen des achats courants la première année, par compte, en supposant une dépense moyenne de 25 % d’achats dans les catégories donnant droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 5X les points, de 5 % d’achats dans les catégories droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 3X les points et de 70 % d’achats dans les catégories droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 1X les points ;

Valeur potentielle maximale après la première année = 780 $

La valeur réelle des offres, des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de l’utilisation de la carte et de l’admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent*.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa Infinite* Passeport
  $125   Obtenez jusqu`à 40 000 points bonus Scene+ !    
1 300 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime.

Obtenez jusqu’à 1 300 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 12 premiers mois,
y compris jusqu’à 40 000 points Scène+ en prime!

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 1 juillet 2025.

  • Obtenez 3 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland et dans les établissements participants Coopératives et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans d’autres épiceries, restaurants, divertissements admissibles et options de transport quotidien admissibles (y compris les services de covoiturage, les autobus, les métros, les taxis et plus encore).

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • 6 accès gratuit aux salons d’aéroport
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Services de conciergerie Visa Infinite*
  • Collection d’hôtels Visa Infinite*
  • Programme Visa Infinite* Restaurants et régions viticoles

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

* La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 12 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année, la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises et le coût de l’accès aux salons d’aéroport au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 300 $ en récompenses voyages (30 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les titulaires de la carte Visa Infinite Passeport Banque Scotia qui portent 2 000 $ d’achats à leur compte dans les trois premiers mois;

  • 100 $ en récompenses voyages (10 000 points Scène+ en prime) si vous portez à votre compte au moins 40 000 $ d’achats au cours d’une année (période de 12 mois);

  • 50 $ d’économies grâce à l’annulation des frais annuels de la première carte Visa Infinite Passeport Banque Scotia supplémentaire;

  • 137 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués, par compte, au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opérations en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 399 $ (30 000 points Scène+) potentiels selon le montant moyen des achats, par compte, en supposant une dépense moyenne de 20 % d’achats dans les catégories donnant droit au ratio de cumul accéléré de 2X les points;

  • 359 $ correspondant à la valeur de l’adhésion gratuite au programme Compagnon d’aéroport Visa qui comprend 6 laissez- passer dans les salons d’aéroport (basé sur de l’adhésion « Préférentielle » d’une valeur d’environ de 359 $ CA/259 $). Fondé sur le taux de change en vigueur le 28 25 octobre 2024;

Valeur potentielle maximale après la première année = 1 345 $.
La valeur réelle des offres, des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de l’utilisation de la carte et de l’admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

• Ne pas naviguer ou de quitter la page avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• S'il vous plaît cliquer de nouveau lien au dessus si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• Remboursement Cash Back sera versé après l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux détenteurs de carte répétés de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte American ExpressMD Platine
  $175   Obtenez jusqu`à 2 500 $*    
Obtenez jusqu’à 2 500 $* en économies et récompenses dans les 14 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 80 000 points Scène+ en prime.
Obtenez jusqu’à 2 500 $* en valeur au cours des 14 premiers mois, y compris jusqu’à 80 000 points Scène+ en prime*

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez 2X les points Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Pas de frais de transaction à l’étranger
  • Couverture d’assurance voyage complète
  • Couverture d’assurance pour appareils mobiles
  • 10 laissez-passer gratuits pour les salons d’aéroport par an
  • Offres VIP Platine+
  • Invitations® American Express
  • Services de conciergerie gratuits haut de gamme

Les taux, frais et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

* La valeur potentielle des économies et récompenses durant les 14 premiers mois comprend la valeur de l’offre de bienvenue, les économies potentielles, la valeur potentielle des points accumulés la première année et la valeur des économies sur les frais d’opérations en devises et d’accès aux salons d’aéroport au 25 octobre 2024 :
  • 860 $ en récompenses voyages (80 000 points Scène+ en prime) pour les nouveaux titulaires d’une carte American Express Platine de la Banque Scotia qui effectuent des achats totalisant 3 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois (60 000 points) et qui effectuent des achats totalisant 10 000 $ au cours des 14 premiers mois (20 000 points Scène+ additionnels);

  • 205 $ d’économies sur les frais d’opération en devises selon le montant moyen des achats en devises effectués par compte au cours de la première année (en économisant sur les frais d’opération en devises de 2,5 % généralement facturés par émetteurs de cartes de crédit);

  • 792 $ en récompenses voyages (74 188 points Scène+) sur les achats courants, selon le montant moyen des achats effectués par compte la première année;

  • 788 $ correspondant à la valeur de l’adhésion au programme Priority Pass et à des laissez-passer dans les salons d’aéroport pour le titulaire principal (frais annuels d’adhésion d’un forfait de 10 laissez-passer, 456 $ CA ou 329 $ US) et pour un titulaire de carte supplémentaire (frais annuels d’adhésion de 137 $ CA ou 99 $ US, plus 4 laissez-passer d’une valeur de 49 $ CA ou 35 $ US chacun). Fondé sur le taux de change en vigueur à le 25 octobre 2024.

Valeur potentielle maximale après 14 mois = 2 585 $
La valeur des économies réalisées et des récompenses obtenues variera en fonction de votre utilisation de la carte et de votre admissibilité aux offres. Des conditions s’appliquent.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de la carte et la demande de carte pour obtenir les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres en cours. Des efforts raisonnables sont déployés pour maintenir l'exactitude des informations.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte VISA minima ScotiaMD
  $80   Taux d’intérêt de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde    
Taux d’intérêt de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde pendant les 9 premiers mois et aucuns frais annuels la première année
Taux de lancement de 0,99 % sur les transferts de solde pour les neuf premiers mois (frais de 2 % par avance de fonds 13,99% par la suite frais annuels de 29 $)*

De plus, aucuns frais annuels pour la première année.*

Offre valide du 3 janvier 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Économisez des centaines de dollars en intérêts par année

  • Faible taux d’intérêt de 13,99 %

  • Rembourser les soldes plus rapidement

  • Simplifiez vos paiements mensuels

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 3 janvier 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

Description et conditions de l’offre : L'offre de taux de lancement de 0,99 % sur les avances de fonds et d’annulation des frais annuels la première année (l’«offre») s’applique uniquement aux nouveaux comptes de carte de crédit Visa minima (les «comptes») ouverts au plus tard le, sous réserve des conditions ci-dessous. Nous annulerons les frais annuels pour la carte principale, la première année seulement, pour la carte principale qui devra être émise entre le 3 janvier 2025 et le 31 octobre 2025. Toutes les autres conditions du programme continuent de s’appliquer durant la période de l’offre. L’offre peut être modifiée, annulée ou prolongée en tout temps, sans préavis, et elle ne peut être combinée à aucune autre offre.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Scène+MC Banque ScotiaMD
  $80   5 000 points Scène+    
Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première année et aucuns frais annuels la première année.
Obtenez jusqu’à 5 000 points Scène+ en prime la première trois mois.*

Offre valide du 3 mars 2025 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Obtenez 2 fois plus de points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé chez Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, Coopératives, Freshco et plus encore.

  • Obtenez 2x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les magasins Home Hardware, Centre de rénovation et Meubles Home au Canada et en ligne chez

  • Obtenez 2x les points Scène+* pour chaque dollar dépensé dans les cinémas Cineplex ou en ligne chez

  • De plus, obtenez 1 point Scène+ pour chaque dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats courants admissibles.

  • Profitez d’autres avantages et obtenez jusqu’à 4X les points pour chaque dollar d’achat sur les séjours à l’hôtel, les locations de véhicule et les activités lorsque vous réservez par l’intermédiaire de Voyage Scène+, administré par Expedia.

  • Aucuns frais annuels la première année, y compris sur les cartes supplémentaires*.

Les tarifs, frais et autres renseignements entrent en vigueur le 3 mars 2025. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de carte et l’application de la carte pour connaître les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres actuelles. Des efforts raisonnables sont faits pour maintenir l’exactitude de l’information.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
RBC : Carte Avion Visa Infinite RBC
  $0   Obtenez jusqu`à 55 000 points    
Obtenez jusqu’à 55 000 points Avion*, soit suffisamment pour vous envoler vers toute destination en Amérique du Nord ou dans les Antilles.

Obtenez jusqu’à 55 000 points Avion* (une valeur pouvant atteindre 1 100 $), soit suffisamment pour vous envoler vers toute destination en Amérique du Nord ou dans les Antilles !

Présentez une demand d’ici le 3 juin 2025

  • Accumulez un point Avion par dollar d’achat*, et obtenez 25 % de points supplémentaires à l’achat d’un voyage admissible.

  • Les membres Avion peuvent utiliser leurs points auprès de n’importe quel transporteur, quels que soient le vol et la date du départ, sans période d’interdiction ou restriction.

  • Les membres Avion accumulent des points qui n’expirent jamais, ce qui veut dire qu’ils seront là, quand vous serez prêt à vivre votre prochaine aventure.

  • Échangez vos points contre des primes-voyages et plus encore. Utilisez vos points comme vous le voulez, que ce soit pour payer des factures ou le solde de votre carte, ou échangez-les contre des cartes-cadeaux et différents articles de grandes marques comme ceux d’Apple. Le programme Avion Récompenses vous donne la liberté de choisir de quelle façon vous utiliserez vos points et vous aide à tirer le maximum de vos points en tant que membre Avion.

  • Les membres admissibles du programme Avion Récompenses peuvent convertir leurs points dans d’autres programmes de fidélisation, comme les dollars WestJet, les points Avios de British Airways et les points Primes La Baie d’Hudson.

  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez instantanément 3 ¢ le litre de carburant dans les stations Petro- points, en plus d’obtenir toujours 20 % plus de Petro-Points et 20 % de points Avion.

  • Liez votre carte RBC à un compte Rexall Be Well et obtenez 50 points Be Well pour chaque dollar d’achat de produits admissibles à Rexall. Échangez des points Be Well plus rapidement pour économiser en magasin sur vos achats puisque 25 000 points Be Well = 10 $

  • Accédez aux offres de RBC qui vous permettent d’accumuler des points plus rapidement auprès de certaines marques.

  • Gamme complète d’assurances, y compris l’assurance appareil mobile, l’assurance voyage (annulation et interruption de voyage et frais médicaux d'urgence) et autres achats admissibles pour vous protéger, tant vous-même que les membres de votre famille.

  • Les membres Avion profitent d’avantages haut de gamme Visa Infinite, comme le service sans attente pour des événements ainsi que des avantages hôtels et plaisirs de la table.

  • Les membres Avion n’ont plus besoin de réserver 14 jours à l’avance leurs voyages en utilisant la grille RBC.

Jusqu’à 12 mois sans frais de livraison, gracieuseté de DoorDash17 - Ajoutez une carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash et
  • Obtenez un abonnement18 de 12 mois gratuit à la DashPass, une valeur de près de 120 $
  • Profitez de livraisons illimitées de restaurants admissibles sur les commandes de 15 $ et plus lorsque vous payez avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

Cet article contient des liens d'affiliation.

GCR peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commissions.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
RBC : Remise en argent Préférence World Elite Mastercard RBC
  $0   Remise en argent illimitée sur vos dépenses    
Obtenez jusqu`à 1,5 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats.

Remises en argent illimitées sur vos achats*


  • Obtenez jusqu’à 1,5 % de remise en argent sur vos achats, petits ou grands
  • Avantages et assurances de premier ordre.
  • Restez connecté grâce au compte Wi-Fi Boingo gratuitΔ
  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez immédiatement dans les stations Petro-Canada, en plus d’obtenir 20 % de Petro-Points supplémentaires

Obtenez des livraisons sans frais pendant 12 mois avec DoorDash17 en ajoutant votre carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash pour :
  • obtenir un abonnement de 12 mois gratuit à DashPass18 d’une valeur de près de 120 $
  • profiter d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais sur les commandes de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

  • Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
  • Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
  • Doit postuler en ligne.
  • La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
  • La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.
  • REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
RBC : Carte Visa RBC ION
  $0   Obtenez 7 000 points Avion    
Obtenez 7 000 points Avion à l’approbationà l’approbation d’une carte Visa ION RBC.

Obtenez 7 000 points Avion à l’approbation1 – une valeur de 50 $ en cartes cadeaux+ !

Faites une demande d’ici le 7 mai 2025


• Obtenez 1,5 fois les points1 Avion sur :
  • Épicerie – Des points à l’épicerie qui donnent l’eau à la bouchei.
  • Déplacements, essence et recharge pour VE – Tous les chemins mènent à des points : essence, covoiturage, transports en commun quotidiens, recharge pour véhicule électriqueii.
  • Diffusion en continu, jeux numériques et abonnements – Amusez-vous à accumuler des points sur la diffusion en continu, les jeux, les abonnements numériques, les téléchargements numériques admissibles et les achats intrajeuiii.

• Obtenez un (1) point Visa Avion pour chaque dollar (1 $) dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles1

Payez avec des points
Échangez vos points Visa Avion pour payer des factures, rembourser le solde de votre carte de crédit ou même envoyer de l’argent à un ami par Virement Interac4. L’échange minimal n’est que de 10 $. Vous pouvez donc utiliser vos points selon vos besoins.

Économisez à Petro-Canada
Économisez 3 ¢ le litre d’essence et obtenez 20 % de points en plus lorsque vous payez avec une carte RBC liée6

Obtenez plus de points Be Well à Rexall
Obtenez 50 points Be Well par dollar dépensé sur des achats admissibles à Rexall lorsque vous payez avec votre carte RBC liée et que vous balayez votre carte Be Well7.

Économisez gros sur les livraisons avec DoorDash

  • Obtenez un abonnement gratuit de trois mois à DashPass, d’une valeur de près de 30 $8.
  • Profitez d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais de commandes admissibles de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible9. Voyez comment vous pourriez économiser avec DoorDash.

Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée5
Elle protège automatiquement les achats admissibles réglés avec la carte contre la perte, le vol et les dommages survenant dans les 90 jours qui suivent l’achat, et la garantie allongée double la garantie canadienne originale du fabricant jusqu’à une année supplémentaire, pour un maximum de cinq ans.

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez aviser GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.
RBC : Carte Visa RBC IONᐩ
  $0   Obtenez 14 000 points Avion    
Obtenez 14 000 points Avion à l’approbation – une valeur de 100 $ en cartes cadeaux.

Obtenez 14 000 points Avion à l’approbation1 – une valeur de 100 $ en cartes cadeaux+ !

Faites une demande d’ici le 7 mai 2025


• Obtenez trois fois les points1 Avion sur :
  • Épicerie, restos et livraisons de repas – Des points sur l’épicerie, les repas au resto et les livraisons de repasi.
  • Déplacements, essence et recharge pour VE – Tous les chemins mènent à des points : essence, covoiturage, transports en commun quotidiens, recharge pour véhicule électriqueii.
  • Diffusion en continu, jeux numériques et abonnements – Amusez-vous à accumuler des points sur la diffusion en continu, les jeux, les abonnements numériques, les téléchargements numériques admissibles et les achats intrajeuiii.
• Obtenez un point Avion par dollar dépensé sur tous les autres achats admissibles1

• Frais annuels de 48 $2 (4 $ par mois)

Payez avec des points
Échangez vos points Visa Avion pour payer des factures, rembourser le solde de votre carte de crédit ou même envoyer de l’argent à un ami par Virement Interac4. L’échange minimal n’est que de 10 $. Vous pouvez donc utiliser vos points selon vos besoins.

Économisez à Petro-Canada
Économisez 3 ¢ le litre d’essence et obtenez 20 % de points en plus lorsque vous payez avec une carte RBC liée6.
Obtenez plus de points Be Well à Rexall
Obtenez 50 points Be Well par dollar dépensé sur des achats admissibles à Rexall lorsque vous payez avec votre carte RBC liée et que vous balayez votre carte Be Well7.
Économisez gros sur les livraisons avec DoorDash

  • Obtenez un abonnement gratuit de trois mois à DashPass, d’une valeur de près de 30 $8.
  • Profitez d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais de commandes admissibles de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible9. Voyez comment vous pourriez économiser avec DoorDash.

Profitez d’une réduction des frais mensuels
Obtenez chaque mois une remise de 4 $10 (48 $ par année) sur les frais mensuels de votre carte de crédit lorsque vous détenez un Forfait bancaire sans limite Signature RBC ou un Forfait bancaire avantage RBC pour étudiant.

Assurance appareil mobile5 incluse
Obtenez une protection de deux ans, jusqu’à concurrence de 1 000 $, contre la perte, le vol, les dommages accidentels ou la panne de votre appareil mobile, un téléphone cellulaire par exemple, lorsque vous l’achetez avec cette carte de crédit.

Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée5
Elle protège automatiquement les achats admissibles réglés avec la carte contre la perte, le vol et les dommages survenant dans les 90 jours qui suivent l’achat, et la garantie allongée double la garantie canadienne originale du fabricant jusqu’à une année supplémentaire, pour un maximum de cinq ans.

L’assurance facultative Protection-Solde Maximale couvre le solde de votre carte de crédit au moment où vous en avez le plus besoin
  • Si vous perdez votre emploi ou devenez totalement invalide, un versement correspondant à 25 % du solde de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 6 250 $ par mois, peut être effectué au titre de l’assurance pendant un maximum de quatre mois.
  • Si vous décédez, cette couverture peut effectuer un paiement unique correspondant au solde total de votre compte de carte de crédit, jusqu’à concurrence de 25 000 $.
  • Il est facile pour les titulaires de carte admissibles d’adhérer à cette assurance. Vous pouvez résilier l’assurance en tout temps.
  • Les primes sont de 1,20 $ par tranche de 100 $ du solde de votre compte à la date de votre relevé (plus les taxes applicables).
  • Des conditions et des restrictions d’admissibilité s’appliquent. Vous trouverez tous les détails sur Cette assurance est établie par American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance générale de la Floride et American Bankers Compagnie d’assurance vie de la Floride, qui exercent leurs activités au Canada sous le nom commercial d’Assurant®.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez aviser GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.
MBNA : MastercardMD Platine PlusMD récompenses MBNA
  $75   Jusqu`à 10 000 points récompenses    
Obtenez 5 000 points bonus après votre premier achat éligible et 5 000 points bonus lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques.
Accumulez jusqu’à 10 000 points récompenses MBNA†† pour des remises, des cartes-cadeaux et plus encore.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.
Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.


Accumulez plus rapidement des points de récompense sur les achats courants!

  • 2 points par dollar dépensé sur tout achat admissible au restaurant ou d’épicerie, de médias numériques, d’abonnements et de services publics de ménage jusqu’à ce que 10 000 $ soient dépensés annuellement dans la catégorie applicable.

  • 1 point par dollar dépensé sur tout autre achat admissible.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 25 $) après que vous faites votre premier achat admissible dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 25 $) lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Chaque année, vous recevrez des points de prime pour anniversaire‡ correspondant à 10 % du nombre total de points qui se sont accumulés dans les 12 mois précédant votre mois d’anniversaire, jusqu’à concurrence d’une prime pour anniversaire maximale par année de 10 000 points.

  • Échangez des points pour des articles de marque, des cartes-cadeaux de détaillants participants, des remises en argent, des dons de bienfaisance et des voyages.

  • Taux d’intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats admissibles, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪ et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

  • Assurance appareil mobile*** L’assurance appareil mobile vous offre une couverture allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour des appareils mobiles admissibles en cas de perte, de vol, et de dommages accidentels ou de bris mécanique.

  • Aucuns frais annuels.

Profitez d’une carte de récompenses pour tous les jours sans frais annuels. Faites une demande pour la carte de crédit récompenses MBNAMD maintenant.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec

‡, ††, ✪, ***, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.

IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MasterCardMD Récompenses MBNA World Elite
  $80   Jusqu`à 20 000 points récompenses    
15 000 points bonus pour le premier achat admissible et 5 000 points bonus pour les relevés électroniques sans papier.
Accumulez jusqu’à 20 000 points récompenses MBNA†† pour des remises, des cartes-cadeaux et plus encore.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.
Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.


Recevez jusqu’à 20 000 points de prime (une remise en argent d’environ 165 $).

  • Recevez 15 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent de 125 $) après que vous faites votre premier achat admissible dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Recevez 5 000 points de prime†† (une remise en argent d’environ 40 $) lorsque vous vous inscrivez aux relevés électroniques dans les 90 jours suivant l’ouverture de votre compte.

  • Obtenez 5 points par dollar dépensé sur tout achat admissible au restaurant ou d’épicerie, de médias numériques, d’abonnements et de services publics de ménage, jusqu’à ce que 50 000 $ soient dépensés annuellement dans la catégorie applicable; 1 point‡ par dollar dépensé sur tout autre achat admissible.

  • Chaque année, vous recevrez des points de prime pour anniversaire‡ correspondant à 10 % du nombre total de points qui se sont accumulés dans les 12 mois précédant votre mois d’anniversaire, jusqu’à concurrence d’une prime pour anniversaire maximale chaque année de 15 000 points.

  • Échangez des points pour des articles de marque, des cartes-cadeaux de détaillants participants, une remise en argent, des dons de bienfaisance et des voyages.

  • Taux d’intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats admissibles, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪ et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

  • Assurance appareil mobile*** L’assurance appareil mobile vous offre une couverture allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour des appareils mobiles admissibles en cas de perte, de vol, et de dommages accidentels ou de bris mécanique.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

††, ‡, ✪, ***, ††††, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.

IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MastercardMD Platine PlusMD Argent Content MBNA
  $50   5 % de remise en argent    
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois.
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent††

Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)


Accélérez la remise en argent sur les achats courants!

  • Aucuns frais annuels

  • Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent par la suite sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie (jusqu'à ce que le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 0,5 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats admissibles

Taux d'intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪, et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds

Profitez d'une carte sans frais annuels offrant une remise en argent sur les achats admissibles

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

‡, ††, ✪, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.

IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
MBNA : MastercardMD World Argent Content MBNA
  $50   5 % de remise en argent    
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles d`essence et d`épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois.
Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent††

Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)


Accélérez la remise en argent sur les achats courants!

  • Obtenez 5 % de remise en argent†† sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie pendant les 6 premiers mois (jusqu'à ce le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent par la suite sur les achats admissibles d'essence et d'épicerie (jusqu'à ce que le total des achats d'essence et d'épicerie pour le mois applicable atteignent 500 $)

  • Obtenez 1 % de remise en argent sur tous les autres achats admissibles

  • Frais annuels de 39 $

Taux d'intérêt annuels standards de 20,99 % sur les achats, de 20,99 % sur les transferts de solde✪, et de 20,99 % sur les avances de fonds.

Votre revenu annuel personnel doit être supérieur à 60 000 $, ou le revenu annuel de votre ménage doit être de 100 000 $ ou plus††††.

Profitez d'une carte offrant une remise en argent sur les achats admissibles.

Cette offre est réservée aux résidents du Québec.

‡, ††, ††††, ✪, Des conditions s’appliquent.

Publicité commanditée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion (la TD). La TD n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site, y compris tout éditorial ou toute critique qui peuvent y être publiés. Pour des renseignements complets au sujet de cette carte de crédit MBNA, cliquez sur le bouton « Demander Maintenant ».

La Banque Toronto-Dominion est l’émettrice de la carte de crédit susmentionnée. MBNA est une division de La Banque Toronto-Dominion.

IMPORTANT : Pour obtenir un rabais, vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de cette carte après avoir cliqué sur le lien ci-dessus. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de remise si vous utilisez l'outil de sélection de carte de crédit MBNA.

• Une remise en argent sera payé par GCR sur la carte de crédit compte approbation par MBNA. Une maximum par personne.
• MBNA est pas responsable de tout aspect de la remise en argent offre de remise.

• Doit postuler en ligne immédiatement après avoir cliqué à partir GCR.
• Ne laissez pas la page de l'application MBNA avant qu'elle soit terminée.
• Si la session d'application expire puis revenir à GCR de recommencer et cliquez sur la page de l'application MBNA nouveau.
• REMARQUE: Vous devez répondre aux GCR dans les 3 mois signaler un remboursement manquant sinon le remboursement est vide.

En faisant une demande pour ce compte de carte de crédit par l’entremise de Great Canadian Rebates, vous consentez à ce que MBNA divulgue l’état d’approbation de votre compte à Great Canadian Rebates aux fins suivantes : (i) traitement et livraison d’une remise en argent Great Canadian Rebates qui vous sera attribuée à l’approbation de votre demande dans le cadre de cette offre; et (ii) exécution des obligations contractuelles entre MBNA et Great Canadian Rebates dans le cadre de cette offre.

• Disponible pour les nouveaux détenteurs de crédit seulement
• Cash Back sera versé après minimum 45 jours suivant la confirmation de MBNA *.
• Cash Back offre peut prendre fin à tout moment à la discrétion de la GCR.
• Cash Back Offre disponible aux membres de la GCR seulement.

* Voir la page FAQ et Conditions pour plus de détails.
Amex : Carte Prestige AéroplanMD
  $125   Obtenir 85 000 points Aéroplan    
3X les points Aéroplan pour les achats Air Canada® et Vacances Air Canada® admissibles.

Les nouveaux titulaires de la Carte Prestige AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD peuvent obtenir 85 000 points Aéroplan.

  • Obtenez 60 000 points Aéroplan après avoir porté 7 500 $ à votre Carte au cours des 3 premiers mois.
  • De plus, obtenez 25 000 points Aéroplan supplémentaires en dépensant 2 500 $ au cours du 13e mois.
  • C’est jusqu’à 2 600 $ ou plus de valeur en combinant votre prime de bienvenue et les avantages de votre Carte.

  • Les titulaires peuvent obtenir une nuitée de plus gratuitement pour chaque 3 nuitées à l’hôtel payées avec des points Aéroplan. Obtenez-en encore plus dans plus de 300 000 hôtels dans le monde.

  • Le taux de cumul d’Air Canada le plus élevé sur une carte de paiement Aéroplan au Canada: Obtenez 3 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison de nourriture au Canada et obtenez 1,25 fois les points sur tout le reste.

  • Traversez l’aéroport plus rapidement grâce à l’enregistrement prioritaire, à l’embarquement prioritaire et au traitement prioritaire des bagages lorsque vous vous envolez avec Air Canada.

  • Profitez d’un accès à certains salons Feuilles d’érableMC* d’Air Canada et aux Cafés Air CanadaMC* en Amérique du Nord pour vous et un invité sur présentation d’un billet pour un vol de départ le jour même avec Air CanadaMD* ou Star AllianceMD*.

  • Vous et jusqu’à huit de vos compagnons voyageant avec la même réservation pouvez avoir droit à un premier bagage enregistré admissible sans frais en prenant un vol d’Air Canada à votre point de départ.

  • Reportez des Milles de Qualification à un Statut et des crédits eSurclassements inutilisés à l’année suivante.

  • Amex ExperiencesMC vous donne accès à divers événements spéciaux : expériences gastronomiques spéciales, soirées VIP, avant-premières de films et plus encore.

  • Vivez une expérience de voyage améliorée à l’aéroport international Pearson de Toronto :
    • Accès au service de contrôle de sécurité prioritaire Pearson Priority*
    • Service de voiturier sans frais aux stationnements Express Park et Daily Park*
    • Rabais de 15 % sur les frais des stationnements Express Park et Daily Park*
    • Rabais de 15 % sur les services Auto soins*

  • Votre Carte Prestige Aéroplanᴹᴰ* American Expressᴹᴰ vous donne accès à plus de 1 200 salons d’aéroport Priority Pass partout dans le monde. Quelle que soit la société aérienne que vous avez choisie ou la classe dans laquelle vous voyagez, vous pourrez profiter d’un confort inégalé avant votre vol.

  • Assurances : En voyage à l’étranger ou dans une boutique près de la maison, vous pouvez avoir l’esprit tranquille en sachant que vous êtes protégé.

  • Votre nouvelle Carte Prestige Aéroplan American Express est faite de métal de 13 g et coupée avec précision. C’est le compagnon idéal pour votre prochaine aventure exceptionnelle.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte

REMARQUE : Vous devez contacter GCR dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : La Carte de PlatineMD
  $150   140 000 points-privilèges    
Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison au Canada.
Accédez à des expériences spéciales grâce à La Carte de PlatineMD

Obtenez jusqu’à 100 000 points-privilègesMD, soit un maximum de 1 000 $ pour régler votre prochaine escapade.
  • À titre de nouveau titulaire de La Carte de PlatineMD, obtenez une prime de bienvenue de 70 000 points lorsque vous portez à votre Carte 10 000 $ d’achats nets au cours des 3 premiers mois suivants votre adhésion.

  • De plus, obtenez 30 000 points si vous effectuez un achat au cours des 14 à 17 mois suivant votre adhésion.

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison au Canada, 2 points par dollar d’achats de voyages admissibles portés à la Carte et 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’autres achats portés à la Carte.

  • Crédit annuel pour voyage de 200 $ par l’intermédiaire des Services voyages en ligne American Express ou des Services voyages de La Carte de Platineᴹᴰ.

  • Profitez d’un crédit annuel pour repas de 200 $ à utiliser dans certains des meilleurs restaurants au Canada.

  • Obtenez une valeur supplémentaire de 200 $ ou plus grâce au programme Extras pour titulaires. Vous pouvez obtenir des crédits au compte pour les achats admissibles auprès des marques participantes.

  • Tirez le maximum de la Collection mondiale de salonsMC American Express qui vous donne accès à plus de 1 400 salons d’aéroport partout dans le monde. La Collection mondiale de salons inclut le réseau de Salons CenturionMD, les salons Plaza Premium et des centaines d’autres salons internationaux et nationaux qui amélioreront votre expérience de voyage.

  • Profitez de diverses façons d’utiliser vos points, notamment en les échangeant contre des crédits au compte pour régler tout achat admissible porté à votre Carte, de nouveaux voyages réservés auprès des Services voyages en ligne American Express dans le cadre du programme de voyage à points souples et des vols admissibles réservés dans le cadre du programme de voyage à points fixes.

  • Virez vos points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Profitez d’avantages à titre gracieux d’une valeur moyenne de 600 $US dans plus de 1 500 établissements extraordinaires dans le monde lorsque vous effectuez une réservation dans le cadre du programme Fine Hotels + Resorts.

  • Les titulaires de La Carte de Platine peuvent profiter de l’accès à divers événements spéciaux et occasions uniques.

  • Profitez d’avantages supérieurs à l’aéroport Pearson de Toronto.

  • Vous aurez également accès aux programmes de fidélisation de nombreuses grandes entreprises hôtelières et sociétés de location de voitures. Nos partenaires comprennent Marriott International, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Hertz et Avis.

Un taux d’intérêt de 30 % s’applique à chaque opération en souffrance devant être réglée en totalité. Le taux privilégié de 21,99 % s’applique au solde de votre option de paiement souple. Si vous omettez 2 paiements distincts au cours d’une période de 12 mois, le taux pour l’option de paiement souple passe à 25,99 %. Si vous omettez 3 paiements distincts ou plus au cours d’une période de 12 mois, le taux pour l’option de paiement souple passe à 28,99 %. Ces taux sont en vigueur à compter du jour où l’option de paiement souple devient disponible dans votre compte.

Les intérêts s’appliquent conformément à votre convention du titulaire, à l’encadré informatif et à la fiche d’information si le nouveau solde n’est pas réglé intégralement au plus tard à la date d’exigibilité du paiement. Tous les paiements doivent être reçus au plus tard à la date d’exigibilité du paiement figurant sur votre relevé mensuel.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, je/nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte

REMARQUE : Vous devez contacter GCR dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Verte American ExpressMD
  $30   10 000 points-privilèges    
Obtenez un bonus de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD en facturant 1 000 $ au cours des 3 premiers mois.
Obtenir une prime de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD

À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Verte American ExpressMD, vous pouvez obtenir une prime de bienvenue de 10 000 points-privilègesMD en portant 1 000 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les 3 premiers mois suivant votre adhésion. C’est l’équivalent de 100 $ pour des achats en épicerie ou des billets de spectacle.


Obtenez la Carte qui vous permet de profiter du moment présent tout en vous préparant pour l’avenir. Chaque utilisation de votre Carte Verte American ExpressMD représente une occasion.

  • Obtenez 1 fois les points sur les achats portés à la Carte.

  • Portez un achat admissible à votre Carte et échangez vos points-privilèges contre un crédit au compte (tous les achats admissibles : 1 000 points = crédit au compte de 10 $).

  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à des programmes pour grands voyageurs et à d’autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC et à Billets en préventeMC Avant-premièreMD, les titulaires de la Carte American Express ont accès à de formidables événements au Canada.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte CobaltMD American Express
  $100   15 000 points-privilègesMD    
Vous pouvez accumuler 1 250 points-privilègesMD à chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 750 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte.
Obtenez jusqu’à 15 000 points-privilègesMD

Au cours de votre première année à titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Cobalt, vous pouvez accumuler 1 250 points-privilègesMD à chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 750 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte. Vous pouvez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 15 000 points en une année. C’est l’équivalent d’un maximum de 150 $ pour une escapade ou des billets de spectacle!

  • Obtenez 5 fois les points sur les achats admissibles dans les restos, bars et bistrots au Canada, y compris dans les épiceries et auprès des services de livraison de nourriture. Une limite de dépenses s’applique.

  • Obtenez 3 fois les points sur les abonnements à des services de diffusion en continu admissibles au Canada.

  • Obtenez 2 fois les points pour les achats admissibles d’essence, de transports en commun et de covoiturage au Canada

  • Obtenez 1 point supplémentaire sur les réservations admissibles d’hôtel et de location de voiture effectuées par l’intermédiaire services voyages d’Amex en ligne.

  • Obtenez 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’achats portés à la Carte partout ailleurs.

  • Profitez d’un accès à des réservations d’hôtel, arrivée à partir de midi (selon les disponibilités), départ tardif (selon les disponibilités) et d’un crédit allant jusqu’à 100 $US à utiliser pour des services portés au compte de la chambre, pour un séjour d’au moins 2 nuitées consécutives réservées auprès du programme The Hotel Collection des Services voyages American Express.

  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation.

  • Les titulaires de la Carte Cobalt se font régulièrement offrir des avantages, comme des offres de récompenses en prime et l’accès à de grands événements.

  • Accès à des billets en prévente et réservés Avant-premièreMD pour certains de vos concerts et pièces de théâtre préférés, ainsi qu’à des offres et des événements spécialement conçus pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, je/nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

L'utilisation de tout code promotionnel annulera le rabais

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Or avec primes American ExpressMD
  $125   60 000 points-privilègesMD    
Obtenez 5 000 points-privilègesMD pour chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 1 000 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte.

Obtenez une prime de bienvenue pouvant atteindre 60 000 points-privilègesMD

  • À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Or avec primes American ExpressMD, obtenez 5 000 points-privilègesMD pour chaque période de facturation mensuelle au cours de laquelle vous portez 1 000 $ d’achats nets à votre Carte
  • Vous pourriez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 60 000 points en une année, soit jusqu’à 600 $ pour vos prochaines vacances

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats de voyages admissibles portés à la Carte, qu’il s’agisse de billets d’avion, d’hébergement, de locations de voiture, de croisières et plus encore
  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’achats réglés avec la Carte dans les stations-service, les épiceries et les pharmacies admissibles au Canada, et 1 point par tranche de 1 $ d’achats réglés avec la Carte partout ailleurs
  • La Carte est maintenant offerte en métal de couleur dorée ou or rose
  • Recevez un crédit au compte de 50 $CAN lorsque vous portez à votre Carte Or avec primes American Express des frais d’adhésion ou de renouvellement d’adhésion au programme NEXUS
  • Vous pouvez obtenir un crédit annuel pour voyage de 100 $CAN, une gracieuseté de la Carte Or avec primes American Express. Utilisez le crédit une fois annuellement pour toute réservation de voyage de 100 $ ou plus portée à votre Carte Or avec primes et effectuée par l’intermédiaire des Services voyages en ligne American Express
  • À titre de titulaire de la Carte Or avec primes, vous pouvez profiter de l’adhésion gratuite à Priority PassMC, l’un des plus grands réseaux de salons d’aéroport indépendants au monde. Échappez au chaos des aéroports, détendez-vous dans une oasis de tranquillité et profitez simplement du fait que votre expérience a commencé avant même que votre avion ait quitté le sol. L’inscription est requise et un droit d’entrée s’applique
  • Profitez de quatre (4) visites sans supplément par année civile aux salons Plaza Premium au Canada. Un droit d’entrée s’applique après les quatre visites sans supplément
  • Portez tout achat admissible à votre Carte de crédit, puis ouvrez une session pour échanger vos points contre un crédit au compte
  • Virez des points à raison d’un pour un à divers programmes pour grands voyageurs et autres programmes de fidélisation
  • Obtenez une Carte Or avec primes supplémentaire gratuite (une valeur de 50 $) pour vous aider à obtenir des points plus rapidement

Sous réserve d’une approbation. Le taux privilégié est de 21,99 % pour les achats et de 21,99 % pour les avances de fonds. Si vous avez des paiements omis, les taux applicables à votre compte seront de 25,99 % et (ou) de 28,99 %. Voir l’encadré informatif dans la demande de Carte pour connaître, entre autres, la définition de « paiement omis » et les taux qui s’appliquent aux opérations portées à votre compte.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte RemiseSimpleMD
  $30   Jusqu`à 100 $ de remises en prime    
Obtenir un bonus de remise en argent de 5 % sur tous les achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois. Cette offre s’ajoute à vos taux de remise en argent pour les achats de tous les jours.
Obtenez jusqu’à 100 $ de remises en prime.

Au cours de vos 3 premiers mois de première adhésion à la Carte RemiseSimpleMD d’American Express, vous pouvez obtenir une prime de 5 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats). Cette offre s’ajoute à vos taux de remise en argent pour les achats de tous les jours. C’est jusqu’à 100 $ de remises en prime.

  • Obtenez 2 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les stations-service au Canada, 2 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les épiceries au Canada (jusqu’à concurrence de 300 $ de remise par année), et 1,25 % de remise sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

  • Accédez à des événements et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Bénéficiez d’une couverture d’assurance et d’un service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte sélecte RemiseSimpleMD
  $50   Jusqu`à 250 $ de valeur en prime    
Obtenez une prime de 10 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois. De plus, un crédit au compte de 50 $ en effectuant un achat au cours du 13 mois.
Obtenez jusqu’à 250 $ de valeur en prime.

Obtenez une prime de 10 % de remise en argent sur tous vos achats au cours de vos 3 premiers mois (jusqu’à concurrence de 2 000 $ d’achats). De plus, obtenez un crédit au compte de 50 $ en effectuant un achat au cours du 13 mois. Vous pourriez ainsi accumuler jusqu’à 250 $ de valeur en prime au cours de vos 13 premiers mois.

  • Obtenez des ratios de cumul majorés sur les achats admissibles d’essence et d’articles d’épicerie.

  • Obtenez 4 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les stations-service au Canada, 4 % de remise en argent sur les achats admissibles effectués dans les épiceries au Canada (jusqu’à concurrence de 1 200 $ de remise par année) et 2 % de remise sur tous les autres achats.

  • Accédez à des événements et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Bénéficiez d’une couverture d’assurance étendue et d’un service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

Frais mensuels : 9,99 $ (frais annuels de 119,88 $ au total)

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*
  $75   50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD    
Obtenez 50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD en portant 1 500 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les trois premiers mois.

À titre de nouveau titulaire de la Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*, vous obtenez 50 000 points Marriott BonvoyMD en portant 1 500 $ d’achats à votre Carte dans les trois premiers mois suivant votre adhésion.

Des modifications peuvent être apportées en tout temps.

  • Obtenez 5 points par dollar d’achats admissibles portés à la Carte dans les hôtels Marriott BonvoyMD participants

  • Obtenez 2 points par tranche de 1 $ d’autres achats portés à la Carte

  • Recevez une nuitée gratuite par année, valant jusqu’à 35 000 points, dans des hôtels et des centres de villégiature admissibles dans le monde entier à chaque date anniversaire

  • Aucuns frais annuels ne sont exigés pour les Cartes supplémentaires

  • Profitez de nuitées gratuites en échange de points, sans période d’interdiction, à plus de 7 000 hôtels parmi les plus recherchés du monde

  • Bénéficiez du statut Élite Silver Marriott Bonvoy offert automatiquement

  • Recevez 15 nuitées Élite par année civile grâce à votre Carte Marriott BonvoyMD American ExpressMD*. Ces nuitées peuvent être utilisées pour accéder au prochain niveau du statut Élite du programme Marriott Bonvoy

  • Profitez d’un accès automatique au statut Élite Gold Marriott Bonvoy lorsque vous portez 30 000 $ d’achats à votre Carte chaque année ou lorsque vous enregistrez 10 nuitées payées admissibles au cours d’une année civile combinées à 15 crédits de nuitée Élite obtenus grâce à votre Carte

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Amex : Carte de crédit EssentielleMC American Express
  $20   Taux d`intérêt annuel de 12,99 %    
Profitez d’un accès exclusif à des billets, à des événements virtuels, à des spectacles en direct et plus encore grâce à American Express® Experiences.
Faible taux d'intérêt annuel de 12,99%

  • Obtenez un taux d’intérêt annuel de 12,99 % sur les achats et les avances de fonds.

  • Avec un taux d’intérêt de 12,99 %, vous pouvez économiser sur vos paiements d’intérêts si vous décidez de reporter un solde et que vous effectuez vos paiements mensuels minimums à temps.

  • Accédez à des événements virtuels et à des offres spéciales sur mesure pour les titulaires de la Carte grâce à Amex ExperiencesMC.

  • Magasinez en toute confiance Bénéficiez d’assurances pouvant contribuer à protéger les achats admissibles portés à votre Carte, que ce soit auprès de votre boutique locale favorite ou en ligne.

  • Service à la clientèle 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 Où que vous soyez dans le monde, nous sommes là pour vous en tout temps.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Neo : Carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé

Un crédit tourné vers l’avenir, pas le passé

Avec une approbation garantie¹, aucuns frais annuels² et des remises en argent illimitées, la carte Neo vous offre un moyen plus facile de commencer à utiliser du crédit.


Tous les avantages de la carte Neo sans frais annuels ni frais de dépassement de limite².

  • Obtenez une moyenne de 5 % de remises en argent illimitées⁴ auprès de milliers de partenaires Neo.
  • Gagnez jusqu’à 15 % de remises en argent⁴ sur votre premier achat auprès des partenaires participants.
  • Si le taux global de vos remises tombe en dessous de 0,5 %, nous ajouterons une remise complémentaire⁵.


  • Les vérifications approfondies du crédit ne sont pas requises pour obtenir la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé. L’approbation est garantie¹ et instantanée peu importe votre cote de crédit.
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé et la carte ordinaire n’ont pas de frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé vous récompense avec des remises en argent auprès de milliers de partenaires, le tout sans frais mensuels ni annuels².
  • La limite de crédit correspond au montant de votre fonds de sécurité. La somme minimale pour le fonds de sécurité est de 50 $.
  • Si votre solde est payé, votre fonds de sécurité vous est retourné quand vous fermez votre compte et avez complètement remboursé votre solde, ou quand vous passez de la carte Neo avec crédit sécurisé à la carte Neo ordinaire.

Obtenez une remise en argent avec Shell
  • Gagnez 2 % de remises en argent à la pompe ou dans les boutiques de dépannage.
  • Gagnez 4 % de remises en argent sur les opérations effectuées avec l'appli Shell.
  • Amplifiez ces offres de 50 %2 lorsque vous ajoutez l'extra Achats courant à votre carte.
Offre valable en Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta, en Saskatchewan, au Manitoba et en Ontario.

Certaines conditions s’appliquent.

¹ Des conditions s’appliquent. Doit 1. avoir atteint l’âge de majorité dans votre province ou territoire; 2. résider au Canada; et 3. mettre de côté des fonds de sécurité.
² Pour le Québec : Relevés mensuels; aucuns frais mensuels ou annuels; période de grâce de 21 jours; paiement minimum de 10,00 $ ou de 5,0 % du solde total du relevé (montant le plus élevé des deux); taux sur les achats (19,99 % à 24,99 %) et taux sur les avances de fonds (22,99 % à 25,99 %).

³ Tel que déterminé le 19 octobre 2021 par les votes exprimés dans le cadre des prix Canada’s Choice awards.
⁴ Moyenne basée sur les offres actuelles auprès de certains partenaires. Les remises en argent varient selon les forfaits, les offres et les partenaires.
⁵ La remise en argent complémentaire varie selon les dépenses mensuelles et elle est limitée à 50 $ par mois.

Les cartes sont émises par ATB Financial en vertu d’une licence de Mastercard International Inc. Mastercard est une marque de commerce déposée et le concept des cercles est une marque de commerce de Mastercard International Inc.

* Le remboursement de GCR n'est pas éligible s'il est combiné avec une offre de bonus ou un code promotionnel différent lors de l'inscription à Neo

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• Financement minimum du compte de 50 $ requis
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.
• La remise en argent est valable uniquement pour les nouveaux clients Neo éligibles.
• Une remise en argent par client pour le premier produit Neo demandé et approuvé.
• Aucune remise en argent sur les produits Neo La Baie d'Hudson.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.

RBC : Carte moi RBC® Visa‡
  $0   Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime!    
Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime! Une valeur de 80 $!

Obtenez jusqu’à 10 000 points Moi en prime! [1]

L'offre se termine le 8 juillet 2025

  • Obtenez 3 000 points de bienvenue lors de votre premier achat avec la carte moi RBC® Visa [1]
  • Recevez 3 500 points supplémentaires lorsque vous portez des achats totalisants au moins 500 $ à la carte au cours des trois premiers mois [1]
  • Recevez 3 500 points supplémentaires lorsque vous portez des achats totalisants au moins 2 000 $ à la carte au cours des douze premiers mois [1]
Une valeur de 80 $ [*]

Remarque : Les résidents du Québec, d'Ottawa et du Nouveau-Brunswick bénéficieraient le plus du programme Moi.


Accumulez des points Moi partout, sur tous vos achats.2

Votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa vous permet d’obtenir des points Moi chaque fois que vous l’utilisez pour régler un achat. Vous accumulerez des points Moi sur tous vos achats effectués en magasin ou en ligne.

  • 2X les points sur les produits d’épicerie, de beauté et de bien-être
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat effectué dans les magasins participants Metro, Jean Coutu, Brunet et Première Moisson lorsque vous présentez votre carte programme Moi et payez avec votre carte moi RBC Visa.2

  • 2X les points sur les achats liés à la restauration
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat lié à la restauration réglé avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa.3

  • 2X les points sur l’essence et la recharge pour véhicule électrique
    Recevez 2 points Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat lié à l’essence ou à la recharge d’un véhicule électrique réglé avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa.3

  • 1X les points sur tous les autres achats
    Recevez 1 point Moi sur chaque dollar d’achat effectué partout ailleurs, y compris dans les magasins Super C participants.4

Il est facile d’échanger les points Moi

Échangez des points Moi plus rapidement à la caisse avec votre carte moi RBC Visa. Pour aussi peu que 500 points Moi, obtenez 4 $ de rabais sur vos achats en magasin ou en ligne, avant taxes, dans près de 900 magasins Metro, Super C et Brunet au Québec et dans les pharmacies Jean Coutu au Québec, en Ontario et au Nouveau-Brunswick.5

Liez votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa à votre carte Petro-PointsMC pour économiser automatiquement 3 cents le litre sur l’essence et obtenez 20 % plus de Petro-PointsMC chez Petro-CanadaMC.6

RONA, Réno-Dépôt et RONA+
Payez avec votre carte de crédit moi RBC Visa chez chez RONA, Réno-Dépot ou RONA+ et recevez un crédit sur relevé de compte pouvant atteindre 10 % sur la première tranche d’achats admissibles de 250 $ et un crédit pouvant atteindre 5 % sur la tranche suivante de 1 250 $ d’achats.7

®/(MC) Marques de commerce de Banque Royale du Canada. Toutes les autres marques de commerce appartiennent à leur propriétaire respectif, utilisées sous licence.

* 21,99 % sur les avances de fonds et transferts de solde si vous résidez au Québec

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Ce message contient des liens d'affiliation.

Le site Web peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans le site Web. Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commissions.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée.
CIBC Aventura® Gold Visa* Card
  $0   Get up to $1,450 in value   Good  
Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!
Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!


Here's how You can get up to $1,450 in value

Get up to 45,000 Aventura Points (up to $900 in travel value):
  • 15,000 Aventura Points when you make your first purchase
  • 30,000 Aventura Points when you spend $3,000 or more in the first 4 monthly statement periods

  • Get a one-time annual fee rebate ($139) for you (the primary cardholder) and up to three authorized users ($50 each): up to $189 value
  • Elevate your airport experience with 4 complimentary visits at 1,200+ lounges globally through Visa Airport Companion Program: up to $277 in value
  • Plus, get a NEXUS Application Fee rebate: A $100 value

Plus, enjoy extra valuable travel benefits.
  • Travel when it’s right for you – your Aventura points don’t expire
  • Redeem your Aventura Points for more than travel with our Shop With Points/Pay with Points features
  • Travel local - Aventura points can be redeemed for more than just flights – use your points for hotels and car rentals for a weekend getaway

  • 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
  • 1.5 points for every $1 spent at eligible gas stations, EV charging, grocery stores and drug stores
  • 1 point for every $1 spent on all other purchases

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Aventura Gold Visa Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Aventura® Gold Visa* Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else.

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Aventura card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.

Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Aventura® Visa Infinite* Card
  $0   Get up to $1,450 in value   Good  
Join and get over $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!
Join and get up to $1,450 in value including a first year annual fee rebate!


Here's how You can get up to $1,450 in value

Get up to 45,000 Aventura Points (up to $900 in travel value):
  • 15,000 Aventura Points when you make your first purchase
  • 30,000 Aventura Points when you spend $3,000 or more in the first 4 monthly statement periods

  • Get a one-time annual fee rebate ($139) for you (the primary cardholder) and up to three authorized users ($50 each): up to $189 value
  • Elevate your airport experience with 4 complimentary visits at 1,200+ lounges globally through Visa Airport Companion Program: up to $277 in value
  • Plus, get a NEXUS Application Fee rebate: A $100 value

Plus, enjoy extra valuable travel benefits.
  • Travel when it’s right for you – your Aventura points don’t expire
  • Redeem your Aventura Points for more than travel with our Shop With Points/Pay with Points features
  • Travel local - Aventura points can be redeemed for more than just flights – use your points for hotels and car rentals for a weekend getaway

  • 2 points for every $1 spent on travel purchased through the CIBC Rewards Centre
  • 1.5 points for every $1 spent at eligible gas stations, EV charging, grocery stores and drug stores
  • 1 point for every $1 spent on all other purchases

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Aventura Visa Infinite Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Aventura® Visa* Infinite Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else. 

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Aventura card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.

Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Dividend® Visa Infinite* Card
  $0   Earn over $400 in value   Good  
Join and earn over $400 in value including a first year annual fee rebate.
Join and earn over $400 in value including a first year annual fee rebate.


Here's how you can earn over $400 in value
  • Earn a 10% cash back welcome bonus of up to $250 (first 4 statements)
  • A $50 cash back bonus for setting up one pre-authorized payment within the first 4 monthly statements.
  • First year annual fee rebate valued at $120.

After that, get 4% cash back on eligible gas, EV charging, and grocery purchases.
  • 2% cash back on eligible transportation, dining purchases and recurring payments
  • 1% cash back on all other purchases
  • Get cash back on demand - redeem your cash back at any time when you have a minimum of $25 through CIBC Online and Mobile Banking®

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards.
Link and use your CIBC Dividend® Visa Infinite* Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

This is a digital-exclusive offer.

To be eligible for this offer:

1) this offer must have been directly communicated to you from CIBC or from a partner/affiliate; and 
2) you must apply for the eligible card through the link provided in the CIBC or partner/affiliate communication to you. This offer is reserved for you. Please do not forward it to anyone else. 

CIBC may approve your application, but you are not eligible to receive this Offer if you have opened, transferred or cancelled another Dividend card within the last 12 months.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.

Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.
CIBC Select Visa* Card
  $0   Get 0% interest for up to 10 months   Good  
Get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee and a two year annual fee rebate.
Transfer your credit card balance of $100 or more - Get 0% interest for up to 10 months with a 1% transfer fee and a two year annual fee rebate.

  • Transfer up to 50% of your assigned credit limit

  • If you choose to carry a balance and you make your minimum payments on time, a balance transfer could save you money on interest

  • Take advantage of this 0% introductory interest rate on balance transfers of $100 or more for your first 10 months. You’ll only have to pay a 1% fee when you transfer your balance from another card to the CIBC Select Visa Card

This balance transfer offer is only available at the time of your online application. Simply tick the checkbox to select the balance transfer option when you’re filling out your application.

Once you take advantage of this offer, you will have a promotional rate balance on your account. As a result, you will lose your interest-free grace period on new purchases unless you pay your amount due, including any promotional rate balances, in full each month. While you will enjoy the promotional rate on the balances you transfer by using this offer, new purchases will be subject to the purchase interest rate.

Balance transfers of amounts less than $100 are not eligible for this promotional balance transfer offer and will be subject to the regular interest rate for Cash Advances applicable to your account.

Save over $600 with CIBC and Skip
Get a 12-month Skip+ free trial and other exclusive benefits when you link your CIBC Select Visa Card with Skip.

Save on gas with CIBC and Journie Rewards
Link and use your CIBC Select Visa Card with Journie Rewards to save up to 10 cents per litre at participating Pioneer, Fas Gas, Ultramar and Chevron gas stations.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Select Apply Now to learn more.

Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from CIBC.
Amex : Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD
  $50   40 000 points Aéroplan    
Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.

Les nouveaux titulaires d’une Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD peuvent obtenir une prime de bienvenue pouvant atteindre 40 000 points Aéroplan :

  • Obtenez 30 000 points Aéroplan après avoir porté 3 000$ à votre Carte au cours des 3 premiers mois.
  • De plus, obtenez 10 000 points Aéroplan supplémentaires en dépensant 1 000 $ au cours du 13e mois.
  • C’est jusqu’à 900 $ ou plus de valeur en combinant votre prime de bienvenue et les avantages de votre Carte.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 2 fois les points sur les achats admissibles effectués directement auprès d’Air CanadaMD* et de Vacances Air CanadaMD*.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 1,5 fois les points sur les achats admissibles de repas et de services de livraison de nourriture au Canada.

  • Ratio de cumul standard : Obtenez 1 fois les points sur tout le reste.

  • Vous et jusqu’à huit de vos compagnons voyageant avec la même réservation pouvez avoir droit à un premier bagage enregistré sans frais (poids maximal de 23 kg / 50 lb) en prenant un vol d’Air Canada à votre point de départ.

  • Obtenez 1 000 Milles de Qualification à un Statut et 1 Segment de Qualification à un Statut par tranche de 10 000 $ d’achats nets admissibles portés à votre Carte Aéroplan American Express.

  • En tant que titulaire de la Carte Aéroplan American Express, vous pouvez souvent effectuer des réservations au moyen de primes aériennes contre un nombre de points encore plus bas en bénéficiant d’un tarif préférentiel.

  • Amex ExperiencesMC vous donne accès à divers événements spéciaux : expériences gastronomiques spéciales, soirées VIP, avant-premières de films et plus encore.

  • Profitez d’une vaste gamme d’assurances voyage, telles que l’Assurance perte ou vol de bagages et l’Assurance accident de voyage offrant une protection pouvant atteindre 500 000 $.

  • Service à la clientèle et Service de remplacement de la Carte en cas d’urgence 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

  • Conformément à notre engagement en matière de développement durable, la Carte AéroplanMD* American ExpressMD est fabriquée à 70 % de plastique récupéré.

  • L’absence de limite de dépenses préétablie sur les achats vous offre une souplesse financière accrue. Utiliser une Carte de paiement est un excellent moyen de gérer vos finances puisque le solde doit être réglé en totalité chaque mois*.

American Express n’est pas responsable du maintien ni de la surveillance de l’exactitude des renseignements figurant sur ce site Web. Pour connaître tous les détails et obtenir des renseignements à jour sur les produits, cliquez sur le lien « Faire une demande maintenant ». Si vous demandez une Carte d’American Express et que votre demande est approuvée, nous pourrais/pourrions être rémunéré/s par American Express, et cette rémunération pourrait être financière.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de candidature avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez noter le numéro de référence (PCN) qu'American Express vous fournit une fois la demande remplie. Vous avez besoin de ce numéro au cas où la remise ne s'afficherait pas.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent sera versée lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent est destinée aux nouveaux titulaires de carte pour cette carte
• REMARQUE : Vous devez nous répondre dans les 3 mois suivant la date de demande pour signaler une remise manquante, sinon la remise est annulée par le commerçant.
Scotia : Carte Visa* Momentum ScotiaMD sans frais annuels
  $50   5 % de remise en argent    
5 % de remise en argent pendant 3 mois et bénéficiez d

Remise de 5 % sur tous les achats (jusqu’à 2 000 $ d’achats au total) pendant les trois premiers mois.

Taux de lancement de 0.99 % sur les transferts de solde pendant les six premiers mois.
(22,99 % par la suite ; frais annuels de 0 $)

Offre valide du 1 novembre 2024 - 31 octobre 2025.

  • Remise de 1 % sur tous les achats admissibles dans les stations-service, les épiceries, les pharmacies, et sur les paiements périodiques.

  • Vous obtenez aussi une remise en espèces de 0,5 % sur tous les autres achats admissibles.

Les tarifs, frais, offres et autres informations entrent en vigueur le 1er novembre 2024. Sous réserve de modifications.

Admissibilité et exclusions : Vous ne pouvez vous prévaloir de l’offre si vous êtes actuellement titulaire principal ou secondaire d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers ou si vous l’avez été au cours des deux dernières années, y compris si vous transférez votre solde d’un compte de carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour particuliers existant, et si vous êtes un employé de la Banque Scotia. Sous réserve des exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus, les titulaires d’une carte de crédit de la Banque Scotia pour petites entreprises sont admissibles à cette offre.

* Consultez le site Web du fournisseur de la carte et la demande de carte pour obtenir les détails complets de la carte, les conditions et les offres en cours. Des efforts raisonnables sont déployés pour maintenir l'exactitude des informations.

Les remises en argent seront payées par Great Canadian Rebates selon les règles suivantes:

• Les candidats doivent postuler via un lien en ligne de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Les rabais sont pour les demandes commencées et approuvées en ligne.
• NE PAS laisser la demande avant de compléter. Cela inclut la navigation ailleurs.
• Si la session de l'application expire, une nouvelle session doit être démarrée. Recommencez en cliquant sur le lien de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Activation de la carte par le titulaire de la carte.
• La remise en argent peut prendre fin à tout moment et est à la discrétion du GCR et n'est disponible que pour les membres de Great Canadian Rebates.
• Le cashback n'est pas valable pour les titulaires de carte récurrents avec la même carte.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.

REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 3 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est annulé.
TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
  $0   Earn up to $3,000 in value    
Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points
Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points.

Conditions Apply.


Earn up to $3,000 in value including up to 85,000 Aeroplan points (enough for a round trip to Honolulu) and additional travel benefits. Conditions Apply. Offer effective as of January 7, 2025.

  • Earn a welcome bonus of 20,000 Aeroplan points when you make your first Purchase with your new Card
  • Earn an additional 35,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $12,000 within 180 days of Account opening
  • Plus, earn a one-time anniversary bonus of 30,000 Aeroplan points when you spend $24,000 within 12 months of Account opening

Additional Travel Benefits
  • Enroll for NEXUS and once every 48 months get a partial application fee rebate
  • Share first free checked bags with up to 8 travel companions and get unlimited access to Maple Leaf Lounges including complementary access for one guest
  • Plus, primary cardholders get 6 complimentary worldwide select airport lounge visits annually through the Visa Airport Companion Program

Starbucks Bonus Offer for New Linked Members:

Link your TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite to earn 600 Starbucks Stars and redeem them for free Starbucks treats. Limited time only. Conditions and restrictions apply.

  • Earn Aeroplan Points on your everyday purchases
  • Take advantage of an extensive suite of travel insurance
  • Travel with confidence with Travel Medical Insurance
  • Get access to Priority Airport Services like Priority Boarding, Priority Baggage Handling, and Priority Airport Standby
    & Priority Airport Upgrades

Earning Aeroplan Points
  • Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases made direct through Air Canada® purchases
    (including Air Canada Vacations®)
  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible gas, grocery, travel and dining purchases
  • Earn 1.25 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases made with your Card
  • Earn points twice when you pay with your Card and provide your Aeroplan number at over 150 Aeroplan partner brands and at 170+ online retailers via the Aeroplan eStore (

Terms and conditions apply.

This offer is not available for residents of Quebec.

Sponsored content.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) is not responsible for the contents of this site including any editorials or reviews that may appear on this site. For complete and current information on any TD product, please click the Apply Now button.

• Cash Back Not Available from GCR. Any offers are strictly from TD.
RBC : Visa‡ Classique RBC® avec option à taux d’intérêt réduit
  $0   Faible taux d’intérêt fixe    
Profitez de frais annuels minimes.

Économisez grâce à un taux d’intérêt annuel fixe réduit.

  • Faible taux d’intérêt fixe sur les achats, les avances de fonds et les transferts de solde
  • Profitez de frais annuels minimes
  • Bénéficiez d’une Couverture-achat et Garantie allongée

  • Liez votre carte RBC à votre carte du programme Petro-Points et économisez instantanément sur le carburant dans les stations Petro-Canada, en plus d’obtenir 20 % de Petro-Points supplémentaires

  • Obtenez des livraisons sans frais pendant trois mois avec DoorDash14 en ajoutant votre carte de crédit RBC admissible à votre compte DoorDash pour :
    - obtenir un abonnement de trois mois gratuit à DashPass15 d’une valeur de près de 30 $
    - profiter d’un nombre illimité de livraisons sans frais sur les commandes de 15 $ ou plus en payant avec votre carte de crédit RBC admissible

Consultez la page RBC pour connaître les modalités de l'offre à jour.

Les références juridiques et les conditions liées au produit sont disponibles sur le site Web de RBC vers lequel le client sera dirigé pendant le processus d’intégration pour en prendre connaissance et les accepter.

Ce message contient des liens d'affiliation.

GCR peut s'engager dans le marketing d'affiliation, ce qui se fait en intégrant des liens de suivi dans Si vous cliquez sur un lien pour un partenariat d'affiliation, un cookie sera placé sur votre navigateur pour suivre les ventes à des fins de commission.

• Ne parcourez pas ou ne quittez pas la page de l'application avant qu'elle ne soit terminée.
• Veuillez cliquer à nouveau sur GCR si la session expire.
• Doit postuler en ligne.
• La remise en argent provient de GCR et sera affichée sur votre compte GCR lors de l'approbation de la carte.
• La remise en argent n'est pas offerte aux titulaires réguliers de la même carte.

• REMARQUE : Vous devez répondre à GCR dans les 4 mois suivant la date de la demande pour signaler un rabais manquant, sinon le rabais est nul.

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